It feels like every time a Pokemon becomes popular, a large contingent rises up in opposition to bitch about it. Coincidentally enough, those people usually aren't a fan of that particular Pokemon themselves.
Greninja is awesome, so of course the anime is going to push it.
Greninja IS awesome, but it admittedly kind of bugs me when the franchise props up one starter over the other two.
That's good and bad at the same time. It's bad if the starter that you like the most wasn't the one featured, you'll be like poor ____. Or 2___ is way better than 1___, etc...
It's good since like all players ash has to choose and I guess bond with one starter.
Greninja IS awesome, but it admittedly kind of bugs me when the franchise props up one starter over the other two.
If you are a charizard fan then you really cant talk, I mean giving him two megas while all the other pokes only have one? WHAT???
I hope whatever happens with Marshadow, they make it more like Rayquaza and Giratina than Kyurem and Zygarde. Basically, make a third Uber legend thats powerful from the start, and maybe gets an interesting alternate form like Giratina. Kyurem was pathetic in Ubers until it got its two formes, and we didn't even get a good Zygarde this gen. I find it annoying when they intentionally nerf their Uber like that!
Greninja IS awesome, but it admittedly kind of bugs me when the franchise props up one starter over the other two.
I think it's mainly marketing/popularity. The final evolutions of the Unova starters for example weren't hugely popular, which is probably why none reached that far in the anime. I also think I remember hearing that the anime team didn't want to evolve Piplup because Prinplup was ugly or something.
If you are a charizard fan then you really cant talk, I mean giving him two megas while all the other pokes only have one? WHAT???
Sounds like somebody needs to go to jelly school.This whole conversation reminds me of how overrated Charizard is. Like, holy shit. He's just a lizard with wings and breaths fire. He's not even that cool!
The fact chimchars flame is still going is retarded lolOk, what the hell.
The fact chimchars flame is still going is retarded lol
Plus I kinda don't like the idea that mega stones are powered by dead Pokémon.
Hey does anyone have the Chimchar, Turtwig or Piplup with its hidden ability? I've got all kinds of goodies I can offer in return.
Hehe....It's come to a point where I can sense a contest loss. Dawn has 4 ribbons and it's still the first half of Galactic Battles. A contest is coming up. She will lose that and her confidence before just barely winning the last one for the Grand Festival. I actually haven't seen all of DP, so I'm just guessing.
You think? I thought Dp handled it very well. Unova on the other handAsh having more than one starter is a bad idea though. Even DP couldn't handle it.
Johto OS and Unova showed it pretty bad, and I thought DP still gave Infernape more focus.
With that said I like how in XY all mons are getting focus even in the background.
This whole conversation reminds me of how overrated Charizard is. Like, holy shit. He's just a lizard with wings and breaths fire. He's not even that cool!
If pokemon are omnivores/carnivores and they eat other pokemon (not going in on the pokemon animals thing lol) they are technically powered by dead pokemon.
You think? I thought Do handled it very well. Unova on the other hand
Since Ash started his synchro thing with Greninja it feels like he's relying on solely Greninja too much and it's affecting his team besides Pikachu.
I haven't watched the last few anime episode but Niovern seems like a Jobber instead of a power house that he should be. Hawlucha could go either way depending on the battle situation. TalonFlame felt stronger in his pre evolution stages. Pikachu is Pikachu. And Greninja is a power house not because he's a great Pokémon but because of the Synchro thing. Don't get me wrong, Greninja is strong with out the bond but it's relied upon too much.
I don't care how they do it. As long as all 3 starters are present. Chimchar definitely had more screen-time and development than Turtwig which also led into his rivalry with Paul. It can be a little jarring.
Now that I think about it, Ash never had a team with 3 fully evolved starters. The closest he ever got was in DP with Infernape and Torterra. To my knowledge, Bulbasaur and Squirtle never evolved once. Cyndaquil evolved into Quilava and none of the other gen 2 starters did at all. He had just Sceptile in gen 3. I already mentioned gen 4. Only Tepig evolved in Gen 5. And finally we have Greninja.
Everybody always forgets poor bayleaf.Chikorita evolved into Bayleaf.
Chikorita evolved into Bayleaf.
Chikorita evolved into Bayleaf.
And Quilava in DP
So PokéGaf, what would be your signature Pokémon and what would be your 6 Pokémon team?
So PokéGaf, what would be your signature Pokémon and what would be your 6 Pokémon team?
So PokéGaf, what would be your signature Pokémon and what would be your 6 Pokémon team?
So PokéGaf, what would be your signature Pokémon and what would be your 6 Pokémon team?
So PokéGaf, what would be your signature Pokémon and what would be your 6 Pokémon team?
Red looks spiffy
Brock and Joy's getting figures too
So PokéGaf, what would be your signature Pokémon and what would be your 6 Pokémon team?