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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Sorry if this has been mentioned before but do blacks appear grey for anyone else when in game? Was expecting a lot better from an OLED screen.

Yeah, in scenes with significant darkness there is like a grey "grain" overlay on everything. Really noticeable in Allumette.


Here is a list of games and which controllers they use in case anyone needs it.

100ft Robot Golf - DS4
Ace Banana - Move
Batman Arkham VR - DS4 / Move
Battlezone - DS4
Bound - DS4
Catlateral Damage - DS4
DriveClub VR - DS4
Eagle Flight - PSVR
Eve Valkyrie - DS4
Gnog - DS4
Gunjack - DS4
Harmonix Music VR - Move
Hatsune Miku VR - Move
Headmaster - DS4
Here They Lie - DS4
Hustle Kings VR - DS4 / Move
Job Simulator - Move
Keep Talking... - DS4
Loading Human - DS4
Volume - DS4
VR Demo Disc - DS4 / Move
VR Worlds - DS4 / Move
Rez Infinite - DS4
Rigs - DS4
Rise of The Tomb... - DS4
Superhypercube - DS4
The Brookhaven... - Move
The Playroom VR - DS4
Thumper - DS4
Tumble VR - DS4
Until Dawn: Rush... - DS4 / Move
Waddle Home - DS4 / Move
Wayward Sky - DS4 / Move
World War Toons - DS4
Rez uses Move too. And is absolutely amazing with it.
My post from the other thread:

FYI, I got the bundle from Amazon with one-day shipping to arrive tomorrow.

It's not sold out yet so they clearly got a decent amount of stock.

Did the same this morning.

I'm so stoked!

I tried a GearVR at Best Buy, in May then a PSVR a month ago - I loved these 2 fleeting moments and I'm ready.


Ordered 8 am Pacific time, the launch bundle from m Amazon - it WILL arrive tomorrow (I'm in California, maybe that helps times); cannot wait, this was a Xmas request to husband - but alas I NEED to be on the cusp of this new tech, now.
Just tried the Driveclub VR demo. When I first started I felt an incredibly weird feeling from my toes to my head. After a minute or two it went away and I felt no more issues after that. I was a bit wary though just in case anything happened.


The Kitchen demo is seriously great. Immediately made Resi Evil 7 rise up my most anticipated. If the full game has that same level of impact... We're in for something great.

Using PSVR on and off all day, really, really enjoying it still. Driveclub is decent, REZ and Thumper are great games.

No tracking issues whatsoever.

Still have much to play!
None of the headsets use "off" to represent black. It would cause other IQ problems that are worse than the grain effect.

Am pretty sure my s6 with gearVR doesnt have this issue, at leased not to the extent i have noticed it. Its weird because some screens show black just fine.


Am pretty sure my s6 with gearVR doesnt have this issue, at leased not to the extent i have noticed it. Its weird because some screens show black just fine.

I'm not sure if gear VR does it the same way, it may actually use full black and have the IQ issues that result.

For the big three headsets, it depends on the overall image. If 10% of the image is bright and 90% is dark, the blacks will look black. If 100% of the image is dark, you will see the grey graininess.
So so far I have Arkham VR, VR Worlds and the Demo Disc. Planning to get Future Live and will upgrade Super Stardust Ultra. What are some other good games for VR?


Had a short go. Will try again later. Rigs made me sick, Eve's immersion is incredible.
Don't put the lenses too close or you'll have them greased and blurred.
I've also seen the "tilting" issue a few times.
Will dust off the move later and check other games.
I'm not sure if gear VR does it the same way, it may actually use full black and have the IQ issues that result.

For the big three headsets, it depends on the overall image. If 10% of the image is bright and 90% is dark, the blacks will look black. If 100% of the image is dark, you will see the grey graininess.

What IQ issues. Niether my oled phone or tablet gave any major IQ issues at near black, nothing as bad as this grey grainyness anyhow


Just got mine and got to try the Ocean Dive. Amazing.

I know I've seen questions regarding a good 3D headset for PSVR, anyone got a link or suggestion?


First and only game I have played so far has been Batman. Took me 2,5 hours to beat it.
What can I say...I WAS fucking Batman for that time. Will play it again for sure for the collectibles and riddles.

At first the "unsharpness" annoyed me, but after moving the headset a lot I found a good position. Picture reminds me of my 720p beamer I use for my PS3.

This was my first VR experience ever and the immersion is unbelievable, these 2 and a half hours are one of the best gaming moments of my life, which started with Pitfall on an Atari, continued to a C64/Amiga, PS1 (Resident Evil intro and Gran Turismo replays) and PC era (Unreal with a Voodoo gfx card and my first multiplayer experiences with an old modem. :)

Was really blown away by Batman and all the small details in that short period of time, if they decide to do a full Batman (detective) game with this tech, it will be mindblowing, I am sure.

Now I have to try all other games and demos. Hopefully Batman wasn´t the best experience.
Had fears that VR would only be a gimmick like Move and 3D, but this is the future of gaming, I am sure of it.


What IQ issues. Niether my oled phone or tablet gave any major IQ issues at near black, nothing as bad as this grey grainyness anyhow

Your phone and tablet aren't low persistence screens being used next to your eyes filling up your entire vision and running at 90+Hz. Entirely different use cases, and different tradeoffs to be made.


Walked into Best Buy at lunch today thinking if they have the PSVR on the shelf I'll buy one if not I'm good. They had a table set up in front of the door with about four stand alone units and one bundle. I then went to the video game section and they had six stand alones and two bundles. I picked up the vanilla headset and look forward to trying it out tonight.


It may come down to the type of game he's playing and the type of movement (locomotion) the game implements. For example, Job Simulator doesn't have any artificial movement. The only time your perspective moves in game is when you physically move your heads position. I believe Batman is the same but not 100%. Cockpit games may take some getting use to. The actual cockpit gives a good reference point for your body to understand that you're not moving but some still experience motion sickness depending on how dramatic the movements are (so eve may be a little much). I would not recommend a game like Resident Evil in which walking is done through a controller. Many people who don't get motion sickness still get weird feelings from movement like this, myself included.

If he does try a game and starts feeling off, take the headset off immediately. Many people try and "fight it" to try and build a tolerance to this type of movement but it doesn't work that way.
Sounds good, thanks. He wants to try it, and he would like Batman and Job Simulator I'm sure. Driveclub might be bad for him though, but I'll only let him play when supervised anyways... at least if/when I pick a bundle up.


Played with it for a couple of hours, very impressed so far.

No tracking problems (tried it during the late afternoon with some open windows and during the evening without any lights). The PSVR unit itself comes close enough to the Rift/Vive that normal users won't notice much of a difference imo (I haven't tried roomscale tracking or the Move controllers yet). It's definitely the most user friendly VR device out of the three, and while VR probably won't fully go mainstream until everything is wireless, this thing works out of the box.

Thumper and Rez are my personal favorites so far. I quickly tried Summer Lesson and thought it was interesting in a "Persona social link" kind of way.

Drive Club works without making me sick, but the graphics really are underwhelming compared to the normal game. Hopefully the Pro will make DCVR a better experience.

Time for a break, will check out Rigs tonight.


Got new Moves and they dont seem to be connecting to the PS4 apparently? I've never used these before but it seems like there shouldn't be any issues, not sure what I'm doing wrong...anyone have any thoughts?


Haven't been able to get PSVR to fit quite right over my glasses. I can't move the headset frame close enough to my eyes to block out light bleed from the bottom of the headset without bumping up against my glasses =/ Still going to mess around with it when I get done with work.


I have a big problem with the headset: during VR or Cinema mode my view starts to slowly rotate to the right, so I have to gradually turn to the left. It's very noticeable, during a Rez level, it was almost 90° and on the long last level it was a full turn - I must have looked insane.

The camera is stable, it does not move.

I don't have any other tracking problems with controllers or head movements.

It appears in every game I tried (Rez, Thumper, Driveclub, Headmaster).

It can only be reset in the PS4 main menu, after closing the game. Without closing the game, it won't disappear, even if I reset the view with the Options button in the PS4 main menu.

Does anyone have a suggestion? Is it a hardware error? Should I try anything, maybe in the settings? (Everything's in default.)

Sorry for quoting myself, but as you can see, I had an extreme amount of headseat drifting/swimming. Using ckohler's awesome big post as a start, I could erase at least 95% of these problems.

The steps I took (dont know which were the key elements, so here is everything):
-settings/devices/psvr - adjust camera
-settings/devices/psvr - adjust tracking lights
-I sat 250 cm (8 feet?) from the camera before, I bought in a chair, sat closer, approximately 180 cm (6 feet?)
-after launching Rez, it shows you the cameras picture, I sat absolutely in the middle of the picture

After these steps, I had pretty much no headset drifting, even after 20 minutes of continuous play.

The camera was below the tv in both cases.


I went to Best Buy at noon today. They had VR bundles and non-bundles. Plenty of games. Absolutely no interest from anyone other than me. I was the only person looking at the stuff.

Afterwards I went to Wal-mart. They had Playstation VR stuff in the electronics section. Again, I was the only person looking at it.

This thing is going to bomb hard. Nobody knows it exists and once they see the price will get a PS4 Pro/Xbox One S instead.

I can confirm this. I went to every shop worldwide (had an hour for lunch today) and no one was buying them, most went for a Mars bar or a tin of Marvel powdered milk.


Yeah. Just blinks and gives no indication that it's charging or anything else.
Faulty USB cable? Does it matter which USB cable slot I use on the bottom? I tried both...

You need an USB cable with a data stream and not just for charging. Also the controllers need to be off when connected.


Are VR game trophy notifications disabled automatically. I played around for a few hours this afternoon with Rez and Batman and don't recall getting any trophies, even though I know I completed some requirements...
Your phone and tablet aren't low persistence screens being used next to your eyes filling up your entire vision and running at 90+Hz. Entirely different use cases, and different tradeoffs to be made.

Sure, but given what we know about OLED screens what are the IQ issues that this is a trade off for?

I take it the rift and vive have the same issue?

Just a bit dissapointed, after hearing about the move to oled i just asumed deep blacks and great contrast was a given and it resolution would be the only issue.


I'd be in the dick
The Best Buy I work at had a small crowd waiting this morning. Bigger crowd than the iPhone 7 launch (we are a pretty small store though). Sold out all of them in less than 20 minutes. No one bought any games though. Seems like most of them either bought digital or wanted to try the demos first.
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