the swapper is a 5 dollar game? I thought it was like 15-20. Or is it on sale right now too? thats kind of crappy
Pretty sure it was at least 12-15 here in europe. Definitely not 5 or even near.
the swapper is a 5 dollar game? I thought it was like 15-20. Or is it on sale right now too? thats kind of crappy
Pretty sure it was at least 12-15€ here in europe. Definitely not 5 or even near.
the swapper is a 5 dollar game? I thought it was like 15-20. Or is it on sale right now too? thats kind of crappy
Whoa Dave is pretty lame.
If you have Second Son already, that. But there's not really any down side to playing First Light first. Just a couple of pretty minor Second Son spoilers.
Damn did I miss my chance to grab the December games? Curse my lazy ass.
wonderful month
Yes! Oreshika and Revelations!wonderful month
Damn did I miss my chance to grab the December games? Curse my lazy ass.
The games for January still haven't been "released".
He's American, January games have been released yesterday there. So yeah, he missed December games.
Ah, well then it's definitely too late.
Are there any ETA on the EU update?
Later today. They are slow as fuck in the EU offices though. Update normally doesn't happen ' till 4-5pm.
Ah, well then it's definitely too late.
Are there any ETA on the EU update?
It's pretty random. It's been as early as 11am and as late as 4pm ime. Someone will probably update this thread when it happens.
just noticed that Luftrausers was free on PS3 in November and somehow I missed it. Damn.
Nope. Nothing unless it's been ported to PS4 AND supports cross-buy. The XB1 is the same way. No gen 7 games - both digital and physical - work with either gen 8 console. I'm also surprised someone on GAF could be unaware. It was kind of, like, a massively huge gargantuan deal here.
Yep, Duke is available and "free" if you search for it
Edit: Everything is up except Infamous
According to twitter UK store will update around 2PM today
Of course the game I was most looking forward to in this update is the only one missing.
I hope they didn't fuck something up because First Light has completely gone missing from the store when I search for Infamous or First Light.
According to twitter UK store will update around 2PM today
the swapper is a 5 dollar game? I thought it was like 15-20. Or is it on sale right now too? thats kind of crappy
So, anyone know when the January Sale is supposed to update to Part 2?
First Light is back. But still not free for PS+
Why is infamous not only not free, but not even on the store anymore?
Fucking dick move if they've backed out. Hardcore dick move.
Thats all free for January? Insane.wonderful month
Thats all free for January? Insane.
Yeah, that selection is insane. Plus all the free PC Engine games on top of that. Nutso.Looks like I'll no longer be jealous of EU like the old days, but now the JP offerings.
I wish the US got such a good month. This looks awesome.wonderful month
Used the uk Web store on my phone and got all the games except duck tales which seems to be missing so I'm gonna have to check later for that.