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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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RE7... Thankfully Amazon Prime Now has new underwear, what a service.

I didn't literally shit myself, but holy crap


VR kinda sucks in RE7. I cannot see anything unless you're on top of it. The game is pitch black. Seems broken tbh.

Huh?, didnt have this issue at all. I nean you do have a flashlight, but there are rooms with other light in theme.
Also I found the VR very cool in it. Will defintly be playing the whole game in VR, cant wait. Didnt have any motion sickness, and it all felt very playable and not hindered.


Incredibly Naive
My cousin will be bringing the vr by tomorrow to give this demo a whirl. Psyched the hear about the visuals and the nausea issue being cleared up.

It worked for me and lots of other people. Part of the problem is people not putting them on correctly for the exact pressure spot. Of course it could all be a placebo effect, but does it matter if it actually works? I was getting nauseous in both Robinson and Rigs before I tried using the bands. Now I don't get any motion sickness as long as I keep the play time reasonable lengths.

BTW I am a doctor too if that even matters ;p.

Wait your a doctor and you buy into acupressure? Isn't that kind of a contradiction?
Is the RE VR demo a new demo or update to the old?

Update of the old beginning hour demo as always.

Adds Pro & HDR Support, PSVR Support and unlocks all the doors that where previously lock in the demo.

RE7 in VR is hella fun :)

Has a bunch of comfort settings to customize.


I used to be sceptical of the benefits of VR in not first person games but after playing Super Stardust Ultra VR my opinion has changed. The extra layer of depth the regular stardust gets with VR is great, not necessarily for immersion but it gives you an extra layer of depth perception that makes the game much easier to play. Being able to lean and peek for meteors hiding behind corners is really helpful.
what bands?

Something like this. I prefer ones with adjustable bands. You can also get bands that are elastic but you'd have to eventually replace them. They work by applying slight pressure to acupuncture points near your wrist, made for people who get seasick or sick on airplanes, but also work great for VR. Just follow the instructions for proper placement (like 3 fingers down from wrist).

Completely different demo. This was the original demo put out months ago for non-VR. It was updated today to now include new VR support and a new area with 2 new endings.
Nausea bands do not work. (This really should be in the OP.)

If you feel like they have an effect for you, great, but it's just the placebo effect. They have been scientifically proven to be bullshit, meaning they're a waste of money.

Buy a good VR game instead.
It worked for me and lots of other people. Part of the problem is people not putting them on correctly for the exact pressure spot. Of course it could all be a placebo effect, but does it matter if it actually works? I was getting nauseous in both Robinson and Rigs before I tried using the bands. Now I don't get any motion sickness as long as I keep the play time reasonable lengths.

BTW I am a doctor too if that even matters ;p.
The problem is that you're wasting your money, and advising others to do the same. Would you recommend a patient a placebo drugs for their ailment if they came into your office? If not you shouldn't recommend this crap either. Better recommend some pills for the nausea.

Also, pressure points do not exist, so that's certainly not the issue here. If you believe in that, are you one of those doctors who recommend your patients acupuncture and homeopathic remedies? I hope not.

The effect you think it has had on you is probably just you getting your VR legs. Try to take it off, and just remember to keep telling yourself that it never worked in the first place.


Ok...ay... that's cute and all, but I literally said the same thing you did about racing in VR, so who are you arguing with here exactly?

No you didn't? You questioned whther it is worthwhile for Sony to add VR mode and I think it should not be a big issue when indie games can do it. I think Red Out added VR mode afterwards.
so if the center of the screen is sharp but the very edge of the screen is a bit blurry, does it mean the ipd needs to be smaller or larger? I did the thing with the adjustment bt the result was pretty much the same, went from 63 to 64. I want to try adding more or decreasing the ipd to see if changes. I would assume we should decrease tell ipd right, if the edges are a bit blurry?


so if the center of the screen is sharp but the very edge of the screen is a bit blurry, does it mean the ipd needs to be smaller or larger? I did the thing with the adjustment bt the result was pretty much the same, went from 63 to 64. I want to try adding more or decreasing the ipd to see if changes. I would assume we should decrease tell ipd right, if the edges are a bit blurry?

It's meant to be like that. It's mimic-ing real eyes. Move your head.
Just played the RE7 demo. Exceeded my expectations. The graphics are a massive step up from the Kitchen demo. I'm playing on PS4 Pro, fwiw. Still, the lighting and ambience is really great.

I understand this concept now. It's like P.T. but in VR. Very intriguing, puzzle survival. While absolutely creepy, it was surprisingly light on jump scares. The motion capture is really great, also. I think this demo sold me on this game. Great VR setup tutorial. This should probably be the standard going forward.

As for VR comfort, I opted for the default comfort settings and played it twice with no issues. I increased the movement speed to "Normal" on the second play though and that was also fine. Turning on smooth turning would probably be a bad idea for most so I didn't even try.

Only one question though: is there more than one ending to the demo? All I can find is the "Bad Ending".
There's at least one other ending. Try going opening and going into the crawlspace before you play the VHS tape, now that you know how to do it.


ok, wow. RE7. i turned off the assists and smoothed and made it as much like a normal first person game as possible and didn't have any sickness problems at all.

my only thought was since you are using the two sticks like a normal game, that the camera stick felt weird only being able to look left and right and not up and down. yes, you can use you head to do that but i would like the be able to use the stick and my head in conjunction to look.

other than that, it felt perfect, it's like night and day better in vr. can't wait!!


Party Pooper
Nausea bands do not work. (This really should be in the OP.)

If you feel like they have an effect for you, great, but it's just the placebo effect. They have been scientifically proven to be bullshit, meaning they're a waste of money.

Buy a good VR game instead.

better off getting Ginger gum/candy if you want something medically proven to help
Played the RE7 demo on vanilla PS4 and my god this game is legit!! Looks really good, especially stuff that's not too far away, farther it becomes a little messy/pixelated, guess that's where the Pro shines? But I can live with that.

Physically looking around a corner with your head and into drawers and shit is so good, eeeww those wriggling maggots in the fridge ;)

Man I hope Ace Combat will be playable in its entirety with PSVR just as RE7, would be such a damn shame if not ;( Anybody asked some dudes at PSX about it, somebody must know surely??


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
ok, wow. RE7. i turned off the assists and smoothed and made it as much like a normal first person game as possible and didn't have any sickness problems at all.

my only thought was since you are using the two sticks like a normal game, that the camera stick felt weird only being able to look left and right and not up and down. yes, you can use you head to do that but i would like the be able to use the stick and my head in conjunction to look.

other than that, it felt perfect, it's like night and day better in vr. can't wait!!

I actually got a bit sick from the demo, but I think it was mostly because of this (and that my brightness was so messed up) it was really annoying me lol. They need to add the option for full right-stick camera.

And I don't like not having a body... that sucks.


Neo Member
So I've had PSVR for a little over 2 weeks now and I've been doing a lot of research and its getting me worried because I'm having very strong flashbacks to when I bought my Vita. Back then I was a strong defender of the Vita and would tell every naysayer that Vita has so many games coming out (listing them as an example to doom'ers because I really believed in it) and also called people crazy for calling it a failure so early. And Vita is a great system no doubt about it.

There are many people that keep saying "look at all the PSVR games coming it's gonna be the best thing ever" but out of all of those so called games there are only a handful that can be considered actual full games. Most titles available now are small <1hour tech demos and experiences and them so called games so far feel very shallow, and let me explain what I mean by that,

I have bought over 10 VR titles in the last 2 weeks: Batman VR, Holoball, Eagle Flight, How we Soar, VR wolds, Robinson, Rez, Rush of Blood, Job Simlulator, Bound

Most of those I have already beat in a combined time as long as an average 10-12 hr game. And I've become bored of replaying the same titles over and over again and have become hungry for content because I can see where it could lead. Most have one gimmick they run with but nothing really that takes you beyond that.
In addition seeing RE:7 being praised as the best VR experience I get worried and It reminded me of Gravity Rush on Vita and how I used to say it was a sign the Vita will be huge. I can't take horror personally so as a consumer I get even more worried because this game isn't even for someone like me and from personal experience a large number of people don't enjoy the horror experiences or can't really take them.

Seeing that only one game was announced during PSX and many games in development seems to be in purgatory right now I started feeling worried when I realized Sony 1st party support isn't there just like the Vita and I fear they didn't learn anything from previous mistakes. IMO the Vita failed because the killer apps weren't there to propel it forward.

I feel the honeymoon period over and I'm becoming more objective and beginning to see some red flags. Haven't actually touched my VR in over a week and I just realized that writing this.

Question: So I ask you gaf, What do you think the PSVR killer app is at the moment? What do you think a killer app for VR should be like?


^^ If you beat all those games in 12 hours combined you must have been rushing through them.

I imagine there'll be very few "full" games - but rather there will be many more shorter experiences that hopefully cost no more than £15.99 - which seems to be a fair price for what you get - for the majority of titles. I would guess that titles get bigger and longer as developers get used to the technology.

It's hard to judge PSVR "killer apps" to normal PS4 ones. It's a different medium to a certain extent. You're in the games.

But the games I've enjoyed the most are: Until Dawn, Tethered, VR Worlds, Pixel Gear and Job Simulator.

Most looking forward to Star Trek though.


Neo Member
^^ If you beat all those games in 12 hours combined you must have been rushing through them.

I imagine there'll be very few "full" games - but rather there will be many more shorter experiences that hopefully cost no more than £15.99 - which seems to be a fair price for what you get - for the majority of titles. I would guess that titles get bigger and longer as developers get used to the technology.

It's hard to judge PSVR "killer apps" to normal PS4 ones. It's a different medium to a certain extent. You're in the games.

But the games I've enjoyed the most are: Until Dawn, Tethered, VR Worlds, Pixel Gear and Job Simulator.

Most looking forward to Star Trek though.

The one thing I am worried is that it's mostly going to be shorter tech demo experiences and once the developers finish one they won't really jump into making another. Short experience a system seller they are not. Had almost everyone I let try the VR give me a negative feedback when I told them the length of Batman VR but they loved the tech.

PS: i didn't beat all the games in that time, just maybe 6-7 of them combined. Some of course are longer like Robinson but that one makes me sick so I can't finish it yet.


Serious question. Has anybody that is prone to getting motion sick, tried playing psvr with motion sickness bands on? I get very motion sick riding on the bus and looking down at my phone or trying to read. I have to have my head up and looking out of a window or I'll feel like I'm going to pass out in under 20sec. However, I tried some $6 motion sickness wrist bands, and now I can read on the bus and look down just fine. It's weird, but it works. So anybody tried these with the psvr games? Verdict?

I'm on the fence about buying psvr, especially for RE7, but a bit worried about motion sickness.


I've got my VR legs under me, so I managed to play the RE7 demo with all the comfort settings off. It was a legitimately terrifying experience.

I'm thinking now I'll probably play the game the first time the traditional way, and do the second playthrough in VR mode once I know where the jump scares are. When you feel like you're IN that messed up house, it's a lot more upsetting and disturbing than it is playing as a much more distant gamer, sitting on a couch, looking through a "window" into an awful world that's on the other side of a TV screen.

I'm starting to realize that horror games are simultaneously the best and worst examples of VR in action. Always feeling like there might be something behind you is a draining, upsetting experience.
Played the RE7 demo first thing this morning. I was really concerned at the initial walk around room setup the controls were terrible. Before playing I went into options and smoothed out movement. MINDBLOWN it was super immersive the only part that made me jump was the manequnin falling down.


Serious question. Has anybody that is prone to getting motion sick, tried playing psvr with motion sickness bands on? I get very motion sick riding on the bus and looking down at my phone or trying to read. I have to have my head up and looking out of a window or I'll feel like I'm going to pass out in under 20sec. However, I tried some $6 motion sickness wrist bands, and now I can read on the bus and look down just fine. It's weird, but it works. So anybody tried these with the psvr games? Verdict?

I'm on the fence about buying psvr, especially for RE7, but a bit worried about motion sickness.

Those bands don't work. It's combination of the placebo effect and training your body to get used to it.

I got sick in some VR games when I first tried them. I didn't use any bands. I' can just about stomach anything now. And I've got an extra $6 for VR games. ;)


I actually got a bit sick from the demo, but I think it was mostly because of this (and that my brightness was so messed up) it was really annoying me lol. They need to add the option for full right-stick camera.

And I don't like not having a body... that sucks.

the only feeling i got was absolutely terrified, so much that i wasn't sure if i could play (especially going into the new area)...and i wanted to turn up the brightness a little (to make it less scary). but i'm getting the full game and am committed to playing it in vr. ahhhhh!! i'm nervous already


A big concern from the PSVR hardware. I've been playing RE7VR and as you know, you move your head alot to look around. Lately ive noticed that while looking up and then tilting my head back down, I can hear the display part (where the screen is) of the unit "shift" a tiny bit.

Is that normal operation? Like I know when you click the button under the display, you shift it forward/backward and snaps into place but when it snaps into place, is it to stay locked 100% or still have some "space" to "shift" about. Hard to explain.

Im worried that since I've had family try it, I forget to tell them to move the back piece instead of the display when wanting to improve their visual display, and possibly damaged it.

So i've noticed they go for the display first to try to make the picture clearer but have to correct them by telling them not to do that and move the back piece up or down instead.

GAF, is it normal for the display to rock back and forth a little bit while gaming? Now its not something that affects my gaming. Nothing is changing how games play. Its move about me hearing the display move tiny mm fwd/bwd when looking up/down.

Maybe i never noticed and is normal?


Neo Member
GAF, is it normal for the display to rock back and forth a little bit while gaming? Now its not something that affects my gaming. Nothing is changing how games play. Its move about me hearing the display move tiny mm fwd/bwd when looking up/down.

Maybe i never noticed and is normal?

I've actually noticed mine be more "wobbly" as I used it even when I adjust the back it shakes in the front and it's got me scared so I am really careful with it but the plastic hinge holding it is worrying. I've only had it for a little over 2 weeks and have used it mostly for the first week and a half have since slowed down so Idk if the problem would get worse with time.
I got my PSVR at launch but last night I finally bought and played Batman VR. Damn is this engrossing and fun! It's another PSVR experience where I really feel like I'm in the world. I hope we get more of this, perhaps something from Telltale Games that combines their graphic novel look with VR.


I've actually noticed mine be more "wobbly" as I used it even when I adjust the back it shakes in the front and it's got me scared so I am really careful with it but the plastic hinge holding it is worrying. I've only had it for a little over 2 weeks and have used it mostly for the first week and a half have since slowed down so Idk if the problem would get worse with time.

Are you sure its not the camera wobble? Like when I play RE7VR, the world wobbles but its because I cant get it to be perfect. Pisses me off but its not the actual headset moving about.

Also to clarify again, it only shifts and I can hear it do so when looking up and then down. Obviously the weight of the display is making it shift a tiny bit but I dont remember if its supposed to be locked down 100% when it clicks after pressing the bottom button.


Neo Member
Are you sure its not the camera wobble? Like when I play RE7VR, the world wobbles but its because I cant get it to be perfect. Pisses me off but its not the actual headset moving about.

Also to clarify again, it only shifts and I can hear it do so when looking up and then down. Obviously the weight of the display is making it shift a tiny bit but I dont remember if its supposed to be locked down 100% when it clicks after pressing the bottom button.

No I hear like faint plastic clanking and a general "looser" feeling than before when I adjust the front using that bottom right button even after its locked all the way in.


Try playing the RE7 demo in non-VR first so you have a "feel" for how scary it is. Then do it in VR. There's only a few jump scares/really scary parts and they are all consistent so you can walk around a bit without encountering them, or prepare for them.
Are you sure its not the camera wobble? Like when I play RE7VR, the world wobbles but its because I cant get it to be perfect. Pisses me off but its not the actual headset moving about.

Also to clarify again, it only shifts and I can hear it do so when looking up and then down. Obviously the weight of the display is making it shift a tiny bit but I dont remember if its supposed to be locked down 100% when it clicks after pressing the bottom button.

I have had wobble off and on and I believe it to be caused by the camera going in and out of focus. I have seemingly fixed my wobble problem by walking/leaning in towards the camera for a few seconds (with the headset on of course) and then walking/leaning back. It may take a couple tries of this, but its worked for me every time. Hope this helps ya.
Question: So I ask you gaf, What do you think the PSVR killer app is at the moment? What do you think a killer app for VR should be like?

VR is PSVRs killer app .
Something(this huge step forward) that Vita couldn't have. It was just another handheld and it had to compete with powerful smartphones.

I would like to see in the future ND, kojima and other super-developers to define what should be a killer up game for PSVR.:D


Wait, so each new planet is $3 for Genesis? I just saw the new planet in the store.

Meh, I don't want to play this game one planet at a time, let alone pay $3 for each one as they're slowly being released.

I'm just gonna skip on the DLC for this game for now and if/when all the planets are released and there's a discount for buying all of them at once, I'll reconsider getting back into it.


Neo Member
VR is PSVRs killer app .
Something(this huge step forward) that Vita couldn't have. It was just another handheld and it had to compete with powerful smartphones.

I would like to see in the future ND, kojima and other super-developers to define what should be a killer up game for PSVR.:D

VR is the tech, killer app refers to software that is available on the PSVR platform


Played the RE demo for the very first time and in VR and holy shit, this is a paradigm shift in gaming.

With the kitchen demo and other VR demos I was concerned about the graphics and thought maybe I'll buy the pro come January but the demo actually looks decent, it works for that kind of game.

Also that shit is so intense, didn't want to explore any further so I tried to get out at the first chance I had, fucking VR, too real.


Fafracer forever
nampad said:
No you didn't? You questioned whther it is worthwhile for Sony to add VR mode
I never questioned whether it was possible though - which is what your reply was about. And "worthwhile" is by far the most important question when we're talking about porting handheld and last gen software.


I replayed the RE7 demo today and was able to find a second ending. Cool stuff. Exploration/survival games feel like a good fit for VR. A MIST game would work perfectly.


Neo Member
It was a carefully worded, underhanded insinuation that you haven't played *everything* available :p

Because I am not interested in everything why should I play stuff I don't care about. Like I said I've done lots of research including what games to buy based on my own interests. No one should ever be interested in every single thing there is. I have tried most of what there is and also borrowed some games through 1 other friend who also bought PSVR but just could justify spending $$$ on those. If you carefully read my post my hunger for longer and more diverse games is not the point of what I was asking.


VR is the tech, killer app refers to software that is available on the PSVR platform

Nah, you're wrong.

Look at Gran Turismo sport - by next-gen we'll have hit a graphical realism plateau. For almost three decades games have relied primarily on graphics to push the medium forward and sell sequels and that era is going to abruptly come to a end. Even if you could make a game look marginally better by putting thousands of man hours into detailing every crevice, only a select few are going to have the resources and finances to even attempt to do so. VR IS the future of gaming, it opens up a door to a whole new way of playing games, at a time when we're running out of other doors to explore.

There isn't a killer app yet, there isn't a World of Warcraft or Call of Duty which will drag even the most ardent old-school gamer kicking and screaming into VR, if you purchased the PSVR expecting that 3 months after launch then you probably made a mistake. Sony itself said it's going to be a slow burn.

But, it'll come eventually - and you can be the smug git who already has all the hardware to enjoy it.


Neo Member
Nah, you're wrong.

Look at Gran Turismo sport - by next-gen we'll have hit a graphical realism plateau. For almost three decades games have relied primarily on graphics to push the medium forward and sell sequels and that era is going to abruptly come to a stop.

Even if you could make a game look marginally better by putting thousands of man hours into detailing every crevice, only a select few are going to have the resources and finances to even attempt to do so. VR IS the future of gaming, it opens up a door to a whole new way of playing games - at a time when we're running out of other doors to explore.

There isn't a killer app yet, there isn't a World of Warcraft or Call of Duty which will drag even the most ardent old-school gamer kicking and screaming into VR yet, if you purchased the PSVR expecting that 3 months after launch then you probably made a mistake. But it'll come, eventually - and you can be the smug git who already has all the hardware to enjoy it.

What am I wrong about? Im not saying the tech isn't amazing... it definitely is.
Virtual Reality is the technology the PSVR system is based on. Killer app refers to software application developed for the system. This can be video games, or some sort of other experience but to be a killer app it has to make people want to get the system because of it. I understand people want PSVR because of the VR aspect and that's called innovative technology effect but it needs the software projects that utilize the innovative tech...and there has to be a breakout killer app for huge mainstream success. Basically PSVR needs its equivalent to Mario, Zelda, GTA, Halo - the system sellers.

edit:With new tech you can't let the hype die down and early adopters are the ones who drive the feeling of the system and I don't see a killer app for 2017 that has been announced yet. No I don't think RE:7 is it because I think people underestimate how many out there are not willing to play the horror genre and would rather watch others play instead.
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