Or you know, that dragon that leaves just beside Lumiose.
Obviously it'll be Goodra
Or you know, that dragon that leaves just beside Lumiose.
Also I doubt Bonnie would lend Squishy, and Squishy wouldn't want to leave her.
I can't wait for Ash to leave Pikachu at the lab and take Greninja with him to Alola.
Since when could Pokemon evolve after fainting? I thought they didn't if they died upon reaching the level, but in Y mine did even though my team wiped out.
He's gotta get a 6th somehow, whether that's Goodra coming back, one of his old Pokemon coming back, or super special captures Gen 7 Pokemon at last second.(Primeape or Muk)
In Pokefan they made a big deal on how Ash "needs one more to complete his team".
Out there idea- Ash catches a hitherto unknown Gen VII Pokémon in one of the league episodes.
I have no idea why they'd try to hide Goodra so much. It only appeared two episodes ago!
Anyone remember the earliest you can do online trades in X/Y? Going to start replaying soon and want to do a playthrough with a mother effin Delibird for no reason what so ever.
Out there idea- Ash catches a hitherto unknown Gen VII Pokémon in one of the league episodes.
I have no idea why they'd try to hide Goodra so much. It only appeared two episodes ago!
Hey guys I got a new 3ds and my friend code has changed (long story). Picked up Pokemon X and starting over. Does anyone have a female froakie with protean? My friend code is 3110 8582 7934.
Oh anyone have a ditto as well?
Sweet when will you be online? I need to catch some Pokemon so we can trade what other 5 iv Pokemon do you have so I have enough to trade.I have a perfect 5 iv female level 1 Froakie you can have of you want it.
I actually have a few perfect 5 iv pokemon you can have if you want them.
How long are those Darkrai codes good for? I have four of them.
Sweet when will you be online? I need to catch some Pokemon so we can trade what other 5 iv Pokemon do you have so I have enough to trade.
I'll take the female froakie and charmander I added you let me catch two Pokemon just started.I need to transfer from Poke bank so I'll need a few minutes also. I have
One Female Froakie with Protean and perfect 5 iv which toy claimed.
Swinub with some egg moves
Level one Milotic
All perfect 5 IV with some being 6IV, perfect nature (for me atleast), and some have eggs moves.
Let me know what you want and add me. Friend code is in the profile.
Well, so much for the quick bit of breeding I did... and I'm just trying to expand my list for the Friend Safari too.
And I'm also trying to get rid of a spare Darkrai code too; quit stealing all my thunder...
(codes expire on August 31, btw)
Thanks man for froakie and charmander appreciate it!
If anyone else wants to add me so I can build up my safari at the end let me know.
I'll add you[redundant post]
Thanks.Added ya!
Added ya!But yeah, that's one of the things I've always found a bit awkward about the whole instant global communication stuff -- like, I could easily go to that Friend Safari subreddit and get the codes for anything I wanted, but it sort of feels as if that... defeats the purpose, or something? I dunno.
Nintendo's 3DS friending system is and always has been garbage anyway.
Sadly, no, or at least not any spares outside of the one permanently parked in the daycare. You can probably find someone else with one ready to trade faster than it would take for me to go catch another one from the Pokemon Village.Added ya!
You have a ditto?
KSadly, no, or at least not any spares outside of the one permanently parked in the daycare. You can probably find someone else with one ready to trade faster than it would take for me to go catch another one from the Pokemon Village.
Apparently I was wrong, even though I made almost every mistake possible when hunting Dittos. If you still want to trade let me know.
I'm on now ready to tradeApparently I was wrong, even though I made almost every mistake possible when hunting Dittos. If you still want to trade let me know.
No problem.I'm on now ready to trade
Can someone help me trade a egg from one game to another?
NNID is in my profile. I'll be really grateful.
I'll give you a perfect 5 IV Dratini with a Jolly nature and Marvel Scales.
Top 8 Japan Nats teams, courtesy of GENGARboi:
I swear that the battle director from GF, who was one of the commentators, had a "We've made a huge mistake" expression on his face for a significant portion of the stream. lol
Also, I fully expect them to nerf the shit out of the VGC rules in 2017 with how the team builds are at current.
2017 will be using Sun Moon and likely using the Regional Pokedex based on the pattern from the last two generations.