PlayStation Store - Black Friday Sale


As an X-Dork from way back, I bypassed the PS4 so I could headsh0t some nubs in Halo. Turns out I'm old and uncoordinated now, so narrative based third person action games are my jam.

Trying to catch up on everything I missed with my PS5, any suggestions from this list that aren't already included in the PS+ Collection?
last of us part 2 for sure


Upgrade =/= discount.

$60 for Persona 5.
$60 for Persona 5 Royal.
$120 total cost.

$60 for Persona 5.
$20 upgrade for Persona 5 Royal.
$80 total cost.
$120-$80 = $40 discount on Persona 5 Royal.

$60 for Ghost of Tsushima.
$60 for Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut.
$120 total cost.

$60 for Ghost of Tsushima.
$20 upgrade for Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut.
$80 total cost.
$120-$80 = $40 discount on Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut.


Gold Member
Nothing really jumping out to me.

I've wanted Nioh 2 for a while but I sort of want to wait until I have a ps5 or better PC. The ps4pro version seems to hold 60fps well but also seem like the visuals got significantly scaled back. It doesn't even have anisotropic filtering

Absolutely horrendous first party sales. $50 for Ratchet and Returnal? $40 for Demon Souls. A year old remake? And then they wonder why no one is buying their games.

Every single one of these games should have launched at $40. Demon Souls is a remake just like SOTC was. SOTC launched at $40.

Ratchet last gen launched at $40. They knew it wasn't a full priced game. Ratchet is a linear game that lacks MP or open world elements of Spiderman. It should not be $70 and Sony used to know that.

Returnal is the same. It even lacks the high quality production values of Ratchet's cutscenes. 500k for that game just shows that it is priced way too high. Demon Souls didnt even get any sales figures. Ratchet sold a million but the attach rate is absolutely awful for a big AAA release this early in the gen.

And Sony is not learning. This was the perfect time to get these games into the hands of more people. $50 is basically full price. Why would people bargain hunting on christmas buy $50 game when they can buy 2 AAA games for that price? it's not even like these games cost as much as TLOU2. Bluepoint and Housemarque are small studios that pushed out these games in 2-3 years. Insomniac made Ratchet in 2 years while also making Spiderman. These are not $100 million games.

Sony seems to be going for a Nintendo style strategy this gen. Expensive games and bad discounts. They've realized their brand recognition and exclusives are the main appeal, so they'll charge a premium for it.
When/if I get a Ps5 I'll probably be doing the same I do on Switch, buy used physical copies and resell them once I finish for the same or nearly the same I paid for.
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Nintendo doesn't charge $70 for a roguelike
What is with the crying I see about charging X for a "roguelike". Why is the genre of game a determinate factor for the price. If you're talking about Returnal, I got over 100 hours of play time out of it already. I don't see people crying about the price of Ratchet & Clank, which can be platinumed in 10-12 hours. Don't see people crying about the price of Guardians of the Galaxy which can also be 100% completed in 15-20 hours. Seems more like you just want to find a reason to dump on Returnal for some reason.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I'm with you in spirit. While I think $70 is too much for R&C (I was there day one too), I just don't think it's fair to compare it to the previous remake, other remakes or expansions. Was it Sony who used to offer first party titles at $10 less than industry standard?
Yeah, i think that was back in the PS2 days. They ended the gen with several $40 games when games used to be $50.


What time is it?
$60 for Ghost of Tsushima.
$60 for Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut.
$120 total cost.

$60 for Ghost of Tsushima.
$20 upgrade for Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut.
$80 total cost.
$120-$80 = $40 discount on Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut.

Removing Persona since it's not a great example due to Atlus not offering an upgrade path.

Your hypothetical for Tsushima is impossible. Sony offered an upgrade for for PS4 owners for $29.99 (DLC + PS5 features). That's not a discount. That's Sony's list price. The upgrade is also the only option you can choose if you own the PS4 version, meaning I can't buy the PS5 Director's cut at full price. That's not an issue today, but once the list price or sale price for the full version of the Director's Cut fall below $29.99, the upgrade pricing gets worse without discounts (% below list) or a price drop.

Your pricing model is also wrong unless you aren't factoring in the PS4 -> PS5 upgrade:

GOT: DC (PS4): $59.99
GOT: DC (PS5): $69.99
GOT to GOT: DC Upgrade (PS4): $19.99 (DLC)
GOT (PS4) to GOT: DC (PS5) Upgrade: $29.99 (DLC + PS5 Native App/Features)
GOT (PS4): No longer available as it was replaced by the DC.

edit: smileys everywhere, oh my
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
What is with the crying I see about charging X for a "roguelike". Why is the genre of game a determinate factor for the price.


This sale is pretty disappointing. Most of the games I have already seen (much) cheaper. Even some of them on PSN lol.


Think I'm finished for this year.

Modern warfare $30 (sold my disc for 30 so just transferring it to a digital copy).

Doom Eternal Gold edition ($30).

Guardians of the galaxy $38

Crash 4 $30

Watch dogs legion gold edition $30

As I'm in Europe there's effectively another 15% off these days prices for me thanks to the exchange rate. Oh and I bought 2 years of ps plus on my EU account for €80.

Not a bad days shipping, unlikely to buy anything else this year unless they offer an insane deal in the Christmas sale.


Fafracer forever
Nintendo doesn't charge $70 for a roguelike
They charge full-prices for mini-game collections and 2d platformers though. And 2d platformers with guns.

On the actual numbers note though - was anything other than BOTW priced in nex-gen bracket from Nintendo?
Yeah, I've played over 80 runs of Hades too. That doesn't prove that Returnal is "bad". That's just an opinion. I disagree. Hades makes you continue to beat the game again and again and again, literally dozens of times, in order to get to the epilogue and "finish" the game. That's not how most roguelikes work. Usually you have to work your way up to beating the game, which is why the rogue elements are intriguing. Hades just expects you to beat the same mobs and bosses over and over again for no reason, other than that they spoonfeed the dialogue one sentence at a time, drawing out the game well past the point where I grew sick of playing it. Saying "Returnal is bad because I thought Hades was better" is not an argument. You're just stating a preference.
And NONE of that has anything to do with my post, which was about the PRICE of the game. Maybe try addressing the point, instead of trying to veer off the road into a separate topic entirely.


I brought Judgement and Rebel Galaxy Outlaw from this Sale, far as it goes for me...! I haven't even played my other purchases which I brought the last time there was a big sale - Call of Duty (the Cold war part) and Assassins Creed set in Egypt!

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Yeah, I've played over 80 runs of Hades too. That doesn't prove that Returnal is "bad". That's just an opinion. I disagree. Hades makes you continue to beat the game again and again and again, literally dozens of times, in order to get to the epilogue and "finish" the game. That's not how most roguelikes work. Usually you have to work your way up to beating the game, which is why the rogue elements are intriguing. Hades just expects you to beat the same mobs and bosses over and over again for no reason, other than that they spoonfeed the dialogue one sentence at a time, drawing out the game well past the point where I grew sick of playing it. Saying "Returnal is bad because I thought Hades was better" is not an argument. You're just stating a preference.
And NONE of that has anything to do with my post, which was about the PRICE of the game. Maybe try addressing the point, instead of trying to veer off the road into a separate topic entirely.
I think you probably made it through the headline and that was about it. My post in the thread I linked didn't talk about Hades or Returnal specifically. I tried to not just ignore you since this is all off topic derailing, but just linked you to a previous post I made answering exactly why I think roguelikes as a genre are linked to price. Maybe next time just read it and think about it for 5 seconds before hitting reply.

PSA: Please stop responding to me about my one sentence Returnal comment. If I could rewind time I would have just not written it since it's derailed a lot already.
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What time is it?
Yeah, I've played over 80 runs of Hades too. That doesn't prove that Returnal is "bad". That's just an opinion. I disagree. Hades makes you continue to beat the game again and again and again, literally dozens of times, in order to get to the epilogue and "finish" the game. That's not how most roguelikes work. Usually you have to work your way up to beating the game, which is why the rogue elements are intriguing. Hades just expects you to beat the same mobs and bosses over and over again for no reason, other than that they spoonfeed the dialogue one sentence at a time, drawing out the game well past the point where I grew sick of playing it. Saying "Returnal is bad because I thought Hades was better" is not an argument. You're just stating a preference.
And NONE of that has anything to do with my post, which was about the PRICE of the game. Maybe try addressing the point, instead of trying to veer off the road into a separate topic entirely.

Just to veer this topic further (sorry), Hades reminded me a lot of Rogue Legacy. It's a short game that got artificially extended by rogue-lite trappings (permanent character upgrades and a trumped up difficulty spike).

I'm no fan of Returnal either mostly based due to it's own rogue-like implementation (resetting your run half way through for narrative purposes is beyond frustrating) but at least it didn't fall into that all-to-popular rogue-lite trap.

And speaking of that, Spelunky is probably on sale and it's 1,000 times better than either of these games.


Many sales over the years I still curse at the tv for $70 dollar games
The whole issue that people conveniently ignored, when defending the price increase, was that even if wait you still pay more. Combine that with the fact that Sony has reduced their traditional discount percentages during big sales and you end up with idiotic "Black Firday, biggest discounts of the year!" type shit that aren't much of a sale at all.


Returnal should have been in $38.99 range by now and $30.99 it would have been a good deal.
I got Tsushima Directors Cut, since nobody dares to make these type of games. Demon's Souls maybe a buy, don't wanna stress myself since I have Sekiro unfinished early on. I don't have patience for hard games anymore.
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Not getting anything and I’ll pet myself and call me a good boy. I’m very tempted but my backlog is huge and I told myself to not buy anything new until after Elden Ring. See you in April, sales.


That’s like your opinion, man.

Paid 79 euros for digital version on release. Best money I spent on games this year. Godbless Harry Krueger.


Okay so we all know PS5 is a buggy piece of crap, but can someone explain to me why I still need to insert a disc to play the PS5 version of FFVIIR after purchasing a digital PS4 version?

I've tried restoring licenses but no luck.

edit: nm I figured it out
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Guys, those sales can’t but as good as those for physical copies, otherwise they would piss off retailers and console manufacturers absolutely need them.
Expect this is the first generation where it has been this terrible, so that's not exactly a valid excuse. My entire PS4 library is digital. If Sony pulled this shit last gen it would not be. It's 100% not because of brick and mortar, it's pure greed.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Think I'm finished for this year.

Modern warfare $30 (sold my disc for 30 so just transferring it to a digital copy).

Doom Eternal Gold edition ($30).

Guardians of the galaxy $38

Crash 4 $30

Watch dogs legion gold edition $30

As I'm in Europe there's effectively another 15% off these days prices for me thanks to the exchange rate. Oh and I bought 2 years of ps plus on my EU account for €80.

Not a bad days shipping, unlikely to buy anything else this year unless they offer an insane deal in the Christmas sale.
It’ll be the same games in the Christmas sale. The the same ones again in the January sale. It’s always the same shit, sale after sale.
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Gold Member
Snagged a few PS4 games I've been wanting. Ace Combat 7 Deluxe for $8.49 is a steal. Lumines Deluxe for $4.49 is great, too.
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Meh, with the sale Returnal is down to 636kr, that’s still $71. Can we expect bigger cuts for the Christmas sale?


What's the Death Stranding Director's Cut, PS5, deal looking like, for those in regions where the sale is already active?

Death stranding is only $10 off, lame.

Death stranding directors cut is $30 at Walmart
I realize the thread is for Playstation, but if you also havea PC as I do, Death stranding is only $24 Canadian on steam...that means for others it will be much less than that.

As far as Playstation, I picked up Risk of Rain 2 for $10 CND. The amount of game I got between the two for $34 is a good deal indeed.
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I would think that I would like Hades, if I like Returnal and Souls likes.

Am I right?

I haven't played roguelikes that much.
I would watch others play it first, I was ready to buy it also but then I saw the weird diagnoal 3d view system, (which i hate) and I said no way. I like souls and Returnal very much. If you like Returnal, Risk of Rain 2, despite not having the next gen polish is a highly rated rouglike with so many similarities to Returnal that you will like that more IMO. I just bought it today for $10 CDN lol.
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