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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Beta Thread 2 - This may literally make you sick

Yeah I've had it happen to me too. You jet fast as hell.

We need to make a list of all these tidbits. They take the game so far.

I've begun using lesser played attacks, like ST's knife throw, which can stun an opponent in front of you, which can really throw them off. I love using the flamethrower so much too, great way to stun them in place.

Played a 1v1v1 match earlier where we were all trading supers! It was great because it was real nice and easy to keep track of who was in the lead, and we just kept targeting each other to keep it equal.
Quoting for new page. Someone try this and see if it hits threshold.

Hey mink I can do that combo now, don't know what I was doing before but I can do it with relative ease now. Also can you tell me if this hits the threshold I can't tell because of the spark the boombox puts off. do the same thing as before but with the opponent up against the wall instead of doing the Mic pull go straight into up circle?

Note the opponent isnt starting at the wall but rather enough from it that when you do up square he is against the wall, and you are directly under him.
Does anyone know of a really good FP combo? I'm partial to her, but i mostly improvise and do shorter combos, nothing comparable to the Parappa combos you guys are doing.
OK, just tried the combo and perhaps i didn't do it right, but the Radec i attempted it on recovered in midair after my first upwards slash with the wand and thus interrupted my combo. I'll keep trying though.

Speaking of Radecs, is it me or is the interval between two sniper shots too short? Just tried to evade sniper shots with FP and while i managed to spin past the first shot, i always get caught at the end of the evade animation by the successive sniper shot. I'm no fighting game expert, but is it good or balanced design when i successfully evade a powerful move like that without gaining an window of opportunity to retaliate? A spammable move with huge knockback like that should be more punishable when you manage to evade it, no? Sure, there are other ways to get close to him and i use them, but it's still annoying when he can pull off 2 of those in the time i do one evade. Though perhaps it had to do with lag, sometimes i also get hit by sniper shots on the ground when i should've been safe from them after a jump. On a related note, i like the idea someone has expressed about varying effects of the sniper shot regarding to the distance you got hit from.

Despite the annoyance of what i described above, it's so satisfying when you do manage to get on top of Radec and stay on him. Had a match with two Radecs earlier and the leading one got to 2 1/2 super bars when i started seriously laying into him with throws. the guy couldn't get past those 2 1/2 bars to reach the level 3 super and rage quit after a while. :)


Unconfirmed Member
Try to see if you can mimic this one.

It seems to hit the AP threshold.

Isn't the wall needed for that, thus making it super situational? I didn't know if forward square combos into up square normally or if up square actually send them directly upward.

Would love to know the results of anyone who wants to try it to make sure. I think I'm done with the game until the full release happens so I can't try it myself.

Edit: Ah I missed #1 defenders latest post. I guess it does work through the parts I was worried about.
Isn't the wall needed for that, thus making it super situational? I didn't know if forward square combos into up square normally or if up square actually send them directly upward.

Would love to know the results of anyone who wants to try it to make sure. I think I'm done with the game until the full release happens so I can't try it myself.

Edit: Ah I missed #1 defenders latest post. I guess it does work through the parts I was worried about.

Nevermind, i did the combo wrong. I rewatched the video and saw that the third hit is forward + square, whereas i used upward + square, from which they recovered in midair every time. I'll try again and see if it works without a wall.


We've seen this video.





Perhaps we'll get one today and Monday??

And maybe these characters will be updated into the Beta.. cool vids though. I can see em' as a cool way to advertise it to fans who go on the Internet often and stay up to date with games. But as for the mass market, naaa. I like that they're keeping the Michael theme. In a way, it makes me with the games theme or art direction fit those vids (not as dark though, it obviously has to appeal to kids too).


I pick kratos but end up with any random character online 3 times in a row after finally being able to get a match started in the vita beta,fix this shit superbot!


Hey mink I can do that combo now, don't know what I was doing before but I can do it with relative ease now. Also can you tell me if this hits the threshold I can't tell because of the spark the boombox puts off. do the same thing as before but with the opponent up against the wall instead of doing the Mic pull go straight into up circle?

Note the opponent isnt starting at the wall but rather enough from it that when you do up square he is against the wall, and you are directly under him.

Nice job!

Alright i will try that one.

EDIT: you guys got it already.


PSY・S;43422931 said:
Thanks. I always forget to watch my meter to see how much ap my moves are gaining me.

One of my favorite additions the fact that the super meter counts the super nefore giving it to you so im always looking lol

PSY・S;43424027 said:
I'm terrible with Parappa. I'm too used to Kratos' range.

I thought so too, but parappas nuetral circle is crazy good range. And slightly faster than most kratos attacks.

All my combos start with Circle.


Quite enjoying this beta :) Loved the last one. The improvements seem to be good. Much easier to activate supers and stuff now.

Ran rp

Anyone experience any weird slowdown on the Vita? The game still runs at 60fps but it's like everything is moving in slow motion. It might be because I'm playing music from the music app.

One of my favorite additions the fact that the super meter counts the super nefore giving it to you so im always looking lol

I thought so too, but parappas nuetral circle is crazy good range. And slightly faster than most kratos attacks.

All my combos start with Circle.

I'm trying this out now.
Anyone else find themselves playing the vita version more? I feel like I do a lot better on the vita, probably because of the controls and smaller screen
Alright, so I had an old highschool friend over this weekend who just so happens to be a semi-professional Smash player, and we basically just played this beta for the entire weekend (sorry to those whose invites I ignored; this is what I was doing XD). Yesterday I decided to take some pictures of our escapades, and these are some of the best results (I was Radec and he was PaRappa):


We were undefeated Friday, and only lost once yesterday due to a really good SlyRappa combination. We'll see how much things change once I start maining Raiden and people start working on comboes and using skill instead of Krutchtos ;)
Alright, so I had an old highschool friend over this weekend who just so happens to be a semi-professional Smash player, and we basically just played this beta for the entire weekend (sorry to those whose invites I ignored; this is what I was doing XD). Yesterday I decided to take some pictures of our escapades, and these are some of the best results (I was Radec and he was PaRappa):


But what did he think of the game?? In comparison to Smash?

By the way, how many of you get that "rematch" option? Does it work?
First match I go into there's another Parappa in the match using the exact same combo lmfao
He won the match.
Dualityeq is his name so I assume he's a gaffer.

But what did he think of the game?? In comparison to Smash?

By the way, how many of you get that "rematch" option? Does it work?

He adored it, and said that it's better than Smash in some ways. He stated that PaRappa had a really nice feel to his playstyle, and that his combos were really intuitive and creative than the standard Smash combos. He also really liked Sly, but came to despise Kratos due to the high volume of scrubs spamming his chain grab and fire arrows at a feeble attempt to get a Level 3 off. It was really entertaining hearing people rage over the mic when we rolled away from every blow of their supers, and one disgruntled man even called his partner (who was a young boy judging by his voice) "a f***ing scrubnugget."

So, good times all around.


Aftershock LA
Some players reactions seem to be, "X character just kicked my ass, please nerf them".


Lol. So true.

Outside of adjusting Kratos' AP gain (I guess, I don't particularly feel OP when I'm using him, or fighting against him), I think the balance of these 6 is pretty good.

I haven't been playing the beta much because I don't want to wear myself out on it before release. I'm still thoroughly impressed by what Superbot has done with this game. The Super KO mechanic works really well, and adds a nice level of strategy to the game. It's usually not a good idea to immediately execute your super as soon as you get it, and it becomes a game of trying to set up other opponents, and executing the super at the most opportune time.

Matches against really skilled players are going to be fun to watch (and participate in).
I've really started to get a knack for playing Sweet Tooth.


Welcome to the club! I swear everyone I meet on here is a Fat P or Parappa person. Sweet Tooth is the bomb. His Super 1 is so damn fun, and I LOVE getting rico kills off of it. His ability to drop mines can really screw Kratos and Radec players when you come at them from the air, and I love using his flamethrower.

He adored it, and said that it's better than Smash in some ways. He stated that PaRappa had a really nice feel to his playstyle, and that his combos were really intuitive and creative than the standard Smash combos. He also really liked Sly, but came to despise Kratos due to the high volume of scrubs spamming his chain grab and fire arrows at a feeble attempt to get a Level 3 off. It was really entertaining hearing people rage over the mic when we rolled away from every blow of their supers, and one disgruntled man even called his partner (who was a young boy judging by his voice) "a f***ing scrubnugget."

So, good times all around.

Excellent! Wow he's already dodging supers? That's great! See, all people have to do is try the game to get it.
Excellent! Wow he's already dodging supers? That's great! See, all people have to do is try the game to get it.

Yeah, the first thing he said to me upon picking up the controller was "how do you roll?" In the very first match we played, he reaction dodged a Sweet Tooth Level 1 and proceeded to counter with PaRappa's flip kick (which went on to become the only super he would ever use after a little while). Before long he was raking in kills and pretty much showing me up on every occasion. He would even occasionally rage at me when I accidentally sniped someone out of one of his perfect set-ups ^^;
Yup that definitely hits the threashold, no ground neutral square needed.

Awesome! You played around with the air side triangle at all? I can create combos out of it but can't hit the threshold. Doesn't matter as much because being able to come out of the air and start a combo is a game changer, especially when approaching Radec sniping.


Welcome to the club! I swear everyone I meet on here is a Fat P or Parappa person. Sweet Tooth is the bomb. His Super 1 is so damn fun, and I LOVE getting rico kills off of it. His ability to drop mines can really screw Kratos and Radec players when you come at them from the air, and I love using his flamethrower

These are literally my favorite things about Sweet Tooth, he's seriously a blast to play with. I love his chainsaw spin too, and whenever I get a Level 3 Super it's nothing but pure insanity.


Awesome! You played around with the air side triangle at all? I can create combos out of it but can't hit the threshold. Doesn't matter as much because being able to come out of the air and start a combo is a game changer, especially when approaching Radec sniping.

It seems like an awesome way to start a combo, even if i cant hit the threashold ill probably abuse that on radec players :D

EDIT: if i find one ill post it.

Finally got that parappa combo that TheMink posted on the other page to work. It's beautiful.
Gonna go try it out online.

Nice job!


Awesome! You played around with the air side triangle at all? I can create combos out of it but can't hit the threshold. Doesn't matter as much because being able to come out of the air and start a combo is a game changer, especially when approaching Radec sniping.

Yes, you are able to hit the threshold from aerial forward triangle.

With Parappa, you can actually connect a circle attack after, for example, a down square.

So you can basically do circle, down square, circle, down square... etc until you hit the combo limit. Can be really good if you don't want to send the opponent up onto floors.

His circle attack is really good, since you can land it after aerial forward triangle and, among other stuff, start the above combo.


Got one, kinda tough:

Jump side traingle>(slight pause depending on what angle you hit at)circle>down square>side square>up square(hold)>(pause)circle.

It seems like some of those are interchangeable though.


With Parappa, you can actually connect a circle attack after, for example, a down square.

So you can basically do circle, down square, circle, down square... etc until you hit the combo limit. Can be really good if you don't want to send the opponent up onto floors.

His circle attack is really good, since you can land it after aerial forward triangle and, among other stuff, start the above combo.

That is pretty lame. Are you able to dodge or block to get yourself out of this loop?


That is a pretty lame. Are you able to dodge or block to get yourself out of this loop?

Dont get hit by the air forward triangle ;)

But seriously you can see it coming from a mile away.

Edit: it may as well be a wiffed shoryuken if you block it :p


That is a pretty lame. Are you able to dodge or block to get yourself out of this loop?

Nope, I sort of hope that they'll fix this in some way. While I don't think there's anything wrong with doing this combo, it's, well sort of boring to watch, heh.

EDIT: I'm talking about the loop, not comboing from aerial forward triangle of course.
I've been pretty much preparing to trash this game at the first opportunity for being what I believed to be nothing more than an uninspired Smash clone but my opinion of the game pretty much took a 180 the moment I saw the craziness of Sackboy's character in the walkthrough Seth Killian did for IGN. Everything from his jump pads to his teleporter to his fan just scream of a character I'd really enjoy playing around with. A real shame he's not available in the beta.

That said I still hold some grievances about the game from what I've seen of video so far. I think a pretty common complaint is about the camera being zoomed out waaay too far and I don't believe the cross game aspect of the stages is at all appealing to me. None of the revealed stages compare to feelings of just outright whimsy from some of my favorite Brawl stages (Pirate Ship, Yoshi's Island, Smashville).

That said I think I'll remain cautiously optimistic about the game going into Tuesday.
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