The only kickstarter I have backed that hasn't come out yet is that "The Hole Story" one.
But I did that to make a point about supporting education and for the eventual soundtrack.
If I get a soundtrack, they don't even have to release the game. I'm just happy to support education. Yeah. I'm a monster. I also donate money to education charities from time to time.. even though I really can't afford to because I am unemployed and making money off of eBay/Craigslist/Freelance Work/YouTube.
My SO threw money at Shantae: Half Genie Hero. I'm sure the Wayforward people will deliver.
I didn't have the cash to throw at Mighty No. 9, so it's my fault that it isn't out yet. Had I invested.. it would be out already. Practically everything else I've backed has come out.
I am going to throw money at this though. Because I should be getting a check from CU Boulder in the mail at some point soon. I know my SO wants to back it and I'm gonna let her do that. But, I'm going to throw in money behind it myself on the side. Then maybe give away a code or something.. depends on what the tier prizes are. I am digging this potato right now. I actually hope that both Yooka and Laylee are female. Because, why not? They are strong and independent Chameleon and Bat that don't need no
The gameplay video, the music, I love it and I'm okay with a little bit of Stamperism if the game is adorable and fun.
I spent too much of my day waiting at the DMV. The information given out today cheered me right up.