Gotta say, looks markedly more comfortable than the DS3.
Loved it, loved the focus on the games and developers. Tons more discussed than I thought there would be.
Watch Dogs and Deep Down look great.
Wow, that was terribly underwhelming.
So much hype, so little delivery.
What was with all the rhetoric and vapid philosophising?
And why was virtually everything they showed heavily scripted with limited (if any) player control? And when it was actual gameplay (looking at you Watch Dogs) the screen tearing was so distracting that I couldn't focus on what the player was actually meant to achieve. (I also didn't like the cop killing in that particular game, especially so close to the whole Dorner incident.)
Same thing again
Same thing again...
8GB is GDDR5 is very impressive, Epic developer even said he said he is extremely happy about it during that post show with Keighly.
No Kaz though was disappointing, all those Kaz gifs for nothing.
Why were all the games all not mainline?
Killzone: shadow wars, why not Killzone 4?
Gotta say, looks markedly more comfortable than the DS3.
Also, screen looks clickable.
so mad about no true BC.
The announcements were pretty great overall I thought but my god Sony knows how to bore people to death with overly long speeches. I said earlier, you could cut every presenters script by 80% without loosing any substance and make it 10x easier to watch.It was weird to read all the "underwhelming" talk here and then watch the Giantbomb crew give their glowing impressions on their live stream.
In my opinion, they nailed it.
Honestly, gaf sucked during this.
They didnt even show the console. They didnt even mention that there will be physical game discs lol. What they did do was say in every possible way except outright confirming it that this thing is gonna require internet to work, which means those games are now leases. The whole presentation i was hoping they would prove me wrong but they are so integrated now with social features there is no way these games arent online drm. ALso Diablo 3, famous for always online drm making its debut i found amusing.
Also, SE go fuck yourselves for that incredibly lame ass tease.
I'm so disappointed right now. Not even with Sony, but just video games in general. I fear we'll never again see a generations jump in graphics. Everything I saw today looked like current games on pc with the settings turned up. It makes me concerned about my own interest in gaming.
I'm sure Microsoft will be no better. But I didn't feel like I was watching a new console. It was like the Wii U all over again.
Why are you posting all of that over and over again? Hyperbole much? All on the same page and spread out.
No games that interest me in the slightest
I had to stop watching after the Kill Zone trailer. Where can I finish the rest of it?
It puts a lot of pressure on MS to deliver on the specs part of their console now. They pretty much "have to" have 8gb ddr5 ram now.