Compare Ash of XY to Ash of OG, and Johto, and AG, and DP.
Like hell there has been regression and no development.
This isn't my point at all -.-
In the previous series, like AG or DP, there were times where he'd shown regression or incompetence in situations he shouldn't have going from his past adventures.
You can't just look at XY, the series they've done the best job with, and act like none of the previous stuff had problems.
BW just happens to be the worst offender and highlight things the most.
I also never said there's no development. I've perhaps been hyperbolic with some of my statements, but my point stands that there's absolutely some level of regression with most of the series. Hell, even now if he was really on the same level as past series he really shouldn't have lost to Wulfric of all people with his current team, Talonflame plus the types of strategies he's used in the past would've handled it easily. But there's the whole learning about synchro stuff going on, so whatever.
You're making it out like I'm on an extreme side, when I'm not. I'm not even trying to say he has a major reset per se every region. He does progress some, but I remember feeling many times that he wasn't where he should be considering his past experiences. And they largely ignore that his older adventures happened until they do cameo episodes, which is what I meant about throwing things out the window. In XY you're more likely to see flashbacks to the seemingly retconned young Ash than experiences he's had as a trainer, for example.