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Playstation Meeting 2013 Thread: Go Fourth


Its the first ps4 showing. Were people really expecting price and date? Seriously???

No, but I don't think it was asking too much to see what the PS4 actually looks like at a PS4 unveil. That was beyond bizarre. There is something going on with this system they don't want to announce yet, and I'm guessing it is not something that fans of traditional console gaming is gonna like.


Neo Member

*describes my feeling about D3 on PS4*


Is there a stream of the entire event that I can watch from the start?

I've managed to not spoilerify myself yet so I haven't read this thread -- apologies if it's been asked to death


My thoughts on the games:

Knack- tech demo, looks very limited, maybe a free DL game

Killzone- looks amazing graphically, game looks boring however. disappointing GG isn't doing a new IP RPG as rumored

Driveclub- Looks great. Would like to see more

Second Son- Just a trailer but it will be awesome. Infamous games are so much fun from a gameplay prospective. Hopefully SP learned how to make a better city from I2 as that world had problems IMO

Media Molecules move failure- I don't get what the hell it is. I have a feeling it's not really a game but moreso a toy which is fine I guess. Not interesting if that's the case

Jonathan Blows game- Looked cool. Hopefully the puzzle aspect isn't repetitive as shit

Capcpom- too much tech not enough specifics

Blizzard- D3 sucked

SE- terrible performance, where's the game? And lol at "...E3 bitch"

Watch dog- Looked great

destiny- They really need to start talking 'specifics' about this game. It's amazing how much bungie has talked about it yet how little they actually revealed. They've got alot to say, they've got alot of nothing to say.

Much more games here then I anticipated. And I think Sony still has alot to show at E3


No, but I don't think it was asking too much to see what the PS4 actually looks like at a PS4 unveil. That was beyond bizarre. There is something going on with this system they don't want to announce yet, and I'm guessing it is not something that fans of traditional console gaming is gonna like.

Let the crazy conspiracy theories begin...


I guess people don't see the potential of the hardware beyond what they see announced here tonight. Think about how amazing games can be, fps or no fps. The hardware will give devs the ability to make amazing games. And that killzone trailer was more than just "a couple of particle effects", in my professional opinion.

that footage is barely above Halo, Crysis, Battlefield, Call of Duty, or anything else released in the past few years.


Couldn't watch after the Killzone thing. Nothing on the PS4 interests me in the slightest. The features are pretty cool but what a lame showing of games. Killzone is one of their flagship graphic showcasing titles, and it didn't even look as good as Crysis 3 on PC that is out right now. Not even close. The fact they even showed that game at all makes me throw up in my mouth a bit. Killzone is lame.

Oh well. As of right now I'll wait for a price drop or just pass entirely if they don't blow me away at E3. Cling to that GDDR5 all you want...

Might just be the Wii-U for me this gen. I don't think I want to get another Microsoft product unless they floor me with something unbelievable. So very disappointed.


I have a hard time to believe sharing video and pictures will be a universal feature. Something tells me that devs will have ultimate say in that. Also i can't imagine remote play being a universal feature either. That stuff along with the spectate mode could definitely be killer features next gen though. Lord knows a lot of people even here like to watch other people play video games.
As soon as they spoke about the streaming features, background downloads and suspending suspensions, they could have fucked off for all I care, that's all I wanted to know. Seeing The Witness was just icing on the cake.

They definitely need more games and the console itself to really stamp in the impression, but for sure they have my attention.

Oh, and no Kaz. All those .gifs! Wasted!

The Chef

It looks exactly like Crysis, but is that a good thing? Killzone had a unique look before, but now it looks pretty bland imo.

The beginning of the video with the massive open world was absolutely stunning.
Once the explosions and gun-play began it all became very muted for sure.


Oooh I like the suspend/resume features.

Just watching the rebroadcast now. So want to be able to download this whole thing. :/

i know it's a blurry video, but seriously LOOK at those goddamn visuals. the first minute is just.. there are no words.

i don't understand how anyone could be disappointed with that level of visual eye candy. i'm comparing this shit to the stuff i grew up with, 8bit Nintendo games and even earlier PC games. COMPLETELY staggering how far we've come.


Couldn't watch after the Killzone thing. Nothing on the PS4 interests me in the slightest. The features are pretty cool but what a lame showing of games. Killzone is one of their flagship graphic showcasing titles, and it didn't even look as good as Crysis 3 on PC that is out right now. Not even close. The fact they even showed that game at all makes me throw up in my mouth a bit. Killzone is lame.

Oh well. As of right now I'll wait for a price drop or just pass entirely if they don't blow me away at E3. Cling to that GDDR5 all you want...

Might just be the Wii-U for me this gen. I don't think I want to get another Microsoft product unless they floor me with something unbelievable. So very disappointed.

neither could I. Have a site where I could stream the rest?
Now that was a great show something I wasn't too sure Sony could pull out. This Mark Cerny guy was a great speaker (at least for my foreigner's hears...). It was really informative too, I'm quite surprised he detailed the hardware like he did praising the simplicity of their design. 8GB GDDR5 took me by surprise, I was convinced 4 was already a very nice amount, especially if GDDR5 was used. I now expect the price to increase a bit, but hey... It's for the cause.

All in one, it was a different Sony we had today. No japanese representative from Sony was surprising, the console really seems like it's a product from Sony America. It's not a bad thing but it's unexpected.

I was also surprised by the number of games announced. Quite more than I expected. Infamous Second Son, The Witness and Deep Down got me excited.

A very good reveal. I don't care if the console was not shown, the features are more important to me. So yes, good job Sony, I hope E3 will be as good and more focused on games.


Watchdog developer on the G4 Live Stream admitted that the game was shown running on a high end PC, which he felt "emulated" the PS4 capabilities well.

So much for running on actual PS4 hardware.

Not that it won't look just as well...but, at least the guy was being honest.


Junior Member
I really liked Killzone. The graphics were amazing.

With that said, they showed absolutely nothing that has the potential to sell extremely well.


Well, bought. Yes. Funny, but my favorite part about it is the controller, I can feel it's going to be one of the best controllers ever. It's a DualShock with a real d-pad and non-mushroom-ish sticks.

Don't care one bit about graphics, and while they're definitely above PS3, seems to me like amazing jumps like 4th to 5th gen are not going to happen anymore.


Why's everyone so excited about the remote play feature? The PSP and PS3 had the same thing and it wasn't such a 'wow' factor.
that footage is barely above Halo, Crysis, Battlefield, Call of Duty, or anything else released in the past few years.

Im a Halo fan and the level of detail in that was intense compared to those. Although it is still Killzone and that does make me skeptical. They always looked good. Never enjoyed them though.
no, this was sony's time to shine. just look at how it's trending on social sites. they'll never reach this hype with E3. this was their chance to reach the mainstream news/consumer, ad they fucked it up.

Oh please! So many drama queens; what did they fuck up? Did you expect them to reveal everything?


I really wasn't convinced much of that demo was a realistic demonstration of actual gameplay. Although I was amused by that one lone HUD element sticking out like a sore thumb.

Yeah, when that video played, I basically thought "target render! bullshot! alert, alert!!!" Same with MediaMolecule's band thing, whatever that was.


ALright so all in all

It seemed like a conference they didn't want to/or could show off a lot due to the fact they don't want to get steamrolled by a counter conference by MS, which in a lot of ways is smart. Tho all of it (aside from the good online/hardware talk) felt like 3rd party was like "well were just giving a few words to sound like we are on good terms with Sony since it'there night but could go possibly sour" type of thing. Not WiiU levels of problem tho.

EA missing in action raises a few questions. Especially since they are "close" with Sony apparently?

ALSO said it in another thread but Bungie/Activision thing felt like a low blow type of deal against MS more then anything.


can you generate an actual rebuttal rather than sarcasm, please

Why? All you're doing is saying "sucks, barely better graphics than last gen". There's no rebuttal to someone who doesn't want to see the obvious improvements in tech.


Why's everyone so excited about the remote play feature? The PSP and PS3 had the same thing and it wasn't such a 'wow' factor.

If they've improved the latency to the extent they're suggesting it'll become a whole lot more impressive than the current implementation, at least.


I thought it was a great show.

Sony focused on the console and the games. I'm glad they didn't focus at all on service like netflix which are a given on any new system.

Watch Dogs continues to impress also!


Impressed by the conference overall. I expected worse from Sony but they delivered. They had a big focus on games and developers. Loved it.
Apologies if it's already been posted:

That's a really comfy looking controller.

Thought the conference went good enough. Really excited that The Witness is getting PS4 treatment - never saw that one coming.

The Share feature will get a ton of use from me. Love filming and editing stuff, even if I just have a ton of footage saved and never uploaded.

And 8GB of DDR5 goddamn.
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