PlayStation Store - Black Friday Sale

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Metroid Dread is an indie tier game priced $60.
And this is where I leave this conversation, sir. Back to our regularly scheduled programming, the ongoing discussion of the PS Store sale.

And this is where I leave this conversation, sir. Back to our regularly scheduled programming, the ongoing discussion of the PS Store sale.

Lol Ok. I bet you put Returnal or pretty much every Sony PS4 game right next to a Metroid Dread and you think "yeah, they are definitely from the same gen and should cost the same"...I bid you farewell, my delusional friend.
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Dark souls 2 worth the play if you've enjoyed every other souls game? Not sure why I skipped that one lol

DS2 is my favorite Dark Souls. As for the poster below you suggesting to skip it because DS3 exists (or you possibly have played that) can't agree there. DS3 definitely feels different than DS2 but the boss fights and player builds are much more interesting (in my mind) in DS2 than DS3. Plus it has a great NG+ system and some really good secrets.
Picked up both GotG and Resi Village on the US store for $68 total, which I got using a $100 credit code for $85, bringing my $68 down to ~$58, which is 51.25 euro. If I had bought on my local store in euro.. I would have paid 75.50 euro.


Ghost of Tsushima or Demon's Souls ? I like Onimusha, Souls, and Horizon type of games, how is the story in Tsushima ?
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I'm trying to choose between Tales of Arise or Ghost of Tsushima Directors cut, they both look great, not sure which one to get.


Ghost of Tsushima or Demon's Souls ? I like Onimusha, Souls, and Horizon type of games, how is the story in Tsushima ?
Demon's Souls is OG Souls. You know exactly what it is.

Ghost is like a Samurai version of The Witcher 3 with less RPG elements, but way better combat. And its smaller in scope, more like 30 hours long, instead of 50+ hours for The Witcher 3. I loved both Ghost and Horizon Zero Dawn. Fairly similar in some ways.

Ghost of Tsushima's story is basically Samurai Batman.
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To entice people to purchase it. That's not exactly a difficult concept to grasp.
Thanks genius but it was a rhetorical question.

By your logic, we should expect Sony to discount their discounts too. $70 game on sale for $50 on sale for $30. To entice people to purchase it. Then to to entice people to purchase it the $70 game on sale for $50 on sale for $30 will be on sale for $20 on sale for $10 on sale for $5 on sale for $1 and now free.

The question is why would we expect them to now suddenly care about the increase in volume they could achieve if they lowered the fee? They are charging for upgrades to pursue margins, not volume. Given their motivation, which is clearly not about enticing the maximum number of people to upgrade but simply maximizing profit on those who upgrade, why should we ever expect them to discount the upgrade fee? Its a rhetorical question. The answer is self-evident. We should not.


I keep thinking that Demon Souls is going to go PS+ eventually…..
I feel the same, but it won't be anytime soon I bet. With every hardware unit selling within seconds of being put up for sale, and relatively few big games being out, I don't think we'll be seeing any big retail games hitting PS+ for a while.

Mega Man

As an X-Dork from way back, I bypassed the PS4 so I could headsh0t some nubs in Halo. Turns out I'm old and uncoordinated now, so narrative based third person action games are my jam.

Trying to catch up on everything I missed with my PS5, any suggestions from this list that aren't already included in the PS+ Collection?


What time is it?
Thanks genius.

So witty you needed to use it twice.

I'd say your logic is faulty by calling an upgrade a discount. If someone wasn't super enthused by the upgrade price out of the gate, that probably isn't going to change as time passes. Further, without price drops or sales on the upgrade, once the DC gets priced below $29.99, it becomes a worse preposition for those who own the PS4 and waited as only the upgrade path is available to us.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Absolutely horrendous first party sales. $50 for Ratchet and Returnal? $40 for Demon Souls. A year old remake? And then they wonder why no one is buying their games.

Every single one of these games should have launched at $40. Demon Souls is a remake just like SOTC was. SOTC launched at $40.

Ratchet last gen launched at $40. They knew it wasn't a full priced game. Ratchet is a linear game that lacks MP or open world elements of Spiderman. It should not be $70 and Sony used to know that.

Returnal is the same. It even lacks the high quality production values of Ratchet's cutscenes. 500k for that game just shows that it is priced way too high. Demon Souls didnt even get any sales figures. Ratchet sold a million but the attach rate is absolutely awful for a big AAA release this early in the gen.

And Sony is not learning. This was the perfect time to get these games into the hands of more people. $50 is basically full price. Why would people bargain hunting on christmas buy $50 game when they can buy 2 AAA games for that price? it's not even like these games cost as much as TLOU2. Bluepoint and Housemarque are small studios that pushed out these games in 2-3 years. Insomniac made Ratchet in 2 years while also making Spiderman. These are not $100 million games.


What time is it?
Ratchet last gen launched at $40. They knew it wasn't a full priced game. Ratchet is a linear game that lacks MP or open world elements of Spiderman. It should not be $70 and Sony used to know that.

Not arguing on the sale being disappointing but last generations Ratchet was a remake, a movie tie-in and Sony dipping their toes into the water to gauge customer interest. I'm pretty sure all of the other R&C games followed Sony's standard first party pricing.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Not arguing on the sale being disappointing but last generations Ratchet was a remake, a movie tie-in and Sony dipping their toes into the water to gauge customer interest. I'm pretty sure all of the other R&C games followed Sony's standard first party pricing.
Into the Nexus launched at $30.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Not arguing on the sale being disappointing but last generations Ratchet was a remake, a movie tie-in and Sony dipping their toes into the water to gauge customer interest. I'm pretty sure all of the other R&C games followed Sony's standard first party pricing.
Yeah, but times have changed since the last big Ratchet game in 2009 or whenever Clank in Time came out. Besides, the Ratchet remake is not the only $40 sony game. Sony has always understood that not every game can be priced at $60. Uncharted Lost Legacy was $40. Miles Morales is $40 (at least on PS4). SOTC remake was $40. Even going back to the PS3 gen, they launched Warhawk at $40. They charged $60 for MAG and it flopped.

I paid $70 for Ratchet on Day one, but clearly not everyone thinks like me. most of the PS5 owners right now are hardcore too so this is high even for them. 1 million units is good, but not great. Attach rate of 1 per 8 PS5 owners. not good when Zelda was pretty much a 1:1 attach rate with the Switch.


What time is it?
Thanks genius.

$60 PS4 game + $70 PS5 game = $130
$60 PS4 game + $20 PS5 upgrade = $80

The upgrade is a $50 discount.

It's impossible to spend $70 on the PS5 game if you own the PS4 game. The PS5 upgrade list price is $29.99. You are really bad at this.


What time is it?
Yeah, but times have changed since the last big Ratchet game in 2009 or whenever Clank in Time came out. Besides, the Ratchet remake is not the only $40 sony game. Sony has always understood that not every game can be priced at $60. Uncharted Lost Legacy was $40. Miles Morales is $40 (at least on PS4). SOTC remake was $40. Even going back to the PS3 gen, they launched Warhawk at $40. They charged $60 for MAG and it flopped.

I paid $70 for Ratchet on Day one, but clearly not everyone thinks like me. most of the PS5 owners right now are hardcore too so this is high even for them. 1 million units is good, but not great. Attach rate of 1 per 8 PS5 owners. not good when Zelda was pretty much a 1:1 attach rate with the Switch.

I'm with you in spirit. While I think $70 is too much for R&C (I was there day one too), I just don't think it's fair to compare it to the previous remake, other remakes or expansions. Was it Sony who used to offer first party titles at $10 less than industry standard?
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