Not sure how many others are in the same position as I am now, but I figured there would be quite a few.
This current Gen I was a day one xbox 360 buyer and stuck with it and pc for the entire Gen. I have yet to buy a ps3, but want to at some point to play everything I have missed.
This coming Gen I plan on getting ps4 on launch day, and also sticking with pc for other games. I also plan on getting a vita tv for remote play to another tv.
In anticipation of this, I have also purchased ps+ about two months ago, so that I can have a nice library of vita games and also so that I will be able to play ps4 multiplayer on day one.
Unfortunately, since getting ps+ and not actually having a current Gen Sony device, I am feeling more and more pressure to pick one up. My question however is this. Should I:
1. Get a ps3 now and a ps4 on launch (already pre-ordered)
2. Get a ps3 when the price drops in the future
3. Get a ps4 on launch and a vita tv on launch, and hope that the free ps+ ps3 games will work with gaikai
Appreciate any help or suggestions, opinions or whatnot you have for me and people in my situation.
Also, I'm looking forward to joining the Sony club soon! Future is looking bright!