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Playstation Meeting 2013 Thread: Go Fourth


Cage is such a tool. Oh no until the PS4 we never had this kind of power to do this before.

No David you could do this with PCs for sometime. Difference is no one will fund your crappy projects on PC so you stick with consoles.
Oh fuck Cage. /sigh
Don't fail me on games Sony; don't do this.

Now Media Molecule. Fine, I'll go with it but am not going to buy into them.
OH WAIT; NO you can't record your dreams - go away.
Record my dreams?

Oh shit



is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
This is a great showcase of system power and features, and a mediocre display of games. I'm guessing E3 is for the lengthy gameplay demonstrations.


I guess I'm not in a hurry for next gen after all. Nothing impressed me at all. I'm not ready to upload my games to facebook just yet it seems and be all social.
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