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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
oh boy


Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I've accepted Megas in the games, though to be honest I'm not too keen on them in the series...

At first in XY it felt like the writers agreed with me, Megas were kept to smaller roles outside of a few little arcs and it seemed like the Mega Evolution Specials were a way for them to promote the Megas without bringing in that "power creep" to the otherwise peaceful and slower main series.

I remember a lot of people doubted Ash would even get a Mega Evolution, most thought maybe Charizard would pop up for a bit and he might use Y, but giving Ash a Mega is something that seems hard to go back on. Sure, Ash has fought with powerful Pokemon before such as Legendaries, but he never owned one. And then Z came and introduced us to Ash-Greninja, and now we have the Kalos League coming up filled with Mega Evolutions who will probably completely overshadow everything else. If this was a standalone series it wouldn't be a big deal, but I'm anxious to see how they handle switching over to Sun and Moon after this. What will happen to Ash-Greninja? Will Mega Pokemon be pushed back a bit next time since they aren't new, or will they become a more prominent part of the show? Of course that seems to rest on how they're handled in the S&M games, an answer we may learn this week if June 2nd does ties into Ash-Greninja like many speculate due to the timing.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I'm loving the gimmick of Piplup always getting hit by failed Draco Meteor.

This episode is a little weird though...


There's an amazing scene in a later episode with that gag.

You're about to reach another bad part of Sinnoh, the last member of Dawn's team is cheap as fuck.
Why can't they have this in the games?!


Also I find it funny that despite being Water type, when they showed Ash Greninja in the preview, he's all HOTBLOODED WITH FLAMES BEHIND HIM.

pokenchi trailer here

Yeah, I compared the sound. Same sfx although Greninja had a deeper "closing" tone. You could hear it more prominently in Ash vs Alain ep.

There aren't enough 'Mega-Battles' in the games at all. We really need them.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
May's Squirtle and Eevee were both pretty powerful for baby Pokemon, though as a species they're not inherently as cheap as the species Dawn and Iris were basically handed. In Dawn's case, literally handed.

I find Serena's Sylveon to be pretty boring and now that the PokeAthalon is over basically pointless.


Sinnoh League Victors is starting to feel like BW. Obviously it's partly the animation quality, but there's something else I can't quite put my finger on as to why. Not the bad parts of BW. Those are obvious and not part of SLV. I'm still enjoying it.

That being said, it is starting to get a little slow. Like, Ash couldn't just have another battle with Volkner right then and there? Fuck off. Now I gotta wait a bunch of episodes before a rematch. Happens. Every. Time.


Sinnoh League Victors is starting to feel like BW. Obviously it's partly the animation quality, but there's something else I can't quite put my finger on as to why. Not the bad parts of BW. Those are obvious and not part of SLV. I'm still enjoying it.

That being said, it is starting to get a little slow. Like, Ash couldn't just have another battle with Volkner right then and there? Fuck off. Now I gotta wait a bunch of episodes before a rematch. Happens. Every. Time.

Yeah the Sinnoh arc starts to fall apart towards the end, which is baffling as there was plenty of time for the writer to have Ash's final gym battle, do the Sinnoh league and then finish off with the Sinnoh Frontier Brain thus bringing Sinnoh to an end.

But nope the writer decided to waste everyone time by streeeeeetching out final gym fight for a whole year and then rush a few of the league battles and bring in the deus ex machina that is Tobias.

I am just glad that they at least managed not to screw up the final Ash Vs Paul fight.
Sinnoh League Victors is starting to feel like BW. Obviously it's partly the animation quality, but there's something else I can't quite put my finger on as to why. Not the bad parts of BW. Those are obvious and not part of SLV. I'm still enjoying it.

That being said, it is starting to get a little slow. Like, Ash couldn't just have another battle with Volkner right then and there? Fuck off. Now I gotta wait a bunch of episodes before a rematch. Happens. Every. Time.
Manage thru the league is top notch


Yeah the Sinnoh arc starts to fall apart towards the end, which is baffling as there was plenty of time for the writer to have Ash's final gym battle, do the Sinnoh league and then finish off with the Sinnoh Frontier Brain thus bringing Sinnoh to an end.

But nope the writer decided to waste everyone time by streeeeeetching out final gym fight for a whole year and then rush a few of the league battles and bring in the deus ex machina that is Tobias.

I am just glad that they at least managed not to screw up the final Ash Vs Paul fight.

That could've been the best Pokemon arc ever.

Manage thru the league is top notch

I've only seen Ash vs Tobias. I'm really anticipating it. But first I need to see all of Dawn's Pokemon job in the final round of the Grand Festival. Fucking Piplup.


One thing I'll never understand about the Grand Festival is how many contestants there are. You mean to tell me those 50 some people all won 5 ribbons in the Sinnoh region?

BTW, does Gible ever actually learn Draco Meteor?


Yes he does.


Holy shit, the final round of the Grand Festival was incredibly hype and so awesome, which makes it such a terrible battle. It's almost as hype as the ending of Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann, and then, in the end, SHE FUCKING JOBS!!!! LIKE FUCK!!! Thus is the cycle of the Pokemon anime. At least Ash got absolutely bodied by Tobias. I'd rather it be no contest than NEAR FUCKING TIE!!!

Also, Team Rocket said the greatest line ever. "Back to the salt mines!"

Holy shit, the final round of the Grand Festival was incredibly hype and so awesome, which makes it such a terrible battle. It's almost as hype as the ending of Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann, and then, in the end, SHE FUCKING JOBS!!!! LIKE FUCK!!! Thus is the cycle of the Pokemon anime. At least Ash got absolutely bodied by Tobias. I'd rather it be no contest than NEAR FUCKING TIE!!!

Also, Team Rocket said the greatest line ever. "Back to the salt mines!"
Lol told u dawns last move was epic as hell. Should've won and ash should've won the league .


Neo Member
Anyone want a US Mew code from the gamestop giveaway? I got two unredeemed if anyone is interested just shoot me a pm, they're free. They expire tomorrow.
Why they've been making Pokémon games easier:

I got:
Empoleon LVL 63
Moves:hydro pump,Aqua jet,cut,surf
Garchomp LVL 52
Moves:false swipe(to catch pokemon),earthquake,flamethrower,dragon pulse.
Uxie LVL 50
Azelf LVL 50
Giratina LVL 52
Moves:Dragon breath,fly,shadowforce,strength
Houndoom LVL 24(Training)
Moves: Now:beat up,roar,rocksmash,bite.
soon to be:flamethower,dark pulse......Any suggestions on the rest?

To be fair the sinnoh elite four are the hardest on the first go followed by Kanto. He should've been able to take care of it though with that team.
To be fair the sinnoh elite four are the hardest on the first go followed by Kanto. He should've been able to take care of it though with that team.
Pt's E4 isn't *that* hard IMO, though I should be doing it again in a couple days which should refresh my memory (gonna do the 6th gym on my JPN Pt in an hour or two).

DP's E4 can go fuck itself though.


Fuck the DP Elite 4.

Just finished DP! I would write a thing about how I felt, but it's 2 AM where I am so...nah...Fuck whoever decided to get rid of Brock.

Naturally, the next thing to watch is XY. There was that brief period of time where absolutely nothing happened. Weird huh?
Fuck the DP Elite 4.

Just finished DP! I would write a thing about how I felt, but it's 2 AM where I am so...nah...Fuck whoever decided to get rid of Brock.

Naturally, the next thing to watch is XY. There was that brief period of time where absolutely nothing happened. Weird huh?

But but but my Iris and Axew... :p
Fuck the DP Elite 4.

Just finished DP! I would write a thing about how I felt, but it's 2 AM where I am so...nah...Fuck whoever decided to get rid of Brock.

Naturally, the next thing to watch is XY. There was that brief period of time where absolutely nothing happened. Weird huh?

XY(&Z) are much less filler-ish, and if you ask me, overall it's way better than the previous generations.
XY(&Z) are much less filler-ish, and if you ask me, overall it's way better than the previous generations.

I think it has about the same amount of filler, but the "filler" episodes are actually rather entertaining. XY&Z in particular also moves at a faster pace too which helps a lot.
I think it has about the same amount of filler, but the "filler" episodes are actually rather entertaining. XY&Z in particular also moves at a faster pace too which helps a lot.

they definitely upped the quality of the filler episodes

it helps they are less meet character of the day, show off pokemon of the day, say good bye afterwards types of deals and more unique stuff


Just defeated Blue in Pokémon Silver meaning that I have officially finished Pokémon Silver, will be taking on Red in Pokémon Crystal.

Honestly after playing it I feel that the flaws of Gen 2 is a result of limitation of the Game boy hardware, being the second game in the series and growing pain in figuring out how to handle new Pokémon while keeping the old Pokémon around.

The biggest problem that I faced when playing was the awful level curve as after the 4th gym badge the trainers level just caps between 20-30 and only uncaps after you get the 6th badge.

But it gets worse as you get to Kanto as despite defeating Lance level 50 Dragonite Game Freak rolled the levels back and had you facing level 30 trainers, they fixed this in the remake.

Plus Kanto just feels so barren and empty making me feel that Kanto is the worse post game content as having 2 region is a terrible idea and just shows that having a region of 7 is just not possible.

Honestly I feel that Kanto shouldn't have been locked till post game and that after the 3rd or 4th gym we should had access to Kanto and we jump back and forth over the course of the adventure as I feel that Team Rocket should have played a bigger role in Kanto as well.

Anyway despite the flaws I still had fun playing Pokémon Silver with my team and creating my own adventure in my head;

My Silver Team


My trusty starter and the reason why we went to Johto as we went to see Professor Elm to get an insight on Charizard's condition.


I have previously used Vee on my Yellow team and he decided to tag along with me to Johto where he finally evolved.


This little guy wandered off from his family on Route 45 and somehow ended up on Route 31 via the Dark Cave but he soon found a new family with us.


Haros found life on the ranch boring and wanted an adventure so he joined our team.


Oku was a special as he had mastered swimming through the air when he was a Remoraid so we had a fishing battle against a fisherman on Route 32 to see who could catch Oku and we won.


Hera was one of the hardest Pokémon that I have ever caught as after stealing a letter from Kurt's Granddaughter he kept running away and we had to chase him to Route 32 where we caught him. After joining our Hera quickly because a beast on our team and just tore apart Pokémon like it was nothing.

Now in my journey through Johto I also had a reserve team;


Utsu was a friendly little Pokémon and the very first Pokémon we caught in Johto.


Negi was a weak Pokémon but what he lacked in strength he made up with guts and would give it his all in battle to which he proved against Chuck, Erika and Jeanie.


I had no plan to use Shuckie but I needed a Pokémon with strength and Shuckie could learn it but I decided to use him regardless and Shuckie proved that defense can be a best line of attack as he proved against Blaine and Silver.


I had originally used Gyara on my red team and I took him with me to Johto but went missing after our first encounter with Silver who had knocked his Pokéball out of my hand and it rolled into the river where he floated all the way down stream before being picked up by Team Rocket who used him for money making scheme at the Lake of Rage, where we found each other again.

Anyway I will be taking a little break first, play Kirby Planet Roborobo next week and then jump into Crystal for a new adventure with Charmander and with new teams.

That gif is incorrect as Ash doesn't owe Misty a new bike as he repaid it back after Nurse Joy repaired it, also it's Dawn, May and Barry that Ash owe a new bike.

Though it's right about Max fuck that little prick, thank fuck that May dump his ass at home when she went to Johto and Sinnoh.


Cilan was better than or at least on-par with Brock from what I saw of him. I liked that he actually used his Pokemon. He deserved to be in a better show :(

How's Clemont?
Cilan was better than or at least on-par with Brock from what I saw of him. I liked that he actually used his Pokemon. He deserved to be in a better show :(

How's Clemont?

clemont's the weakest member of the main cast
not really due to him, but mostly cause the writers don't really do anything with him so he's kinda just there
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