Everyone. Check Serebii NOW.
EDIT: I guess my prediction of new info on the 15th was wrong.
EDIT: I guess my prediction of new info on the 15th was wrong.
It's still exciting for me :<
TBH, I'm just relieved that we're getting actual solid info and screens as opposed to LOL JK HERE ARE MORE PICS OF KYUREM.
Wait, what? Even the serebii article states that it's unknown what CoroCoro covers. There's a real chance that this month might just be a repeat of what we already know.
I think we will get new info. Its coming out in June after all.
I think himuro had that avatar, not plywood :S
Pretty sure it was Plywood, I had to do a double take when I saw it the other day.
I remember the first time I beat Yellow. My team was Pikachu, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Squirtle, and Butterfree.
Ah, to be young and not understand team building.
3224 9919 3951
i'll be in the trading room in a sec.
Nope.Were any news in pokemon smash today?
Mine was Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Articuno, & Zapdos first time I beat E4 in Yellow.
Also, are there any Link Cables that are...
(1) Compatible with Gamboy Colour and Gameboy Advance Hardware and
(2) Compatible with Gameboy Colour Software?
Does anybody else wish that Nintendo/GameFreak would return to giving us events that involve actually going out to catch a legendary Pokémon instead of just handing it to us and saying "GG, have fun?"
The Victini, Zoroark, Darkrai, Shaymin, etc. events were cool because they actually gave us backstory and personality to them. I'm sure a lot of people will disagree, but I like the adventures that came with these events, making them feel almost like DLC missions as opposed to handouts.
Problem with that might be that they can't really give us too much content over the air. I think the Lighthouse for Victini was already on the cartridge and all the mystery gift did was activate the area. Could be hard if they didn't plan for releases so far into the life cycle of the game.
Can someone trade me a Ditto and Eevee into Black?
My FC is 2537 3265 0742
I have an Eevee to give away, but not a Ditto. Is just one of the two enough?
0303 9099 2313
Yeah that's great. I just added you to Pal Pad.
EDIT: Thanks a lot!
Up to Route 13, heading to Undella. Despite being underleveled by at least 10 levels at the most, my team is doing surprisingly well clearing out the pre-evos and fully-evolveds, even in tough places like the Small Court in Nimbasa. Finally got around to doing Mistralton Cave and capturing Cobalion, and I just can't wait to go to Undella Bay. Also went the other way around from Route 16 to Marvelous Bridge (which isn't that interesting, actually, considering how gic-some Village Bridge and Sky Arrow are), and even went all the way past trainers to Route 15 for a bit. Post-game is really cool in B/W. I just wish there was more to do in Anville Town, though I have a suspicion that it'll be more important in the sequel.
Also: Sigilyph is a silly choice. When it gets buffed and set-up, it's a great fucker-upper, but it's just so frail at times. Doesn't help that there's an obvious bias in the game's random seed, giving way too many critical hits and lucky stuff to the AI and never enough to me for compensation. But the team's good, and I'll probably buy White soon after Black and do the whole thing over again.
Is an Egg's nature determined before you acquire it, or once you've acquired it? My Volcorona got the worst nature possible when I hatched him, and I would like to know if I could have been a lot wiser on Route 18.
It's been proven time and time again that the every event Pokémon is already on the cart when it's released, so would it really kill them to create a basic area and an overworld sprite for them?
From what I've heard, the Deoxys event in Gen 3 was epic, and he wasn't released until 2006, an entire year after Emerald was released!
Except Deoxys didn't have an in-game event in Ruby and Sapphire. Birth Island was added in RFRLG and Emerald.
The same thing could happen with Genesect in BW2. There's nothing stopping GF from creating an item-locked area to capture Genesect in for these new games.
Found it funny that it can apparently learn Fly, despite no wings or levitating ability (that we know of).
I guess it uses it's uber cannon to shoot itself to places?
Think I might restart my HeartGold game. All of my worthwhile Pokemon have been transferred to Black anyway. I didn't want to do it because I won't be able to get those Mystery Gifts again (specifically the Pokewalker routes) but eh. They're not worth it.![]()
Yeah, there wasn't an in-game event in R/S, but they still had data for Deoxys on the cart.
Who knows what they'll do with Genesect for BW2 though.
Found it funny that it can apparently learn Fly, despite no wings or levitating ability (that we know of).
I guess it uses it's uber cannon to shoot itself to places?
I want to see 'how' Golurk flies. I'm assuming jet boosters under his feet.
The latest movie showed it. It takes off like a rocket.
It's also a ghost.
All ghosts can levitate regardless, or something.
It's so majestic.