Stop; you're going to make Sableye cry.
Nah, he's got a much better ability anyway.
Stop; you're going to make Sableye cry.
I really hope they give Sableye Hypnosis in Gen VI.
Prankster+Hypnosis+Mean Look+Confuse Ray+Dream Eater=Game set, GG.
Dream Eater off 65 special attack doesn't seem that great. Hypnosis's poor accuracy doesn't help either.
Totally forgot about Pokewalker routes. I think I lost that thing.
I'm currently at an actual router, so if you'd be up for trying again, backlot, it'd be much appreciated.
Yeah, I guess I forgot Sableye doesn't have the stats to make most sets work x_x
Also, I run a trapping set on my Umbreon. With the right items and a bit of luck, they can be the single most frustrating thing ever.
I'm finally getting into EVs and checking Natures and trying to build a good Eevee team. What's generally the worst one? I'm finding people saying Flareon is the worst.
Fire, Grass, and Ice are the 3 worst ones.
I'm finally getting into EVs and checking Natures and trying to build a good Eevee team. What's generally the worst one? I'm finding people saying Flareon is the worst.
Damn, but the Ice one is the coolest looking.
I should probably be more specific before an Eevee Defense Force forms, but Ice and Grass aren't "unplayable" bad. They certainly have their uses, but Flareon is nearly universally-agreed to be the worst.
Glaceon has nearly the same amount of problems (no speed, terrible defensive type, no move pool), but at least has Ice Beam / Blizzard for STAB off its highest attack. Flareon can be a wall breaker of sorts on an Eevee team though, whereas Glaceon is outclassed by the other specially based Pokemon.
Well if you're using Flareon and Glaceon on an Eevee team, then you obviously don't care about their obvious deficiencies.![]()
Anyone have an Aron? 3925-8482-9837
Nooo.. then you care more. Because you have very limited options on who can switch in for who. And Ice resist only Ice.. so..
Am I still your Pal Pad?
...Well god damn. I actually never had to think about it before, but Ice only resists Ice? How awful.![]()
...Well god damn. I actually never had to think about it before, but Ice only resists Ice? How awful.![]()
Yes! I think EvilMario is also getting on, so it's a race!
I think I lost. :/
I'm gonna lose Flareon because it's FAT. Now I just need to get good Natures. God, these things breed like crazy but the eggs take forever to hatch.
you do have a pokemon with flame body or magma armor in your party right?
They certainly have their uses, but Flareon is nearly universally-agreed to be the worst.
I'm finally getting into EVs and checking Natures and trying to build a good Eevee team. What's generally the worst one? I'm finding people saying Flareon is the worst.
You'll have to think of some way around the lack of Salac Berry in 5th gen though![]()
Use Eevee! Here's my 4th gen set:
Eevee @ Salac Berry
4 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
-Quick Attack
You'll have to think of some way around the lack of Salac Berry in 5th gen though![]()
explain to me why this is a good setupUse Eevee! Here's my 4th gen set:
Eevee @ Salac Berry
4 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
-Quick Attack
You'll have to think of some way around the lack of Salac Berry in 5th gen though![]()
explain to me why this is a good setup
'Cause it works on both targets in doubles. Also, TrollFreak.
Speaking of Eevees, it takes forever to get a good Timid nature Eevee with good Sp. Atk. IVs AND has HP Ice >_<. Been working on this for over a week!
jolteon espeon vaporeon
leafeon, glaceon