Shiny Dratini is only in White 2. Black 2 gets shiny Gible, I think. But you don't have to interact with White 2 to play the Black Tower on Black 2.Can I do anything fun with Black City on my own? Or do I need to interact with White 2 to gain access to Black Tower? I want a Shiny Dratini!
Thanks for the tips. I think I've got my head around it. Just one thing: At what point do I put the pokemon I'm trying to train at the front of my party? If I'm EVing from level 1, I don't want to risk killing my pokemon, but don't want to risk bumping into a pokemon I don't want to fight. It's a tricky balancing act.Once you have one of each of the Power items and a source of Pokérus (trade for one), then it's pretty quick. Maybe about 40 minutes per Pokémon? If you can afford vitamins, even less.
For EV distributions, I usually pick a move list first by looking at base stats and movepool, then work to the strengths of that. For example, Golurk has high Attack, but low Speed - so you'll want to boost its Attack, but focus on making it able to survive hits instead of outspeeding things.
In 90% of cases, you'll be able to get away with a standard 252/252/4 spread. The only times you want anything else is when you require a stat to have a specific value (for example, if you want to make sure you outspeed a certain Pokémon or survive a certain attack). For that you'll need to take into account IVs too.
Smogon has suggested spreads for the majority of Pokémon; you don't have to follow them exactly, but if you're not sure where to go, it's a good start.
And thank you too. Shame about that fact, but it'll do.Shiny Dratini is only in White 2. Black 2 gets shiny Gible, I think. But you don't have to interact with White 2 to play the Black Tower on Black 2.
Why are you collecting pokemon from the Dream World? You after specific abilities?
If I can trade you anything, I'd be happy to help. PM me if you need anything. I've got a load of Dittos too, so I might be able to provide specific natures.
I really, really wish serebii had a mobile interface.
Just beat the E4 rematch after fully exploring everywhere (everywhere). 84:02 on the clock!
I was mentally ready to start working on the Pokedex, and then I remembered I saved Black City for after the E4. Oh man.
@Thequietone, is Latios the one in Black? If so I could do it over the weekend after I catch him (I fainted him so I had to wait until after E4 rematch), unless someone else gets to you by then.
Yeah Black 2.
He doesn't leave the dream yard and as long as you don't (this counts for the basement) it doesn't reset the "run away" count. The last time I think is on top of the over pass near the part that broke off that's near the staircase that goes down into the basement.i can trade you latios for latias either tonight or tomorrow morning. gotta catch him first lol, i can't find him....he ran away too many times![]()
Serebii disagrees. He thinks his site is fine and "simple." You can see my conversation with him on the last three pages of this thread if you want a look into his mind:The whole site needs a bit of a spring clean.
I think Serebii often does marvellous work, but his site's been largely unchanged for, like, a decade. It needs a design update.
Wow, having all 3 generations worth of information for a Pokemon on one page is handy.In any case, use instead of Serebii and be happy.
In any case, use instead of Serebii and be happy.
And data with a level of accuracy that is unmatched by any other dex. Not to mention he actually contributes to research rather than just ripping it offWow, having all 3 generations worth of information for a Pokemon on one page is handy.
I could do it tomorrow.. I'll send you a PM or something?Anyone wanna help me see a Buneary? I will trade you with a Skitty.
:lol never realized Cryogonal was so weak defensively. My critical hit Fake Out took it down in one shot!
just like every other ice type ever
I dunno man, walrein is pretty tough to take down after a curse or two (with hail support of course).
I could do it tomorrow.. I'll send you a PM or something?
Well, Ice is a horrible defensive typing but the defensive stats on Cryogonal are just putrid. I one shotted it with a 40 base power move that wasn't even super effectivejust like every other ice type ever
I have one in my Entree forest. Give me a minute or two to catch it first. K, what's your FC?Can anyone trade me a female DW (Moxie) Heracross? Willing to give a female DW (Regenerator) Slowpoke.
Alrighty, thanks.The stars are just trainer card stars. I usually play free just because it's easier to find battles quicker. Whenever I try rated I end up battling the same person multiple times.
Thanks! 4900-4122-9608!I have one in my Entree forest. Give me a minute or two to catch it first. K, what's your FC?
Mines 1636 2204 6115
Awesome, thanks! I've been looking for a DW Slowpoke but apparently they're B/W exclusive in the DW.Thanks! 4900-4122-9608!
Phew!Awesome, thanks! I've been looking for a DW Slowpoke but apparently they're B/W exclusive in the DW.
Yeah, it's a Regenerator one.
Why did no one tell me this magic. The coil takes so long to trade I can only get uh ~1 out of it a day, if I'm not lazy.
The one I put up around 12:00 (it's 6 now) still hasn't been traded.What. I can fill my avenue in about half an hour by trading Magnemites. Deposit one, search and trade for one or two, then check back and it should have been traded - no more than 5 minutes tops.
I just woke up my DW dude after a week, and bam, at least 10 guys came to my avenue.
Why did no one tell me this magic. The coil takes so long to trade I can only get uh ~1 out of it a day, if I'm not lazy.
Your point total is hidden well out of sight - I'd imagine most people who don't look this stuff up on other sites don't even know there are points being tracked. After you log into the Global Link website, go to "My Page" and click the lower "Pokemon Dream World" tab (there are two sets of tabs and both have a Dream World tab).By the way, where does the site keep track of your dream world points, and how are they earned? I have yet to find a points counter anywhere in the site, and I keep seeing stuff about unlockable pokémon when you reach specific points thresholds. Are those points the ones you get in mini-games, or are they a different thing?
Your point total is hidden well out of sight - I'd imagine most people who don't look this stuff up on other sites don't even know there are points being tracked. After you log into the Global Link website, go to "My Page" and click the lower "Pokemon Dream World" tab (there are two sets of tabs and both have a Dream World tab).
You rack up points for winning minigames, making Dream World friends, watering other people's plants, and logging into the site. They are separate from points accrued in minigames (those just dictate if you win and what move the Pokemon gets).
Serebii disagrees. He thinks his site is fine and "simple." You can see my conversation with him on the last three pages of this thread if you want a look into his mind:
In any case, use instead of Serebii and be happy.