PlayStation Earbuds and Project Q Announced Announced - 8 inch screen remote device


You want a shot at the champ? [NG gif winner July 23]
The earbuds look sexy. Hope it has high level noise cancelling.


Exactly, I'm not sure who they are aiming this at when a phone and attachment is far more portable and versatile. Maybe the big screen and split controller has godly battery life? otherwise what's the point of this chunky frankenstein looking device?
I think it's maybe kinda dead on arrival unless they can hit a 120 gbp price point.

The specs for everyone else is 1080p60 lcd screen and yeah, you need to install the games on the ps5 as it stands.

John Wick

Not necessary at all.

Complete waste of time and resources.

These punks are all trying to condition gamers into being used to streaming.
They can't fuckin make a 4k TV with 4 HDMi 2.3 ports or with gamin features but can release this rubbish.


Gold Member
Good luck reading stuff on that screen that's meant for 4k/HD consoles without being intended for portable play like the Switch at least, and even that runs in to lazy ports sometimes with like size 3 type.


I think it's maybe kinda dead on arrival unless they can hit a 120 gbp price point.

The specs for everyone else is 1080p60 lcd screen and yeah, you need to install the games on the ps5 as it stands.

I think the only saving grace would be if you can use it as an additional controller with the screen off. That might make some people looking for an additional controller pay the extra price for the portable play features.


Simps for Amouranth
I'm sure Sony know exactly how many people stream games and on what devices and are simply offering up a bigger better alternative to your small ass mobile, like PSVR they're giving gamers options, don't want or have a need for it, don't buy it, do stream but want a bigger screen than your phone, why not? I don't see any issues with this tbh


This device is precisely streaming in the house. I'm sure it will be very good for streaming with low latency. Whether it's a necessary product I don't hold a opinion but it's there for the niche market that wants it.

It has WIFI, you can use it everywhere. But the Remoteplay app on the iPhone supports both Wifi an 4/5G.
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PS Backbone™ controller.... zzzz

More options.. who's complaining?

Backbone analog sticks are horrible. Totally unusable for fps games. Sold my after an hour of play. Will buy this device instead.
this legit has to be the dumbest device they could have made...

I can literally emulate the functionality of this thing on 3 different devices I already own, and their Remote Play isn't even remotely (hehehe) good enough for any game that needs fast response time.

this isn't like the Wii U gamepad that had less input lag than most TVs at the time, which was only possible because the GamePad and the Console were connected directly through an analog video stream using purpose build hardware specifically for that.
Similar to the tech used by those professional Drone Racing guys. only analog signals are lag free enough for those.

this thing will stream through wifi, so even if it will allow a direct connection (which I'm not sure it will), the video stream will still need to be encoded to a digital video format, then send to the device, which then has to decode and display it.
Thanks for explaining this remote play runs like shit on my phone so I’d only get this if it had tech that was as good as Wii U which still runs flawlessly on my network.


What makes or breaks this device for me is input lag. If they manage to have close to zero input lag with dedicated hardware im in. Even now people dont understad that there is huge diference in input lag if you remote play on 5ghz local network with direct controller comunication with console. Its almost zero input lag.


Thanks for explaining this remote play runs like shit on my phone so I’d only get this if it had tech that was as good as Wii U which still runs flawlessly on my network.

It's hard to get to Wii U quality in terms of consistency and latency.
a digital stream will always be worse than the Wii U's analog video signal.

but Sony also has an issue when it comes to their streaming codec. Microsoft's remote play is better for example... still not amazing over wifi, but better. wired from Xbox to PC it's very low tho, about 6ms. Sony's is around 40ms from what I've last seen from people testing it. which is better than the PS4's 100ms, so that's progress I guess
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The more focus PlayStation put into their local streaming tech, the better. In-home streaming should be a solved problem at this point and it clearly is based on Nvidia/Moonlight tech, which works remarkably well.


Need a PS5, need a good internet connection because it's remote play. Chasing the Switch's success without realizing what makes the Switch desirable. This remote play device will probably be $200. Curious how much the ear buds will be, probably $150 I think.

$200 would be a good price since that means when on a deep sale I'd likely be interested. The Logitech streaming device is $300 and it's only 7". These devices really need to be around $150 to get a lot of people to buy. An 8" IPS screen can't cost too much. The controller is much more costly I'd imagine.


I use remote play a lot since I'm usually watching my son who has videos going. I am preordering this, so I will represent the niche market.
Guess they want people to start getting used to their brand of streaming devices. It looks cool even if it's probably too pricey for me.


It has WIFI, you can use it everywhere. But the Remoteplay app on the iPhone supports both Wifi an 4/5G.
I'm fully expecting it to deliver better latency then any remote play apps on smartphones, otherwise that product make zero sense, why should anyone buy it then? I guess it's better to make an official remote play screen for Sony I guess.


Okay I said I wasn't interested but fuck do I want it. I do wish it was OLED but of course that would drive the price up even more. IF and I really mean IFFFFFF the latency is good enough to play without it being noticed much I would have no problem playing all of the great first part games on my couch in the living room while I catch a football, baseball, hockey game. I mean imagine just chilling outside on your porch in having a beer and being able to play Spider-Man or God of War. I am ALL in on this thing as long as they nail the price and the latency. They dhouls have the latency down pat because I've played some of their cloud games since I'm subbed to their highest tier of PS+ and have very little issues with it.

I guess my question is what's so special about the ear buds? Are they good quality? Sony does make killer headphones so I expect good quality. I would love for them to have active noise cancellation. I need more info on all of this! I HATE TEASES.

Dr. Claus

Okay I said I wasn't interested but fuck do I want it. I do wish it was OLED but of course that would drive the price up even more. IF and I really mean IFFFFFF the latency is good enough to play without it being noticed much I would have no problem playing all of the great first part games on my couch in the living room while I catch a football, baseball, hockey game. I mean imagine just chilling outside on your porch in having a beer and being able to play Spider-Man or God of War. I am ALL in on this thing as long as they nail the price and the latency. They dhouls have the latency down pat because I've played some of their cloud games since I'm subbed to their highest tier of PS+ and have very little issues with it.

I guess my question is what's so special about the ear buds? Are they good quality? Sony does make killer headphones so I expect good quality. I would love for them to have active noise cancellation. I need more info on all of this! I HATE TEASES.

Youc an do that already. It's called a Steam Deck. And it actually lets you play wirelessly away from your house and away from internet connections.


They would have to sell this stream thing for 99.99

I would prefer if I could download the games to it and play with no streaming.


Youc an do that already. It's called a Steam Deck. And it actually lets you play wirelessly away from your house and away from internet connections.

I'm going to buy the next interation of the Steam Deck when it gets more powerful. Not because of Sony games though, just because of my huge Steam library that does not include any Sony games since I only play those games on my PS5. I do get that you can play SOME Sony games since they're on steam but that also means I'd have to re-buy all the games I have already on PS5. I do want one though eventually but I feel like now is a bad time to get once since they're already working on the next one.

You're right that its kind of a bummer that you can only play this thing inside the house that already has your PS5 in it. I feel like there's a missed opportunity here and would have been cool if you could play this thing anywhere, even if that meant increased latency. I guess we'll see how it all pans out.
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Dr. Claus

I'm going to buy the next interation of the Steam Deck when it gets more powerful. Not because of Sony games though, just because of my huge Steam library that does not include any Sony games since I only play those games on my PS5. I do get that you can play SOME Sony games since they're on steam but that also means I'd have to re-buy all the games I have already on PS5. I do want one though eventually but I feel like now is a bad time to get once since they're already working on the next one.

You're right that its kind of a bummer that you can only play this thing inside the house that already has your PS5 in it. I feel like there's a missed opportunity here and would have been cool if you could play this thing anywhere, even if that meant increased latency. I guess we'll see how it all pans out.

What they should have done was go full PSP2/PSVita 2. Have the console as a proper console with an OLED 1080p or 1440p screen and let us stream/remote play PS5 games.
Because we don't have other screens laying around in the house, right?!
Yeah i thought the same. Whats the point of that device ? lol
I honestly don't know what this is for. Can't you just stream to your phone or laptop. Don't really see the point unless it's super cheap.
Dedicated device with presumably good battery life and I would assume an improved remote play experience. I'm interested depending on cost as I hate hooking up a controller to my phone and don't like wasting my phone battery.


What they should have done was go full PSP2/PSVita 2. Have the console as a proper console with an OLED 1080p or 1440p screen and let us stream/remote play PS5 games.
Yep. That would have been perfect. I would have paid whatever they asked. I can't believe they didn't go OLED even with the streaming only console. I mean if Nintendo can do it, you can't tell me Sony can't.
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