Like a Hat in Time ?
Let's be honest here, the hype was real for this game. It's all about the people behind it. Take the game follow-up of Eternal Darkness: Shadow of the Eternals. It had IGN coverage and it failed hard, because of the people behind it.
The market is here for 3D platformers, and the bigger your team/concept is, the more you'll get.
Worried that the stretch goals are a bit too ambitious, but we'll see how it goes.
Won't be able to back til next week! I want to do the 110 dollar one, think it'll still be availible by that point?
So happy to see this getting funded. Only concern is the fact 5 levels sounds too low. Hopefully we see around 9, like the other Banjos games had!!
God awful name but it's been so long since a high-quality non-Mario 3D platformer came out. You don't know what you've got till it's gone.
Yooka Laylee gameplay -
Their argument is that none of that stuff is something they haven't already done before in past games.
In the past few months the only other 3d platformer to get kickstarted was Spooky Poo and that was by the skin of its teeth.
I hope this ends up good. I have a nagging feeling in the back of my head that says that these older, duo-buddy platformers don't hold up today without a major gimmick.
Gameplay and impressions from Eurogamer:
Won't be able to back til next week! I want to do the 110 dollar one, think it'll still be availible by that point?
Omg so fast.
Although theres something that surprises me, yesterday a few people including myself thought we read it was a two male team, wanting one of them at least to be a female like kazzoie, I even said it was strange bacause laylee sounded to me like a girls name already.
But I was reading the quickstater page right now and saw that laylee is in fact a lady-bat.
Did they change her gender because fans liked the male-female duo of the original, or it was already a female and we were misinformed?
Not that I mind, I love laylee being a girl.
haw, for a genre that was thought to be dead and not wanted anymore it sure is speeding through the stretch goals.
Backed the console version.
I also want the Steam version too though.
I hope this ends up good. I have a nagging feeling in the back of my head that says that these older, duo-buddy platformers don't hold up today without a major gimmick.
Wonder what they are targeting as an MSRP on release if the kickstarter for console is $23. $20? $25? $30?
The £30 tier gets you both, plus the soundtrack and other bonuses.
love the little sound effect the coins make when you collect them. Almost wish it changed though so that you could compose little songs if you collected a ton of them in a row.
Backed! Couldn't pull out my money quick enough!
That David Wise "Jungle Challenge" tune: God tier!
I bet this breaks a million easy today.
I can't be the only one thinking Playtonic would be a good pick up for Nintendo, am I?
Watching the kickstarter and the funds go up in real time is amazing!
The £30 tier gets you both, plus the soundtrack and other bonuses.