Street Fighter team!
Blaziken: Ken
Lucario: Ryu (Aura Sphere is called "Hadoden" in Japanese. Coincidence? I think NOT!)
Hitmonchan: Balrog (boxer with red gloves and shorts/tunic combination)
Throh: Zangief (mostly throwing and grappling moves, also has crazy eyebrows and is associated with the colour red)
Alakazam: M. Bison (characters who use psychokinetic energy and were incredibly overpowered in the first game that they appeared in)
Ditto: Twelve (main form of attack is copying the moves of others)
Think I'm going to go with Oshawott again, served me well in White and I'm sure he'll do fine in White 2.
This is awesome. We should do more.
Accelgor : Guy (stoic ninja type)
Gardevoir : Rose (looks fancy, can see into the future)
Medicham : Juri (mostly kick-based fighting style with some energy attacks)
Cody : Gurdurr (urban, steel beam is kind of like a pipe)
Lopunny : Poison (that could be a dude, we don't know)
Sudowoodo : Seth (artificial, can watch opponent's moves and copy them)
Guile : Lt. Surge
Electivire: Blanka (Hairy electric beast)This is awesome. We should do more.
You really need to seek help about this boob obsession.
I think Tate and Liza are tougher, but only because of their sudden level jump.I say Sabrina in Yellow. Maybe it is because I always fight her before Koga, but seriously, a Level 50 Alakazam (Who is broken in RBY) that knows Recover is too strong.
Whitney, easily. in both the originals and remakes.
Dat Rollout.
So guys, how about that RéBURST?
Pretty cool, huh?
It's not like you had access to fighting types by that point in the game, and Rollout can easily catch you off guard if you're not prepared for it.
So guys, how about that RéBURST?
Pretty cool, huh?
reuburst is like the cdi zelda games
reuburst is like the cdi zelda games
reuburst is like the cdi zelda games
Is this Pokemon Zexal?
I don't really read Manga, but I am going to take a look at Reburst to see what the issue is. bad..
We WARNED you. Don't try and say we didn't.
And may Arceus have mercy on your soul.
I usually give everything a chance before I 100% decide what I think about it. I'm skeptical about the WiiU controller, but I'm waiting till I try it myself before anything is confirmed.
This manga however I stopped on page 25. It's cliche to the max and overly absurd randomness. It feels like some kind of serious Bobobo.
So guys ark-ee-us or arse-ee-us.
Dr. House pronounced it Ark-ee-us
what are you talking aboutThe latter. The former just sounds foolish.
So guys ark-ee-us or arse-ee-us.
I've been pronouncing it Arse-ee-us. Dunno what the actual correct pronunciation is.
Dr. House pronounced it Ark-ee-us
I'm pretty sure ReBurst might become "canon" of sorts, because I'm 99% sure Akuroma's goal is to go Final Fantasy Villain on us and merge with Kyurem.
It already looks like he tried to do it with Articuno for practice.
We should talk about good Pokemon mangas, like Special.
Really? Why?We should talk about good Pokemon mangas, like Electric Tale of Pikachu.
Ah, mystery solved.All I remember about the Pikachu Manga was Jessie, Misty, and her sisters having big busts.
A gymleader far before the end with a level 50 Pokémon? Those were the days!What do you guys think is the hardest Gym Leader battle in games?
I say Sabrina in Yellow. Maybe it is because I always fight her before Koga, but seriously, a Level 50 Alakazam (Who is broken in RBY) that knows Recover is too strong.
We should talk about good Pokemon mangas, like Electric Tale of Pikachu.
Really? Why?
Ah, mystery solved.