It so awesome to see that there is more activity in this thread, so i thought its time to make some tribute to it.
I bought psvr back in the days 2016, and have loved it since day one, my wife tested it first in the store, it was the demo were you go down deep in the water in a cage and there is a shark encounter.... she took of the headseat, looked at me and said; if you try this, you will buy this, i know you.
I tried it, i said wow this was cool but i wont buy it right away, its to expensive....
I went to the store the day after.......... she knows me.
Well, i still play psvr sometimes, because there is some good games that aint ported to psvr2 yet, Astro Bot Rescue Mission - actually one of the best vrgames that has been made, they must port it to psvr2! We have blood and truth, and theres a lot more, but this tread is about PSVR2.
So here goes nothing, my thoughts about games that i have played and that i think is a mustbuy;
Rhytmgames, one of my most played genre, i just love rhythmgames so Beat Saber (i am an extrem Metallicafan so will buy the dlc today) Pistol Whip, Synth Riders, Drums Rock, Trombone Champ Unflattened are all awesome and a must buy imo, so much fun there.
Other "smaller" games i really love are Crisis Brigade 2, Gun Club VR (this one i really really love including all dlc)
Tetris Effect, perfect when you really want to leave this crazy world for a moment.
Two of my most recent games i bought are Vertigo 2 and Hellsweeper.
Vertigo 2 is just amazing, it feels like som kind of HaflLife clone, and its really well done, and long, maybe 15h campaign, Hellsweeper is a rougelike with awsome mechanics and aaaaa lot of content, a game were you feel really badass playing it, topnotch.
After The Fall; i think this one deserves some love, i play it mostly by myself, with randoms, works really well, it has a very nice feel and its so fun to play.
And ofcourse, the king; Gran Turismo 7, i am not the biggest racingfun! But, after playing GT7, i bought a simrig (lol) first time ever i own wheels etc, but damn, and playing GT7 in my rig in VR, thats.... thats something else i promise you.
There is a lot more but this is just some thoughts of what i love and play, my next game will be Pavlov, just wating for a sale =) also Red Matter 1,2 and upgrade Saint and Sinners to Ps5, because i have not played that much yet.
But, if i would make a top3 mustbuy instantly when you have bought i PSVR2 is;
1. Beat Saber
2. Pistol Whip
3. Gran Turismo 7
Well, its weekend and some freetime, i am gone go and play the hell out of the new music pack to Beat Saber, i probably gonna play From Whom the Bell Tolls 60 times, just today....
Happy gaming everyone.
edit; english are not my native language, so be kind xD