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Dark souls 2 worth the play if you've enjoyed every other souls game? Not sure why I skipped that one lol
I think so, it has slightly different hollowing and is now the roughest of the trilogy with the first game being remastered, but it is definitely dark souls, just the least inspired of the 3. Still fun overall.


I think so, it has slightly different hollowing and is now the roughest of the trilogy with the first game being remastered, but it is definitely dark souls, just the least inspired of the 3. Still fun overall.
Thanks, I need a souls fix until elden ring. It's either this one or ashen. Don't really like the art style of ashen though.


PS+ expires in January, perfect timing for that.

I’m also interested in Sackboy: A Big Adventure if it’s a good discount.
I’m looking out for Sackboy ($30 is my limit for that) and the Ghost Director’s cut add on ($15, $20 at a push). Bought Guardians of the Galaxy on Xbox tonight.
Dark souls 2 worth the play if you've enjoyed every other souls game? Not sure why I skipped that one lol
I think DS2 would be considered a better game if the other ones didn't exist, but compared to the other FROM games, it's not great. Bosses are not memorable at all, but there's come good areas to explore.
Thanks, I need a souls fix until elden ring. It's either this one or ashen. Don't really like the art style of ashen though.
Ashen is pretty good, but much, much shorter. Also, you're probably not likely to get many people phasing in to help in Ashen now that you're so far outside the launch window. It was a pretty cool feature that other players would randomly take the place of your NPC companions.
Why is Nioh listed under 1st party? Team Ninja isn't owned by Sony. Those games were just published by Sony
1st party = PlayStation games published by Sony

3rd party = PlayStation games not published by Sony
Um, no, a 1st party game is one that is developed by an in house studio. Everything else on the list is a 1st party game, not Nioh 1&2. A game published by a platform holder but developed by an outside studio is generally called a 2nd party game. Koei Tecmo owns Team Ninja. Nioh is a 2nd party franchise.


Um, no, a 1st party game is one that is developed by an in house studio. Everything else on the list is a 1st party game, not Nioh 1&2. A game published by a platform holder but developed by an outside studio is generally called a 2nd party game. Koei Tecmo owns Team Ninja. Nioh is a 2nd party franchise.

Here's Sony's financial statements. No such thing as a 2nd party game.

"Physical Software is revenue from first party game software for PlayStation® consoles sold on discs to retailers and royalties from third party software sold on

"Digital Software is revenue from full game downloads of both first and third party titles sold via the PlayStation Store."

And here's Insomniac explaining it years ago (before they were owned by Sony.)

Learn the correct industry terms:

1st party game = PlayStation game published by Sony
1st party game = PlayStation game not published by Sony

Internal developer = developer of 1st party game owned by Sony
External developer = developer of 1st party game not owned by Sony

And Sony doesn't own Kojima Productions or Sumo Digital, either.
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Here's Sony's financial statements. No such thing as a 2nd party game.

"Physical Software is revenue from first party game software for PlayStation® consoles sold on discs to retailers and royalties from third party software sold on

"Digital Software is revenue from full game downloads of both first and third party titles sold via the PlayStation Store."

And here's Insomniac explaining it years ago (before they were owned by Sony.)

Learn the correct industry terms:

1st party game = PlayStation game published by Sony
1st party game = PlayStation game not published by Sony

Internal developer = developer of 1st party game owned by Sony
External developer = developer of 1st party game not owned by Sony

And Sony doesn't own Kojima Productions or Sumo Digital, either.

Lol they literally also talked about 2nd party games being exactly what I said. "Outside studio" doing games for a 1st party publisher. Also, that's not Insomniac games saying that, it's a PR person running a Twitter account. 2nd party is a term in gaming. Don't care what one Twitter account said. I hate Greg Miller, but he's right that 2nd party means what I said it does.
Game Freak and Nintendo are one of the best examples out there with Pokémon. Bluepoint used to be 2nd party too.
Undead Labs used to be as well.
Twitter isn't a place to do research
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Dark souls 2 worth the play if you've enjoyed every other souls game? Not sure why I skipped that one lol
Yes it is, I skipped DS2 for a long time because people said it was ”bad”. Its ”feels” different (animations are wierd compared to 1&3) but I still hold it above DS3 in many aspects.

It’s still one hell of a game, in some apects its the best one(powerstancing, bonfire ascetics, etc.). Its a long game as well and it’s harder than 1 and 3 IMO. SotFS Edition has all the DLCs and they are really, really good. Don’t skip it because people say it’s bad. It really isn’t. Its a bit different but I really really like it.


Writes a lot, says very little
Lol they literally also talked about 2nd party games being exactly what I said. "Outside studio" doing games for a 1st party publisher.

Well...I think they also mean in the event its now owned by them or something.

Stuff like Sly Cooper, Uncharted, Ratchet and many more have been made by "outside studios" before and I doubt Sony doesn't see those as not first party games or something odd like that. Its semantics and for the most part, first party to businesses simply means we own the thing or made by us or published by us etc.


Lol they literally also talked about 2nd party games being exactly what I said. "Outside studio" doing games for a 1st party publisher. Also, that's not Insomniac games saying that, it's a PR person running a Twitter account. 2nd party is a term in gaming. Don't care what one Twitter account said. I hate Greg Miller, but he's right that 2nd party means what I said it does.
Game Freak and Nintendo are one of the best examples out there with Pokémon. Bluepoint used to be 2nd party too.
Undead Labs used to be as well.
Twitter isn't a place to do research
Come On Reaction GIF by NBA


Writes a lot, says very little
Yes it is, I skipped DS2 for a long time because people said it was ”bad”. Its ”feels” different (animations are wierd compared to 1&3) but I still hold it above DS3 in many aspects.

It’s still one hell of a game, in some apects its the best one(powerstancing, bonfire ascetics, etc.). Its a long game as well and it’s harder than 1 and 3 IMO. SotFS Edition has all the DLCs and they are really, really good. Don’t skip it because people say it’s bad. It really isn’t. Its a bit different but I really really like it.

Agreed. Its why I don't listen to people over such hyperbole, everything to them is either the greatest game of all time, or the worst game in history.


I think the only thing I'm honestly interested in is Guardians of the Galaxy.

I don't think I need Ratchet even at 50% off. Just not a fan of the series. I'd play the new one just to see the graphics, but I can wait years.

I guess I need the Nioh 1 upgrade as well, since 2 got it for free. We'll see how much that is. It's a rip-off, but it's one of my all time favorite games.
I’ve seen it mentioned GotG is similar to JEDI FO is that the case?


What time is it?
From my wish list:

-DMC5SE: $29.99 (25%)
-Aliens: Fireteam Elite Deluxe Edition: $44.79 (36%)


Bestbuy might save the day with:

-Hotwheels Unleashed: $29.99
-Aliens: Fireteam: $24.99
-Guardians of the Galaxy: $29.99


Dark souls 2 worth the play if you've enjoyed every other souls game? Not sure why I skipped that one lol
No it sucks imo.

Play these:
Demons Souls
Dark Souls I
Dark Souls III
Elden Ring
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Jesus. I'm glad I can't get a PS5 because there's no way I'm paying these prices. Maybe in 2024 they will have dropped to something more appealing.
Discounts are live, lots of 30% off BS, I remember 3-4 years ago BF sales on PSN had 50% off as the standard (there are a handful of these to be fair). Already decided I'll drop $100 on stuff from my Wishlist, looks like it's going to be Guardians, Persona 5 Strikers and maybe Sackboy, still undecided there.

Dark souls 2 worth the play if you've enjoyed every other souls game? Not sure why I skipped that one lol

It's a no-brainer if you love Souls. Lots of hot takes when it comes to Dark Souls 2, Miyazaki not directing it often cited as a reason why it's a weaker entry (weakest to many though I've seen numerous people refer to it as their favourite). Even if we go ahead and call it the "weakest" it's still better than 95% of the games that come to market, the DLC areas in particular are fantastic, buy it 👍.


It's like Sony is slowly going the Nintendo route. Joke's on them I guess, not getting my money with the discount being basically full price. Third party games it is.
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It's like Sony is slowly going the Nintendo route. Joke's on them I guess, not getting my money with the discount being basically full price. Third party games it is.

Honestly it's starting to make sense to either pre-order physical games (at least in my country there's discounts close to 20€ for ps5 preorders) or wait a year a half to buy 1st part games.
One thing's for sure: thank god i didn't go digital-only PS5 this gen.
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