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Playstation Meeting 2013 Thread: Go Fourth



No games that interest me in the slightest

pretty much no console and no price.

FAILURE sony...


I'm so disappointed right now. Not even with Sony, but just video games in general. I fear we'll never again see a generations jump in graphics. Everything I saw today looked like current games on pc with the settings turned up. It makes me concerned about my own interest in gaming.

I'm sure Microsoft will be no better. But I didn't feel like I was watching a new console. It was like the Wii U all over again.

yea, same. it looked like a bunch of PS3/360 trailers. if they were to never refer to "PS4" throughout the entire conference, i don't know what i'd be thinking right now because it sure as shit wasn't obvious what they were trying to sell me.
8GB GDDR5, damn. Sony must be expected 4Gb chips to be coming online soon or something. Pretty nice jump in graphics if all that stuff was real time and I'm really excited to see developers showing new gaming concepts. I just worry about the price at this point.

As for the conference, it was pretty good all around. They showed off quite a lot considering E3 is just 4 months away. I expect now that he cat's out of the bag we'll be hearing more from 3rd parties.


Tier Whore
Yes, the hardware was what we dream of spec wise. I just hope it don't cost a mint to buy at launch. I don't want to relive the "This is Living" premium Sony era but it certainly smells like it.

Also, did anyone notice they focused alot on talking about DOWNLOADING games but never made mention of discs of any sort? They never announced a super big Blu-ray medium when rattling off the specs. I'm smelling a download only console here.

Don't mind spending a small fortune for a console... the problem is if nobody buys it it will have very poor third party support and almost no games... so yeah never a good idea to price your hardware too high!


Best stuff is going to be saved for E3, especially multiplat stuff.

I'd wager we'll see some:

-Falout 4
-Walking Dead Season 2
-new Mass Effect
-Battlefield 4
-new Final Fantasy (who cares though?)
-Dark Souls II
-sports games
-The Witcher 3
You have to rate it on potential alone. I guess the 8gb thing is relatively new, so most games aren't even optimized for this.

Not enough games shown, but there's a clear difference between cross gen games and true next gen offerings. That capcom games is a step above everything else.

I'm impressed, the possibilities are infinite.


yea, same. it looked like a bunch of PS3/360 trailers. if they were to never refer to "PS4" throughout the entire conference, i don't know what i'd be thinking right now because it sure as shit wasn't obvious what they were trying to sell me.

Not sure what you were expecting. Also: take a look at some current gen stuff, then watch that killzone trailer again. I'm no Sony fanboy by any stretch of the imagination, but that was a HUGE leap above current gen.


Lol you were reading too much into this conference. There is still E3 to go. I'm surprised that people are surprised at what was shown today.

no, this was sony's time to shine. just look at how it's trending on social sites. they'll never reach this hype with E3. this was their chance to reach the mainstream news/consumer, ad they fucked it up.


All I cared about tonight was if the hardware would deliver on the promise of next-generation. It's been 7-8 years since new console hardware, all I wanted to know tonight is if the new technology would be graphically amazing, and it was. The games will come in time, for sure.
The people in this thread who were disappointed that Sony didn't show literally everything about the PS4 4-5 months before E3 are weird.

I really don't understand why everyone is being such crybabies. Maybe I just had different expectations? Of course they're not going to blow their load before E3 - that would just be stupid. I dunno, I'm pretty happy with what was shown - especially the Vita remote play stuff.
Of course Sony isn't gonna blow their load tonight and then blow nothing but air for GDC, E3 and TGS. Gotta plan ahead people. But it sure would be nice to get a price tag, release date and launch titles. Hype for E3 begins now!



I really wasn't convinced much of that demo was a realistic demonstration of actual gameplay. Although I was amused by that one lone HUD element sticking out like a sore thumb.

I'm very curious how much of the RAM is used in the ever-present video encoding, or if they're actually managing to spool directly to disc in real-time.


Not sure what you were expecting. Also: take a look at some current gen stuff, then watch that killzone trailer again. I'm no Sony fanboy by any stretch of the imagination, but that was a HUGE leap above current gen.

cool, a nice FPS with a couple particle effects. there's about a hundred of those i missed over the last year. big deal, give me something else.


Where were those guys in the last thread who said it would never look like Crysis 3?


Crysis 3? Those Killzone graphics didn't even outdo BF3 on PC. The animation was also clearly thrown together at the last minute, the characters walked around like they were wearing freshly filled adult diapers.

Conference was disappointing. At least it gives Vita owners a reason not to ditch them. Kinda.
Games look a sizeable leap over current gen stuff which was my minimum requirement and everything seemed to be pretty tight and accessible. What happened to this thread though? Seem like there was an influx of obnoxious types...


To me, that totally exceeded my expectations. I didn't expect so many games to be shown. Everything looked pretty good. I'm honestly quite surprised that some people thought that wasn't a good conference (especially since it wasn't even E3 or anything). I guess now we wait to see what Microsoft has in store.


To be fair, I could imagine that that's just the end result of trying to navigate GAF in these trying times. I had to be very cautious after prepping a post to try to ensure I didn't post it multiple times.

That's different. The second and third posts were edited a bit, but had the same words. like 5 mins between them? I had posts up earlier and I was able to not submit it multiple times even when the server went down.

could be double posting from the server having issues atm. :p

Different times, different edits, but maybe I should give the benefit of the doubt I guess. :/

On-topic: I don't know how people wants Sony to show all their cards already. We got what, 9 or 10 months until release? I thought they already showed a lot(controller, specs, support by third parties) considered MS hasn't showed anything yet.
Will get a PS4 eventually but nothing they showed tonight really wowed me.

KZ4 was pretty but the rest of the games shown were extremely meh imo.

Best news of the night was that the console has 8GB's of Ram instead of 4GB's.

Big shout out to BGassassin who had the PS4 specs almost 100% since last October :D.
I for one was impressed. what i took away from the event is the potential the system has and the specs. the social integration far exceeded my expectation and then some. it is a great idea and i'm glad that console is shaping up to be the platform of choice. Killzone looked amazing. it actually looked good. infamous looks good. but we all know they are going to replace him with old new cole from inFamous 2. Knack looked great. it just was so pretty. So was The Witness. The colors and style. and the concept.

One disappointment was Square Enix. Two Hashimoto undelivered. But 4 months they better announce that new FF game that isn't Versus but let's be real it's Final Fantasy XV which is Versus and they show the same trailer but real time lol. but this time Fall 2014 ;P

i feel that this is a start of the momentum leading up the holiday 2013 release.

one key thing will be the cost which sounds to be be like $499-$600. but we'll see what sony does.
In terms of games that I'm actually interested in playing, I would agree with this. A lot of the system level features were neat, too.

you can trust in the braid people. the guy really seemed to be the most authentic & likeable person in the whole conference. anything else was just verbally bloated beyond believe and failed to deliver in the end.


They didnt talk about no used/always online or the shittaku psn live fees so I guess those rumors are all bullshit?

I find it hard to believe they'd *announce* something like that at a promotional event. That's something that'd slip out in an interview or a press release if there's any truth to it.


Sketchbook Picasso
For me, interesting things are Knack, Capcom's Deep Down, and... the system itself, I supose?

I'm interested to see how MS compares once they make their presentation. Not going to fanboy out until I can compare both.

The system features sound very nice, though. Knack interest me because it sounds like the kind of games I worry I'd see less and less of in the newer generation, personality and style wise. Props to Sony for starting a Gen with what's basically their take on Astroboy.

Deep Down Looks like Dragon's Dogma. Can live with that:) Loads of destruction, nice details like the shield melting while blocking dragon flames... coolness.

Killzone and Infamous and Watchdogs... yeah, that's all nice and all, but eh, just shinier versions of what everyones making now-a-days. Destiny really looks just like Halo. I'll give props to Media Molecule for a nice looking presentation, it was charming, but I never have fun PLAYING their games. But the refined creation might catch me.

From this presenation, Sony seems to learned a lot of their hardware lessons from PS3, and the integrated additional features sounds like they'll actually be welcome. They take a lot of what I like with Xbox ("demos" for all games, seamless download-to-play, system wide-from-launch network features, etc), and take it a next-gen step further. If MS matches them par for par, then I'll probably stick Xbox FIRST, as I have more invested history and friendships on it. But it all comes down to who has the games one wants to play...

And Gaikai streaming tie-in sounds horrible for people with download caps.


cool, a nice FPS with a couple particle effects. there's about a hundred of those i missed over the last year. big deal, give me something else.

I guess people don't see the potential of the hardware beyond what they see announced here tonight. Think about how amazing games can be, fps or no fps. The hardware will give devs the ability to make amazing games. And that killzone trailer was more than just "a couple of particle effects", in my professional opinion.


They didnt talk about no used/always online or the shittaku psn live fees so I guess those rumors are all bullshit?

Every single thing we reported - from the controller's touchpad and share button to the PS4's 8 GB RAM - is either true or not announced yet. The "shittaku" comments sure are petty, don't ya think? :)


It's interesting how Sony announced 2 spin-off titles as 2 of their big first party announcements. Neither Shadowfall or Second Son seemed to have much common with their predecessors, seems like Sony is still a little burnt from the PS3 launch when 3rd party exclusives deserted them and they were left with no franchises to fall back on. Both titles seem like a compromise, whereby they are allowed to do something different just as long as they can find one way to stick the old franchise name on them.

As for the conference itself, I'll repost what i said in the footy ot: everything seemed pretty good to me. All the announcements were positive, there was nothing really to get down about. Some people seem to have become way too overhyped and were expecting the world or something, myself having seen far too many E3 press conferences knew not to expect FF7 remakes and crazy new IPs. Certainly one could get disappointed by the graphical capabilities, but people should have been expecting this given that we had already seen Watch Dogs and Star Wars 1313, we already know what Crysis 3 looks like, we had already had so many leaks. We are in the era of diminishing returns. There will not be great leaps forward like in the previous generations.

There are still many worries with the PS4 which I don't think i need to elucidate upon.We shall see at E3 whether this positive start continues, but so far, so good. The majority of complaints seem to not be on what was shown but rather what wasn't shown, which seems quite bizarre to me.


All the early stuff is just a sample. It's February and this was just the official reveal. Considering that, they showed more than anyone could reasonably ask for. Consider the specs and the memory on this thing. The possibilities are going to be amazing.

For launch games, I think titles like Killzone: Shadowfall looks fantastic. Look how clean and crisp everything is. Then look at what will be possible by taking a gander at that face melting Capcom demo. The hardware is going to be amazing and they focused on games. Don't see how anyone could think that is unimpressive for such an early reveal.
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