BTW hi guys . its been long since the last time I posted here . life got me busy but I'm back!
Thanks, I was a little sad for that " vita is a legacy console" announcement its like they shit all over Vita but the console refuses to die just yet. Its not another game gear situation that's for sure even when I believe the consoles share similarities in they story. Being hated by people who doesn't know the games available for the console. Ignorance is not a bliss in this case.Woops.. spilled water all over my Vita TV
hope it still works but never used the thing anyways
welcome back
Woops.. spilled water all over my Vita TV
hope it still works but never used the thing anyways
Woops.. spilled water all over my Vita TV
hope it still works but never used the thing anyways
Other than for putting glasses of water on as a coaster?
Shizuka, seeing you play Operation Abyss on my friends list is making me jealous. Stahp
So 230k more and bloodstained will be a vita game too. We have 9 days to back those 230. Come on backers!
BTW hi guys . its been long since the last time I posted here . life got me busy but I'm back!
Ouch. It's not THAT useless you know?Other than for putting glasses of water on as a coaster?
I hope that, because getting both megaman, castlevania and clock tower spiritual successors in my vita would be a dream come true as a vita user. And 2 of those are coming to the system.There's very little chance that it won't hit the vita stretch goal. last couple days will bring in more than enough.
You guys are monsters! Send those poor, unused bastards my way. haha
Is it at Jak level of bad?
I've actually been making use of mine here and there, finally. Wanted to show it to a friend and tell him it was only $40 right now, and figured I'd actually get the 32GB sorted out (ie: wifi CMA all night), and dedicated to it after that. I think what put me off it for so long was that I couldn't just swap the 64GB back and forth like I wanted, because my bubble arrangement would go completely haywire and do the 100+ app disappearing trick.
Also finally calibrated my TV settings to make it easy on the eyes (which actually looked better for everything else too). Plus I found the perfect little spot for it to make it convenient.
Soldner X-2, La Mulana EX, and the full Pinball Arcade lineup (since only SSN 4 is crossbuy with PS4) etc is actually kinda nice to see up there. I really just like that my Vita and games are basically a reverse TG-16+Turbo Express situation w/ PS TV in the equation.
Ac liberation on vita is the only assassin creed I have finished. Its a lot of fun if you don't care the typical assassin creed glitches and bad storySuper Exploding Zoo actually has a pretty long first loading
Is it at Jak level of bad?
It looks like the kind of humor that might click with me...but still I'm afraid that the gameplay might not be my cup of tea :/
I know that I'll probably bite if the game will be discounted, though.
Any impressions on Tetris for Vita? Is it broken like the PS4 version?
Okay, okay; you're not a monster... =P
I feel you on that swap issue, and it's part of the reason I really want another - so I can slap my Japanese account on it and make things a little more seamless, which should help with game coverage. Unfortunately, I'm a broke-ass SOB right now, and none of those cheap deals were available in Canada when I did have money. :/
Fucking borders, this is a world market!
Tetris Ultimate is completely fine on Vita, no weird slowdowns or crashes here. My beef is stemming from a lack of online lobbies and invites. The music is oddly somber for a Tetris game, too.
Okay, okay; you're not a monster... =P
I feel you on that swap issue, and it's part of the reason I really want another - so I can slap my Japanese account on it and make things a little more seamless, which should help with game coverage. Unfortunately, I'm a broke-ass SOB right now, and none of those cheap deals were available in Canada when I did have money. :/
Fucking borders, this is a world market!
No option to remap controls in-game. Is there a way to remap remote play controls at a system level?
Yeah, the music is really weird... I mean, it works, but it's so lowkey and like you said, somber. It's like a library in there or something. Would love if I could do something with the background too. Puyo Puyo's like Tetris Attack by comparison, and Lumines is still a way more hype package.
It's doing it's job, though to pass the time when I need it to.
Is it at Jak level of bad?
Now that operation abyss is out how much do you expect we have to wait for the announcement of stranger of the sword city localization? XD
They wouldn't post this if they didn't have plans to bring it over, right? #believeGuys
Yeah, bringing it up again this close to E3 would be a MASSIVE tease if nothing actually comes of it.They wouldn't post this if they didn't have plans to bring it over, right? #believe
Great news wake up to.Guys
hype as hell for the western exclusive digimon vita themeGuys
hype as hell for the western exclusive digimon PS4 theme
Nom Nom Galaxy is a complicated mess. This game should have been physical so it could come with a 100 page manual on outer space soup production. I wrote a review despite never really understanding it properly.
Didn't know where to ask this, so apologies if it isn't the right place.
I've been using all my gift cards, and I was wondering which games would you recommend?
I'm looking at these, but feel free to pitch in.
Resident Evil Revelations 2
FarCry 4
Sleeping Dogs
Alien Isolation
2 grand and 36 hours to go. Come on GAF. Back the game with potentially the greatest soundtrack ever.
Genres I like:What kind of games and genres do you like?