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Playstation Meeting 2013 Thread: Go Fourth


Bunch of babbies up in here.

Wahhhh show me something cool.

Sony has already shown it came through on the specs .... the games will come. People so impatient these days.

So far Sony has definitely delivered on the hardware side of things. Developer´s offerings so far are underwhelming, though no doubt they´ll deliver down the line.


Just that this seems to be an always-online device and everyone is loving it.

I would be lying if I didn't say I had that feeling. Also with all this talk about downloading games and playing while downloading, and that chip to handle background stuff makes me think discs might be gone as well. That is just a feeling I hope i am wrong. Though since I haven't been paying attention to PS4 rumors it might be old news.


The Witness looks interesting. Everything else is blindingly mediocre. That Killzone animation, oof. That doesn't even look as good as BF3 on PC at medium settings.
Record my dreams?

Oh shit



Sony really did hit it out of the park and exceeded all my expectations so far. I really don't think that anyone can say this was a bomb without genuinely be trolling. Great unveil of a new console and they haven't even shown it yet.

Sony has gotten me excited about video games for the first time in many many years again today. They Won.

edit: See above.

Hmm no, not at all.

They're focusing on the motion controller for Pete's sake.


ehm this is not E3, they're going to keep the high-caliber stuff for later this year ....

don't expect them to reveal everything


Man I am not very impressed right now.I mean if I'm not interested in sharing vids then there isn't much new here except a shiny coat of paint.Also why aren't the games shown mainline entries.Also move :(


god forbid Sony shows us a console in Feb with unfinished games. Never change GAF. The hype you people created was unrealistic. Sony has showed more than they had to.
No one asked Sony to show us this. It was their choice, so they should be held accountable either way.
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