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Playstation Meeting 2013 Thread: Go Fourth


These threads are awesome because I feel like everybody from all of the different communities come together to freak out as one.

Anyone want to Kazify this?
Stop breaking GAF, GAF!


Well then...

Its almost time gents... its shame I got no snacks or alcohol to enjoy this. Heck Im on my last cgiarette.


It's crazy to think the future of home gaming or console gaming at least is going to begin in less than 30 minutes. Be exciting to see what the future holds


It seems there are way too many people and that the venue is too small???

The latest rumor is that we might see next gen GTAV footage???????

If you have Chrome and are having troubles with the stream lagging on HD do this:
-type "chrome://plugins" in the address bar
-disable pepperflash "pepflash.dll"

After that, it should be smooth :)
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