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Pokémon Community Thread 2: "This is the Real Power of Johto..."

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Not his fault he has to be compared to Chimchar, who was darn useful in Platinum. I think his line would have been better without that Steel typing.

Derptwig also has way better level up moves but Water/Steel is a real handy type to have around most of the time.


It was but it seems like they've made Steel less useful as the gens went along.
Yeah, its a pretty useful 2nd type for adding resistances, but it sucks as a STAB.

Yea until your boy Gyrados takes a bite with Ice Fang.

Rumour has it that Gyarados was so overpowerful, that Gamefreak had to make the Electric type just to nerf him. That metagame changing.

Scrafty Devil would be the grumpy old Oink and Exterm would be the cheery Oinker and they would argue about things. Including the pointless things in life like why is my love a toaster? Or why did they invent Trubbish?

Wait. Make Scrafty grumpy and me cheerful?

Wrong way round, I'm afraid.
You're a Dwebble, in my experience, smallest people have the worst tempers...something about being tinier than everyone else just sets them off. And he's a Scrafty, why wouldn't he be chill? He wrecks most of the ingame for breakfast.


Trying to catch a Lapras at Village Bridge.

I've been trying to catch them in rippling pools for over an hour.

One popped up.

Used Perish Song as its first move.

Didn't catch it.

@!#%!@%#!@#$!@#%!@#$%@#$J^@$#%$%&&*(&(*(&IL:TJMGZ:SDKJ FQlai;aswe
Got it 1st try.
The only thing really wrong with Sinnoh is that they had Ash lose the league the way they did.

The writers were probably blindsided by how quickly Gamefreak announced Gen 5. That's probably why Brock and Dawn got quick send offs, ignored Platinum's Battle Frontier and why they let Ash get smashed by some legendaries.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The writers were probably blindsided by how quickly Gamefreak announced Gen 5. That's probably why Brock and Dawn got quick send offs, ignored Platinum's Battle Frontier and why they let Ash get smashed by some legendaries.

Sinnoh is the second longest portion of the anime.
Shall we play the Most Adorable Pokemon game now?

Go list your most adorable Pokemon for each and every type. :p

I'll start. Teehee.

Normal: Eevee
Fire: Tepig
Water: Oshawott
Grass: Turtwig
Electric: Emolga
Flying: Swablu
Rock: Roggenrola
Ground: Drilbur
Bug: Sewaddle
Poison: Venipede
Fighting: Scraggy
Psychic: Victini
Ghost: Litwick
Ice: Spheal
Dragon: Axew
Steel: ...
Dark: Zorua
Shall we play the Most Adorable Pokemon game now?

Go list your most adorable Pokemon for each and every type. :p

I'll start. Teehee.

Normal: Eevee
Fire: Tepig
Water: Oshawott
Grass: Turtwig
Electric: Emolga
Flying: Swablu
Rock: Roggenrola
Ground: Drilbur
Bug: Sewaddle
Poison: Venipede
Fighting: Scraggy
Psychic: Victini
Ghost: Litwick
Ice: Spheal
Dragon: Axew
Steel: ...
Dark: Zorua

Normal: Munchlax (SO. MUCH. D'AAAAAAAAAAAAW.)
Fire: Darumakka (dem jazz hands)
Water: Oshawott
Grass: Turtwig
Electric: Joltik
Flying: Togekiss
Rock: Dwebble
Ground: Gible
Bug: Swadloon (Y U so grumpy? T^T)
Poison: Trubbish
Fighting: Scraggy
Psychic: Espeon
Ghost: Shuppet
Ice: Spheal
Dragon: Bagon/Deino (Mozart hair vs. Beatles hair...)
Steel: Aron
Dark: Zorua
Cuteness list?

Bug: Joltik
Dark: Zorua
Dragon: Dratini
Electric: Emolga
Fighting: Riolu
Fire: Cyndaquil
Flying: Swablu
Ghost: Litwick
Grass: Turtwig
Ground: Cubone
Ice: Spheal
Normal: Eevee
Poison: Foongus
Psychic: Abra
Rock: Dwebble
Steel: Klink
Water: Oshawott
Activate the adorable meter!

Normal: Wigglytuff
Fire: Ninetales
Water: Wooper
Grass: Whimsicott
Electric: Emolga
Flying: Hoothoot
Rock: Bonsly
Ground: Cubone
Bug: Karrablast
Poison: Vileplume
Fighting: Pirouette Forme Meleotta
Psychic: Slowpoke
Ghost: Litwick
Ice: Vanilluxe
Dragon: Dragonair
Steel: Mawile
Dark: Vullaby
Your evil games of choosing can go to hell! Hell I say...how am I supposed to choose?

Normal: Wigglytuff
Fire: Chimchar
Water: Piplup
Grass: Oddish
Electric: Mareep
Flying: Rufflet
Rock: Larvitar
Ground: Diglett
Bug: Joltik
Poison: Nidoran (Male)
Fighting: Riolu
Psychic: Ralts
Ghost: Litwick
Ice: Spheal
Dragon: Gible/Axew/Dratini
Steel: Beldum
Dark: Zorua
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