On what basis you make this crazy assumption?? I grew up on Asterix et Obelix and old eastern and central european cartoons. So don't jump to conclusions there, please.
And I don't think Tin Tin was badly drawn, not at all, in fact.
They are efficient, expressive and really funny.
GR, and that was my point for a while that unnecessarily has been drawn out, is that technically I think the comic looks crap. There you go. Whatever the style they aimed for, it just looks poor to me, and just because they were going for a European comic book style, doesn't make it successful. To me anyways
I agree that aiming to European style doesn't automatically mean successful or good, but imo it's not badly drawn, its uniqueness is probably its greatest quality that makes it "better" than many other "better" drawn but more generic comic styles and imo it fits the game perfectly.