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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Bye Oshawott page.


How about a...Reuniclus page?!

Oh wait, that's right. The anime only made it appear in one movie and in one episode just to get one or two-shotted while the gothic Pokemon appears in like a billion episodes. Fucking anime.
I heard the anime made him super annoying. Sad because I think he's a great looking starter, shame what happens to him after he evolves, especially since it seemed everyone in Platinum had Earthquake or Close Combat or something similar.

Stage On

Piplup is great in the anime, dunno what Stage is talking about.

The anime's drove Piplup so far into the ground with its "Look at me! Look at me! I'm not in my Pokeball even though I should be since I never said I hated mine! DON'T YOU JUST LOVE ME?"

The stupid bird often acted like a little prick and rarely ever learned it's lessons. Even Fricken Emulga learned to behave better but not Piplup.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Piplup is annoying as hell in D/P. Doesn't learn Bubblebeam until the early 20's. Platinum moved that down to 18 but compared to the other gen four starters his base movepool is pretty terrible.
I only really hate the anime version. He's fine in the games

I'll have to investigate for myself.

Piplup is annoying as hell in D/P. Doesn't learn Bubblebeam until the early 20's. Platinum moved that down to 18 but compared to the other gen four starters his base movepool is pretty terrible.

Not his fault he has to be compared to Chimchar, who was darn useful in Platinum. I think his line would have been better without that Steel typing.
Is he fat?
Listen guys,
He's got supernatural gut
Can he eat from a slough
Eat a lunch from down there
Hey there
There goes the Fire Pig

In the heat of fire
At the sight of a pie
Like a string of cheese
He arrives just to dine
Scrafty Devil would be the grumpy old Oink and Exterm would be the cheery Oinker and they would argue about things. Including the pointless things in life like why is my love a toaster? Or why did they invent Trubbish?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Trying to catch a Lapras at Village Bridge.

I've been trying to catch them in rippling pools for over an hour.

One popped up.

Used Perish Song as its first move.

Didn't catch it.

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