Arizona seems to get a lot of flack, but have to say its getting lots of love from me.
Farpoint does have the egde on graphics but its just an edge, and they both have different styles. From my experience Farpoint and Arizona both have tracking issues and no one is worse than the other in my experience. I just lower the gun to the side of my leg for a second so its out of sight, and then raise it back. Sorted no game breaker, before an encounter I do it anyway both on Farpoint and Arizona.
The game really is intense and creepy as hell. I was so glad when I came out the other side of the
i'm such a shit pants.
Yep the first gun is hard to ADS but have to say the other guns are fine, and once you get hold of the sniper its
Mild game level spoilers, but me sniping.
Yep some headshots and some not, i based that on the fact if you hold the Aim stiff, concentrate there slight movement and i cannot hold the controller absolutely dead centre.
Anyway.excuse the fuck at the end, when your faced with about 30 of the little shits, its fight of flight. I started shooting and thought better, ran and they chased me
The only problem for me is, a few of my friends were all going to get this, they held off due to reviews and complaints. Boy they are missing a treat!