I still don't understand why Staraptor wasn't Fighting/Flying.
Why would it be?
Fossil Pokemon says hi. And like a bunch of others.
Because Close Combat.
I didn't said that there weren't any (Carracosta and Relicant are some of my favorite pokemanz), i just want more of them... more Water/Ground too.
So, does anyone here have any plans for Halloween? I'm getting a bunch of friends together tonight to re-watch the Litwick episode (as well as The Fly and Alien, but whatever).
Because Close Combat.
Usually I watch John Carpenter's Halloween (just look at my username haha), but this year a funeral.
I didn't said that there weren't any (Carracosta and Relicant are some of my favorite pokemanz), i just want more of them... more Water/Ground too.
We need more Fire/Fighting anyway.
The hell...how in the world does my Haxorus have an attack stat as high as my Infernape and he's 31 freaking levels lower than the ape (Infernape at 90 and Haxorus at 59)?
Guys, Infernape doesn't suck. Stop bullying him.
They're just jealous.
Infernape does suck...thankfully Chimchar and Monferno make up for him.
Rotom should have Psychic/Electric as an evolution...I don't know what appliance he could turn into but he seems like the best fit.
Guys! Guys... Calm down... both Infernape and Blaziken sucks.
Guys! Guys... Calm down... both Infernape and Blaziken sucks.
Guys! Guys... Calm down... both Infernape and Blaziken sucks.
It's true, all fire starters suck.
The best.
Chet has very bad opinions...don't let him sway you!
The best.
Braviary learns Superpower.
I usually go water every generation, except for Mudkip, he can fuck off.
Wat?! You missed the best water starter (and the best starter) ever? shame on you
Wat?! You missed the best water starter (and the best starter) ever? shame on you
Mudkip is redundant. Ludicolo is mandatory.
Lots on Non-fighting Pokemon learn Superpower. Hell, in Gen III no Fighting-Type Pokémon learned Superpower. The only Non-Fighting Type Pokémon to learn Close Combat by level up are Zangoose and Staraptor.
Ludicolo (sadly) isn't a starter
The point being that you don't need Mudkip because Ludicolo will fill your water needs. Grass too I guess. Really makes Fire chicken the obvious choice huh.
my water needs never fill... want to know my team in Sapphire?
and Salamence was there only because of fly, hardly a balanced team but who gives a fuck water is the best type.