Cognition on Steam, when!?
They sure are taking their time for only steamworks integration.
I couldn't wait and bought them off their website, the games are too high class.
Cognition on Steam, when!?
They sure are taking their time for only steamworks integration.
Just finished cognition ep. 3. What a great dark twisted ride this has been, can't wait for the conclusion. I finished it in one sitting, which I hardly ever do, but I had to see what happened. loved it.
Did any of you guys back SpaceVenture?
That's the one project that I think was a waste of $15. Terrible, non-descriptive updates. The demo was okay in itself but certainly underwhelming given they've been working on the game for a year.
There was another update today and it's more of the same generic canned statements. "Work is still underway and things are better than we hoped!" type of phrases.
All the other adventure projects I backed have done a great job with updates. Double Fine, Jane Jensen, Tex Murphy, Asylum, etc.
My SpaceVenture donation happened because I would have felt guilty for not supporting them, even though I also didn't back the Leisure Suit Larry remake. I didn't care for the game concept back then (a lazy rehash of Space Quest), and I care less now.
Sorry for the negativity. Anybody else disappointed with or apathetic toward this one?
Daedelic's new adventure Memoria is coming out on 30th of august in multiple languages. Daedelic sure does release adventures at a steady pace.
Daedelic's new adventure Memoria is coming out on 30th of august in multiple languages. Daedelic sure does release adventures at a steady pace.
Just backed this. Looks great.
Found this news from a NeoGAF thread today.
Really glad it's still on track for a 2013 release, since it kinda went silent. I enjoyed the first two games in old 2D style, but couldn't get into the huge change in gameplay in 3. Will try 4 before this releases, but who knows if I'll like it..
Have you tried the fan-made game Broken Sword 2.5? It's in 2D and is well made for being a fan game. Not very long, though.
I finally sat down and played The Last Express this week. Wow what a game, I wish more adventure games set out in bold directions like this one instead of the gazillions of Broken Sword derivatives we usually get. I know it flopped at release, but I think in today's world a game like this could actually find its audience.
Paul Verhoeven and Jordan Mechner have been talking about making a film for a few years. They have a script ready to go.
Do want.
Verhoeven's semi-recent WWII epic Black Book was fantastic. Dude could probably make a pretty good Last Express adaptation.
Here's where the Last Express movie is at: I've written the screenplay, with input from Paul Verhoeven, who is attached to direct. We're both really happy with how it turned out. It's just a screenplay at this point, though. In order for it to become a real movie, we'll need a star, a producer, and financing. Suggestions welcome.
Daedelic's new adventure Memoria is coming out on 30th of august in multiple languages. Daedelic sure does release adventures at a steady pace.
BS5 looks great! I love that animation style.
Raven chapter 2 has released. 1.9gb update to the game.
Me too. Here's hoping we see the complete series on Steam in the near future.
Man, since getting a Vita I would really like to see more adventure games on the platform.
machinarium drops today (free on ps+) and broken sword 5 is coming but i agree! need moreeee adventuring on vita
After following for some time the Indie thread I can finally show my new videogame!
Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon
I was inspired by the classic point and click adventures from the 80s and 90s. It adopts these eras characteristically design and it is built using only the pixel art technique.
It has a base resolution of 256x192 but it wil run full screen and will adapt according to size. All backgrounds have a minimum of 512px wide so if the screen is wider it will always be ok.
Lot's of crazy pixel art work at very low resolutions can get your eyes strained but the final look is worth it.
It's a classical point and click adventure.
Talk to NCPs, gather clues, solve cases.
I added a new game mechanic to the equation where you can interview people showing them items and asking the right questions.
You can also fast travel and do stupid things (more on this later)
Main quest and sidequests available.
I am trying to make all screenshots as animated GIFs.
We will first launch for Windows, Mac and Linux and think about more later.
We have a good friend that created a more official thread here on gaf with more info so wait for that or just hop on to our website
We are a 2 man team working together at the Lisbon Studio in Lisbon, Portugal, with 3 more people doing music, art, and production that are not here on a day to day basis with us. We are using Game Maker: Studio from Yoyo games and we will self-publish digitally on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Any and all feedback is appreciated.
Official website
Nerd Monkeys
Cool poster!
P.S. yes, I am no longer at Seed Studios.
Raven chapter 2 has released. 1.9gb update to the game.
machinarium drops today (free on ps+) and broken sword 5 is coming but i agree! need moreeee adventuring on vita
There's Jacob Jones, and Visual Novels should count as Adventure games as well!
Raven chapter 2 has released. 1.9gb update to the game.
Raven chapter 2 has released. 1.9gb update to the game.
GAF member F.Pina is working on a point-and-click adventure game that's giving off major Sam & Max vibes. He posted about it in the indie games thread last week but I figured I'd mention it here to give it some more attention.
Haven't finished chapter two yet but thought the first one was pretty bad. The potential for something good is definitely there and I love the idea, but the direction is so badOh god this game is so good. Get it, GAF.
(I've only played the first chapter so far)
Haven't finished chapter two yet but thought the first one was pretty bad. The potential for something good is definitely there and I love the idea, but the direction is so badit almost hurts and destroys any feeling of tension for me. Paired with the usual technical issues of cheap German adventure games (dialogues, pathfinding), I was pretty disappointed.especially after that godawful train explosion
That looks amazing! For some reason it's giving me big time Cinemaware vibes too.
Thanks guys!
Cinemaware you say? hummm...
I won't say you're wrong, but this is interesting because you're the first person to say that, that I have heard.
I feel like The Raven is one of the best adventure game in years. I'm honestly not sure I understand the complaint about "the direction".
The way I see it, the story is interesting, the voice acting is really goddamned good for a German game, the puzzles rarely frustrate, and the production values are better than I expect from modern adventure games. And the main character is objectively awesome.