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Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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Playstation Meeting 2013 |OT| We are Kaz. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us Feb 20th.



Playstation Meeting 2013 |OT| It certainly is the year of Luigi for Nintendo

Playstation Meeting 2013 |OT| Year of ohwmagad

Playstation Meeting 2013 |OT| Gathering of awesome

Playstation Meeting 2013 |OT| The Linford Christie of next gen

Playstation Meeting 2013 |OT| Sony shot first!


Yep. Plus, not everyone will get the reference. That thread got locked fast lol.

The funny thing (to me at least) is that there are a bunch of people who are still mad about that quip by Sony and take that proposed title literally :D

Self referencing and irony all in one title. I like it!


Wall Street Journal reports that PS4 will stream PS3 games using the Gaikai technology. How reputable are WSJ? Before I read that from WSJ I was concerned that the Gaikai technology was used to stream/record/share the game footage using the share button on the controller, like OnLive's ''Brag Clips'' instead.

I still don't understand how certain PS3 games could go up on PSN/PS+ as part of the Gaikai PS3 Backwards Compatibility though. I mean I don't expect to see Mortal Kombat vs DC Comics or John Woo's Stranglehold, both by the defunct Midway Games up there.
Wall Street Journal reports that PS4 will stream PS3 games using the Gaikai technology. How reputable are WSJ? Before I read that from WSJ I was concerned that the Gaikai technology was used to stream/record/share the game footage using the share button on the controller, like OnLive's ''Brag Clips'' instead.

I still don't understand how certain PS3 games could go up on PSN/PS+ as part of the Gaikai PS3 Backwards Compatibility though. I mean I don't expect to see Mortal Kombat vs DC Comics or John Woo's Stranglehold, both by the defunct Midway Games up there.

Well, on paper, they are the freaking Wall Street Journal, one of the last few respected fish wraps around. I would assume they are pretty good at crossing their t's and dotting their i's. They aren't going to run information that SuperDaE gives them if that is what you think.

Mikey Jr.

PlayStation Meeting 2013 |OT| Crunching like delicious Doritos potato chips

Someone in this thread made this one and I loved it.
What's everyone's game plan for Weds. anyways? I'm going to try to hook up my laptop to my tv and maybe invite chums, not sure yet. I'm going to be glued to GAF as it is. :p

Stuck at work and annoyingly i'm the only manager on to close the pub that evening so no chance of sneaking off early.

However expect to see the quickest close down of all time so i can at least get back to catch up at 1am-ish
Stuck at work and annoyingly i'm the only manager on to close the pub that evening so no chance of sneaking off early.

However expect to see the quickest close down of all time so i can at least get back to catch up at 1am-ish

Why not just wait for the event to be over, and watch the whole thing online? I'm sure there will be an uploaded video of the whole thing almost immediately. Perhaps fellow GAFFERS can send out PM's to those who will miss it, so that they don't have anything spoiled to them?
Why not just wait for the event to be over, and watch the whole thing online? I'm sure there will be an uploaded video of the whole thing almost immediately. Perhaps fellow GAFFERS can send out PM's to those who will miss it, so that they don't have anything spoiled to them?

I know i will be too excited to see what has come out of the event it to do that. Will just being going through the forums and various gaming websites once i finish work =D


What are the chances of Ape Escape 4 being announced for PS3/PS4 developed by Japan Studio on the 20th? Too busy with Puppeteer and Soul Sacrifice, I'm presuming? Not that that's a bad thing, but...that would make me pretty excited.
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