Heart Attack
hi guys, regarding the Pokemong TCG, where can i buy pokemon cards (lot), on the cheap?
So guys ark-ee-us or arse-ee-us.
If you don't need it right away, I can breed my Gliscor and will probably be online to trade it later tonight.Does anyone happen to have a female Dream World Gligar that they wouldn't mind parting ways with? I've been searching for the past few days on the DW myself but no dice.I have Japanese Pokeymans which may or may not tempt you!
I know they are just little flash games meant for children but holy shit I wish the Dream World minigames were more like the ones on Pokemon.com. I thought I'd give a few of them a go while I was bored on the internet the other day and I can't stop playing the Deerling game, it's better than all the Dream World minigames and the music for it is fucking awesome.
I know they are just little flash games meant for children but holy shit I wish the Dream World minigames were more like the ones on Pokemon.com. I thought I'd give a few of them a go while I was bored on the internet the other day and I can't stop playing the Deerling game, it's better than all the Dream World minigames and the music for it is fucking awesome.
If you don't need it right away, I can breed my Gliscor and will probably be online to trade it later tonight.
I know they are just little flash games meant for children but holy shit I wish the Dream World minigames were more like the ones on Pokemon.com. I thought I'd give a few of them a go while I was bored on the internet the other day and I can't stop playing the Deerling game, it's better than all the Dream World minigames and the music for it is fucking awesome.
If you don't need it right away, I can breed my Gliscor and will probably be online to trade it later tonight.
If you don't need it right away, I can breed my Gliscor and will probably be online to trade it later tonight.
You forgot Dewott and Litwick.
Really? Why?
Ah, mystery solved.
Maybe he should have just listed every Pokemon so no one would be offended...
Pokemon Reburst ... integrity
Reburst doesnt have fan service because it doesn't have fans.
Reburst doesnt have fan service because it doesn't have fans.
There will be more fans if they translate more of the chapters.
So I've been wondering...what would be considered the 3 strongest types out of the 16-17 we have right now?
As much as I consider Black and White to be the only lack luster Pokemon versions, there are still Pokemon I think are great. So here's my top 10.
I hate the designs in Black & White, which is why I haven't gotten to playing it yet.
So I've been wondering...what would be considered the 3 strongest types out of the 16-17 we have right now?
Ice is only really good because it's the one thing besides Dragons that can take down Dragons.
So I've been wondering...what would be considered the 3 strongest types out of the 16-17 we have right now?
Bless reBurst.
Shit needs to be translated so badly.
Truly GAF has a defence force for everything.
Keep this sub-Deviant Art bollocks away from our shores.