Playstation Meeting trailer: See the Future. Feb. 20th [Will Be Livestreamed]

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Might have been discussed in this thread before, but who am I to read through 101 pages in 5 minutes. I am nought more but a simple man.

The date is a hint.

PlayStation 20.02.2013

Playstation 2(0).(0)2 = 4

Then why not just hold it Feb 2nd to get the "2+2" reference aside from most news media sources being off. Failing that, why not just hold it on Feb 4th for the "4" reference. I don't think the date has anything to do with the announcement other than being a really stretched coincidence.
I already had the week of the 20th off so lots of time to freak out or meltdown. Gifs are awesome. Can't wait until the day before, thread is going to be nuts.


Does anyone else remember the picture of the long legged woman with a Phil Harrison like face? We need to bring her back for Kazifying. :lol



If someone could put Kaz's face onto the smiters face, and replace the jacket with a mockup PS4. The persons being smited could be Nintendo and Microsoft people. That would be glorius!


Welcome back :)


Thanks Sn4ke!

Pretty pumped for the reveal and way more hyped for this than for Durango so far; Share Button sounds really, really good - I hope that they'll deliver and present some good games. Maybe that next-gen Versus is true and it will be re-revealed #Believe
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