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PlayStation 5 share in France vs Xbox reaches 93% vs 7%


Can’t Git Gud
Sony's plan doesn't eat into their console business at all. Their big single player games take a long time to come to PC.
Of course it eats into their console business.
My friend just got ps5 because gt7. But he wouldn't do it ONLY for gt7. He did this because "oh well, I can also play bloodborne, tsushima, ragnarok and ff16 there".
And sony is removing these "oh well but I can also play there" games.
More and more pc players are willing to wait it out "ff 16 will be out on pc next year, so who cares"
Of course it eats into their console business.
My friend just got ps5 because gt7. But he wouldn't do it ONLY for gt7. He did this because "oh well, I can also play bloodborne, tsushima, ragnarok and ff16 there".
And sony is removing these "oh well but I can also play there" games.
More and more pc players are willing to wait it out "ff 16 will be out on pc next year, so who cares"

And by that time there'll be death stranding, Spiderman 2, Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin etc

Sony have a good cadence on their treadmill.

They are doing gangbusters with sales of their console.
They managed to basically match PS5 specs/performance this time with a simultaneous launch and same price (for the disc version at least) unlike the PS4/XboxOne situation, this is a positive. That is the initial disingenuous PR campaign which hurt them in the long term.

I guess the biggest issue was that it was more difficult to produce the Series X which made it more difficult for them to increase production and to lower costs. Although their issue isn't with supply anymore which is a bad thing.


Can’t Git Gud
And by that time there'll be death stranding, Spiderman 2, Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin etc

Sony have a good cadence on their treadmill.

They are doing gangbusters with sales of their console.
I am convinced sony is doing gangbusters because xbox sucks balls so hard, there are no balls left to suck.
In my opinion, it is undeniable FACT that they are destroying their exclusives library for cheap, short sighted questionable profit on pc.

Whatever plan Phil had did not work. I wonder what's Microsoft's / Xbox's management thinking right now and what plans they will implement next.

Continue to attempt to buy out as many people as they can. I'm not being a smart-ass; it was literally in that whole court battle over ABK they approached everyone for a purchase, it seemed.

They'll keep trying to do that.


phil is on thin ice

He's gonna drop down to sole owner of Microsoft now.



Whatever plan Phil had did not work. I wonder what's Microsoft's / Xbox's management thinking right now and what plans they will implement next.
They're going to purchase Japan.


So we know Spain is a wash.
France is a wash.
Japan is a wash.

We also know that the gap in sales is growing rapidly in the US and the UK.

Any other reports?

I didn't expect things to get like this. I expected a comfortable PS5 'win' everywhere but this feels like a bloodbath.
Everybody could've seen it coming from a mile away.

This has been a point of discussion since mid last-gen, if not after the Xbone reveal.

But xbox fans and "platform-agnostics" were too busy accusing those predicting it of being fanboys.


Portugal is the same or worse, since MS decided Portugal was tier 2 for X1, most of the 360 owners (not that they were many) got angry and moved to ps4, and now to ps5 because of the digital library.
Thers not many number reports from Portugal, the last i saw was during PS4/XB1 gen and the split in Portugal was 14 to 1. So its identical to Spain. But Portugal and Spain always has been very Sonyland. Im more surprized by the France split, France always been Sonyland too, but at the begining of the gen most ppl expected xbox series to gain some market share, not lose it even more.

My guess is that despite they having a nice console with the Series X, they day 1 exclusives on PC made de console irrelevant.
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I do believe all of those are from launch right? Since patches as of today I believe those videos are wrong. However I’m not saying it’s night and day I’m asking if things are basically even but a few games favor Xbox why the gulf in sales?

I think your focusing on the wrong thing. Power isn't the reason why the PS5 is outselling Xbox. And the reason is because there isn't a big enough difference where people will really care about the specs.
Portugal is the same or worse, since MS decided Portugal was tier 2 for X1, most of the 360 owners (not that they were many) got angry and moved to ps4, and now to ps5 because of the digital library.

Thers not many number reports from Portugal, the last i saw was during PS4/XB1 gen and the split in Portugal was 14 to 1. So its identical to Spain. But Portugal and Spain always has been very Sonyland. Im more surprized by the France split, France always been Sonyland too, but at the begining of the gen most ppl expected xbox series to gain some market share, not lose it even more.

My guess is that despite they having a nice console with the Series X, they day 1 exclusives on PC made de console irrelevant.
Something about Sony's marketshare in Portugal not many people know: It was the country where Playstation had the biggest marketshare worldwide before the Wii released.
Nintendo started to get some market with the Wii but even so, i still think Portugal is the only country in the world where the PS3 outsold the Wii and won that gen. That's how big Playstation has always been here. That's also why even if we're a small country we always get things first, like games are localized here for generations, PS Now was released here first with the first few european countries, etc... This is why Sony will always be ahead of MS. They care about smaller and bigger markets.

Xbox is irrelevant nowadays. Nintendo is as big as Sony in terms of physical sales. At least when i walk into any store you have the same space for both brands, which didn't happen 15 years ago.


It's better to have a little slice out of a big pie than a big slice out of a little pie. North America is where their bread is buttered. Tiny markets are not important unless you are fanning the flames of the console war.
You ask how does it grow? Well you tell me. If Xbox somehow sold another 700,000 units in France to make it 1:1 did that really change ANYTHING? Are they suddenly clawing back and changing minds? This is NOTHING. Xbox selling 1 million units in France wouldn't change a god damned thing.
Yes, Xbox is fucked. France doesn't change that.
Just so you know these "tiny" markets are a big part of why PS is such a powerhouse today, weird how you people STILL can't understand it.


Imagine all those nut sucking and worshipping of Phil Spencer by the Xbox fans who think he is the savior of Xbox?

How the fuck do you go from 23% Xbox One to 7% for XBS? ( 70% decline) The decline is catastrophic by any matric used. And the Xbox One was considered a huge flop. The only reason the decline wasn't more was because the PS5 was sold out and hard to get for 2 and a half years after launch. It's only going downhill for Xbox as the time goes by.

Phil Spencer is a clown and nobody can divert the blame for this failure. He is the one responsible for this mess.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Activision is a small insurance against this very real possibility.

The major publishers who expect to sell millions of copies of a game on PS5 will of course support Xbox if they can still expect to sell hundreds of thousands of copies on Xbox.

It's the smaller publishers/developers who will sell only hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of copies of a new PS5 game that are going to drop Xbox first.


Also, PS5s were pretty much unavailable for TWO years in France, nowhere to be seen in physical stores, and you had to buy them from scalpers or set some alerts on online vendors and be ready in the minute to click buy.
Meanwhile, Xbox Series have more or less always been available, so I wouldn't be surprised that half of this 7% is actually people that couldn't get their hands on a PS5 and still wanted some next gen games.


Can’t Git Gud
I do believe all of those are from launch right? Since patches as of today I believe those videos are wrong. However I’m not saying it’s night and day I’m asking if things are basically even but a few games favor Xbox why the gulf in sales?
Well you are right. These are from launch.
Hogwarts is broken now with artifacts and more bugs post patching on xbox lol.


Tears in the rain
Does that really matter? I'm a PS and Switch owner and user, but like that doom and gloom over XBox is a bit exagerrated. They are fine. They are always going to be number 3 in sales but they have a strong userbase, Gamepass fucks over devs and publishers but it's a good deal for players and plus, thanks to themselves leaking their FTC papers, we know that they will go mobile only eventually and no that is not terrible at all. Mobiles can run fucking RE8 now.

They are aiming for the strongest market in terms of userbase but the games will keep on being quality and cutting edge no matter the platform. And fuck yeah at taking a shit while doing a quest in Elder Scrolls 6.

They know what they are doing. They are fine. And honestly, CoD, Diablo, Elder Scrolls, not you Starfield, Perfect Dark, Gears, Halo...They will make bank and you know it.


Imagine all those nut sucking and worshipping of Phil Spencer by the Xbox fans who think he is the savior of Xbox?

How the fuck do you go from 23% Xbox One to 7% for XBS? ( 70% decline) The decline is catastrophic by any matric used. And the Xbox One was considered a huge flop. The only reason the decline wasn't more was because the PS5 was sold out and hard to get for 2 and a half years after launch. It's only going downhill for Xbox as the time goes by.

Phil Spencer is a clown and nobody can divert the blame for this failure. He is the one responsible for this mess.
I see what you did there.
Also, PS5s were pretty much unavailable for TWO years in France, nowhere to be seen in physical stores, and you had to buy them from scalpers or set some alerts on online vendors and be ready in the minute to click buy.
Meanwhile, Xbox Series have more or less always been available, so I wouldn't be surprised that half of this 7% is actually people that couldn't get their hands on a PS5 and still wanted some next gen games.
I can confirm. When I saw Sony conference in 2020, I was on vacation and decided to not preorder. Big mistake. I had to use some alerts and buy it at work. But I lost months.
Does that really matter? I'm a PS and Switch owner and user, but like that doom and gloom over XBox is a bit exagerrated. They are fine. They are always going to be number 3 in sales but they have a strong userbase, Gamepass fucks over devs and publishers but it's a good deal for players and plus, thanks to themselves leaking their FTC papers, we know that they will go mobile only eventually and no that is not terrible at all. Mobiles can run fucking RE8 now.

They are aiming for the strongest market in terms of userbase but the games will keep on being quality and cutting edge no matter the platform. And fuck yeah at taking a shit while doing a quest in Elder Scrolls 6.

They know what they are doing. They are fine. And honestly, CoD, Diablo, Elder Scrolls, not you Starfield, Perfect Dark, Gears, Halo...They will make bank and you know it.
Depends on your opinion in the matter. Is the doom and gloom over Xbox exagerated? Maybe. We got the same situation around not E3 at Neogaf, and a lot of threads talking about Xbox ending soon were made. Then E3 happened, and they had gone away for a few months. Now with Starfield not being GOAT, and Forza failing hard saleswise, they are just coming back. Around the PSVR2 launch, one poster was putting as many threads with bad news against it as possible. I didn't like it, but it was his right. i consider this the same, just more pronounced because the situation is a bit different. A bit of fun like the PS portal> Xbox in Spain should be seen as a funny occurence by everybody. Are Xbox fine? Not so sure. If they were, we would not be talking about sales, games reception, hardware strategies like we are now. Of course they are here for the long term, and got a huge boost with the ABK. But this won't change their problems, just help alleviate it. And yes, they will make bank. AKB, unless mismanaged, will continue to make them a lot of money in the next few years at least.


Moderated wildly
Out Black Friday shopping to finish Christmas and 3 stores in Indiana so far are sold out of PS5s and I see stacks of Series Xs

Microsoft need to do something drastic. If I was them I'd just write off a couple of billion and sell the console 100 dollars cheaper than ps5.

But, that's something they should have probably done at the start of the generation.


The console market isn't contracting. It's just been growing very slowly by overall users. The reality is that having three very successful consoles in any given generation is not a norm. It's an exception. Far as I can tell, it only happened once during the Wii/PS3/360 generation (7th). If it happened any other time, it was as far back as before the original NES. As Xbox basically exists as a foil to PlayStation, instead of trying to innovate as Nintendo frequently does, it puts them in an unenviable position. One in which they HAVE to convince a very large portion of "traditional" console gamers, if not the majority, to buy their product instead of Sony's. They don't have the exclusives, hardware niche, or legacy of the other two.

The Xbox brand has a global image problem. A friend of mine put it this way: "Xbox feels soulless. Like, it's a brand built on money and checking boxes. Nintendo and PlayStation just feel like they're built different. Like, even if the same is true of them, they mask it well. Either they've fooled you into thinking creativity and passion is there, or it really is. Either way, Xbox is almost unapologetically robotic. Unless you're already deep in the brand, you just can't help but find them tasteless". This is a bit paraphrased but it's to the best of my recollection.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Japan bombed us at Pearl Harbor when all they needed to do to dominate the whole world was, like, sell computers.
Bullshit. Scott Steiner told me different.


Portugal is the same or worse, since MS decided Portugal was tier 2 for X1, most of the 360 owners (not that they were many) got angry and moved to ps4, and now to ps5 because of the digital library.
I mentioned that recently that Xbox publicly calling countries Tier 2 did untold damage.


Gold Member
Microsoft need to do something drastic. If I was them I'd just write off a couple of billion and sell the console 100 dollars cheaper than ps5.

But, that's something they should have probably done at the start of the generation.
The last problem Xbox has right now is price.



Whatever plan Phil had did not work. I wonder what's Microsoft's / Xbox's management thinking right now and what plans they will implement next.
I believe that MS/Xbox is still in denial. Right along with some of their most die-hard Xbox fans. it's not going to hit them until 2025. Right now, MS believes that all they will have to do is put COD alongside everything in that recent acquisition on gamepass. So we need the next COD game to be day one on gamepass and only when that doesn't move the needle, will they accept that a total course correct is needed..


The Xbox brand has a global image problem. A friend of mine put it this way: "Xbox feels soulless. Like, it's a brand built on money and checking boxes. Nintendo and PlayStation just feel like they're built different. Like, even if the same is true of them, they mask it well. Either they've fooled you into thinking creativity and passion is there, or it really is. Either way, Xbox is almost unapologetically robotic. Unless you're already deep in the brand, you just can't help but find them tasteless". This is a bit paraphrased but it's to the best of my recollection.
i mean they managed fuck-all to brew anything worthwhile with what they have for decades,
and their solution was gobbling up traditionally multi-plat publishers to lock stuff down.
(most probably jeopardizing their future in the process, for a subscription revolution pipe dream, which will never materialize.)

geez wonder where their image problem coming from?
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