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Pokémon Community Thread 4: "Your Portal to What's Hip and Happening in Sinnoh!"

So I'm guessing that what they did was get the information ready for every new Pokémon they could possibly have encountered on Route 1 just in case- hence why Grubbin has its info released despite the fact that they didn't actually encounter it on the stream.
So I'm guessing that what they did was get the information ready for every new Pokémon they could possibly have encountered on Route 1 just in case- hence why Grubbin has its info released despite the fact that they didn't actually encounter it on the stream.

Of course we didn't know
which Pokémon might appear... (lol)
If we only got Ledyba, everyone would be disappointed...
We luckily encountered a Pikipek!
And Yungoos!
It didn't appear during the stream,
but there was a chance to encounter
Grubbin in the tall grass, too!


The current idea is pretty interesting IMO.
People currently do the concept by setting up a double battle and then just attacking anyone. I think it has picked up popularity with YouTubers. I think if it ends with the first person it'll be kinda weak =/


People currently do the concept by setting up a double battle and then just attacking anyone. I think it has picked up popularity with YouTubers. I think if it ends with the first person it'll be kinda weak =/
Trying to earn points rather than be the last standing seems more interesting to me based on the free for alls I've seen where a person can do nothing and/or relying to truces to gang up.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe



Trying to earn points rather than be the last standing seems more interesting to me based on the free for alls I've seen where a person can do nothing and/or relying to truces to gang up.

No one 'stands around' and dealing is part of the FFA, you really think that kinda stuff won't happen here? People will actively avoid killing off one person's last Pokemon to gain point. The "ends when one person is defeated part" is really poorly designed. As we see in current FFAs, how the match looks when the first person is out and how the match looks when everything is over can be completely different.


No one 'stands around' and dealing is part of the FFA, you really think that kinda stuff won't happen here? People will actively avoid killing off one person's last Pokemon to gain point. The "ends when one person is defeated part" is really poorly designed. As we see in current FFAs, how the match looks when the first person is out and how the match looks when everything is over can be completely different.
With this ruleset at the very least the person in the lead will be trying to finish someone off before someone catches them and it's not like their opponents can finish them off to prevent it. Also, teaming up seems less beneficial here when only one person gets the point.


Don't see myself ever playing Battle Royale except for when it's probably going to be required at least once in the story, so I don't really care about it too much. Other stuff from the main gameplay video looked great though -- LOVE the trainer animations and presence. Really does make you feel like you're battling another character and not just a string of Pokemon. If the regular trainer intros look this good, can't wait for the gym leaders and other unique characters; hopefully the static loss pose is just a regular trainer thing, because they need to top Maxie's loss animation.
No one 'stands around' and dealing is part of the FFA, you really think that kinda stuff won't happen here? People will actively avoid killing off one person's last Pokemon to gain point. The "ends when one person is defeated part" is really poorly designed. As we see in current FFAs, how the match looks when the first person is out and how the match looks when everything is over can be completely different.

That's what makes it clever, it keeps the maximum amount of possibility space throughout the match.


With this ruleset at the very least the person in the lead will be trying to finish someone off before someone catches them and it's not like their opponents can finish them off to prevent it. Also, teaming up seems less beneficial here when only one person gets the point.
Team up and betrayals are the best part of FFAs, they keep things interesting. Just because it's a Free For All doesn't mean it shouldn't be made where it's literally impossible to work together. I really hope they have a mode where it's just an FFA rather than a Royale.

That's what makes it clever, it keeps the maximum amount of possibility space throughout the match.

This game mode will end up being "attack the point leader". There's no reason not to.


I forgot how tedious breeding for perfect IVs was...

But, hey, only took a few hours to get Pumpkaboo to four perfect IVs. Two to go.

Edit: and then one hour later, done.

HP/Att/Def/SD/Spd at 31, don't care about SAttk or his Hidden Power.

If anyone wants near perfect XL Pumpkaboos let me know, lol.


How do Friend Safari's work in XY? Is it two pokemon per safari that are randomly generated or can more appear? I ask because it seems to be the only way to get Hidden Ability Eevee in XY and I need it to breed out Pixilate for Sylveon and Magic Bounce for Espeon.


How do Friend Safari's work in XY? Is it two pokemon per safari that are randomly generated or can more appear? I ask because it seems to be the only way to get Hidden Ability Eevee in XY and I need it to breed out Pixilate for Sylveon and Magic Bounce for Espeon.
I could be wrong but IIRC each friend has allows for you to find the same couple mons (all of the same type?) so if you don't have find eevee in the initial batch you will need to go to a different friend's safari.


How do Friend Safari's work in XY? Is it two pokemon per safari that are randomly generated or can more appear? I ask because it seems to be the only way to get Hidden Ability Eevee in XY and I need it to breed out Pixilate for Sylveon and Magic Bounce for Espeon.

There are three Pokemon per safari, two appear just by having the person registered, the third appears when you've been online at the same time as the person and they've beaten the league. Hidden Abilities are also locked behind having been online at the same time.

The safari's contents are tied to the 3DS/friend code, so anyone that has you added will encounter the same things. For example, my safari is Ghost type with Lampent, Phantump and Dusclops.

The best thing to do if you want to hunt down friend safaris is to find a community built around it, either in an exchange thread somewhere or the friendsafari subreddit.

I think I have access to an HA Eevee safari, though, let me double check. If I do, I can grab a female for you in a ball of your choice.

Edit: I do, indeed, have access to an HA Eevee safari, so just let me know what ball you want it in, or balls if you want a different one for both your Sylveon and Espeon breeding needs.


Edit: I do, indeed, have access to an HA Eevee safari, so just let me know what ball you want it in, or balls if you want a different one for both your Sylveon and Espeon breeding needs.

Oh excellent that will save me a lot of time! If you can grab it in either a Premier or Quick ball would be great, I like both and can never make up my mind. I don't care about IVs, I can breed those in when I do the Wish chaining.

Just need to schedule a time for a trade, haha (as I am at work until the evening, Central US time). (And what do you want back? Want an Impish, 4 IV perfect spread Pumpkaboo XL? :p )

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So if I'm reading this right, Simisear, the one who got the least votes, is getting some distro or some prize thing in PCs in Japan?! Hah, not even the second-place got this recognition!



Anyway that was a surprisingly hilarious filler episode, strange quality aside. They had some great jokes like the ANIME HAND SLAM TO THE WALL with Jessie and James. They even used some public domain music as far as I can tell, and stuff used in old Western cartoons!

Also that is one very homo-erotic one-time ED.

Next episode preview hype! (the week after next, as there is a break next week)

Looks like Ash just punks random trainers while someone tries to attack him in the hallway (possibly steal his badges), and we see Alain vs Trevor (Trevor's mega item is his camera).


Anyone hoping Sun and Moon would improve on the horrible framerate and non-3D of the previous entries should probably hope harder!

There was never really a chance of that, except maybe for the New 3DS. Battles look the same they did previously except they now have the trainer character models in them and larger part of the environments are 3D rendered than in XY/ORAS. If anything, the normal 3DS is going to buckle even harder than before if you try going 3D in battles.
I think they'd want to maximize the attention to SM, and right now the focus is on games at E3 - BotW talk was dominating on Tuesday, after all.

In any case I don't think we'll have to wait forever to find out about the two - we just got so much stuff over the past few days, so I'm personally not really desperate.
Hmm, was it ever known if the problem resides on the CPU or GPU of the original 3DS?

FWIW double and triple/rotation/horde (which are 2D-only) seem to run just fine at least in ORAS (if not using the link battle arena in a triple/rotation IIRC, that is...)


Ive had a change of heart on the trainer models in SM. The animations have a lot of charm. I have faith in what they will pull off with the engine in the future.
I think they wanted to keep things to, like, route 1 mons for now. Since Iwanko's a rock type, I'd be surprised if it was available on route 1. Routes 2 or 3 maybe, but 1? Nah.


I think they wanted to keep things to, like, route 1 mons for now. Since Iwanko's a rock type, I'd be surprised if it was available on route 1. Routes 2 or 3 maybe, but 1? Nah.

We can be reasonably sure that Iwanko is early on since he's in the starter town, but Nekkoala could be anywhere in the game tbh
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