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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Use Scrafty.


You have no excuse not to.

You've convinced me, I'll use one. I guess I can get one pretty soon anyways...just who to use for my third...
You've convinced me, I'll use one. I guess I can get one pretty soon anyways...just who to use for my third...

Every team needs an Arcanine! Look how EXTREME it is.

I think I'm going to use a PokéGAF team for Black 2. Arcanine, Scrafty, Empoleon, Raichu, and...two more? Who else posts a lot with a Pokémon avatar? I could use Dwebble, but Exterminieren wouldn't like it when I evolved it into Crustle. :/


Gold/Silver + Stadium 2 are the best Pokemon games in my wonderbook.


Anyone remember this game? My 2nd favourite Poke game after gold/silver.

Just listen to this song, so badass:


I've discussed this before, but I agree it's a spectacular game. In fact, that game has an amazing chiptune soundtrack overall as well.

I'm currently playing the sequel as it was recently 100% translated, although so far it doesn't seem like a big difference over the original.


I can't really say there's a bad version, but Black and White are the only versions for me that I wouldn't give a 9 or higher.
I got minor issues with each one but I guess my biggest was with Red/Blue...

Red/Blue: Buggy as hell and Psychics were overpowered
Gold/Silver: The level jump between Clair and the E4 was a bit harsh
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: Too much water!
Pearl/Sapphire/Platinum: Story kind of died after you beat Cyrus, Cynthia was brutal
Black/White: Dumped the Pokemon following after you bit after HG/SS brought it back

But...they're just so good. It's tough to hate them. If you held a gun to my head, I guess I might say I'm not the biggest fan of Gold/Silver but it has some of my most favorite Pokemon sooooo yea.
Gold/Silver + Stadium 2 are the best Pokemon games in my wonderbook.

I've discussed this before, but I agree it's a spectacular game. In fact, that game has an amazing chiptune soundtrack overall as well.

I'm currently playing the sequel as it was recently 100% translated, although so far it doesn't seem like a big difference over the original.

I'm playing TCG on my 50" plasma with 5.1 surround sound, chiptune is a-mazing. Never knew the 2nd was translated.

I stopped playing Pokemon after the 3rd generation tho, the new Pokemons look more like Digimons, so pointy. I'm sorry if I offended someone :(


Gold/Silver + Stadium 2 are the best Pokemon games in my wonderbook.

I've discussed this before, but I agree it's a spectacular game. In fact, that game has an amazing chiptune soundtrack overall as well.

I'm currently playing the sequel as it was recently 100% translated, although so far it doesn't seem like a big difference over the original.

Then your book needs rewriting.

I got minor issues with each one but I guess my biggest was with Red/Blue...

Red/Blue: Buggy as hell and Psychics were overpowered
Gold/Silver: The level jump between Clair and the E4 was a bit harsh
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: Too much water!
Pearl/Sapphire/Platinum: Story kind of died after you beat Cyrus, Cynthia was brutal
Black/White: Dumped the Pokemon following after you bit after HG/SS brought it back

But...they're just so good. It's tough to hate them. If you held a gun to my head, I guess I might say I'm not the biggest fan of Gold/Silver but it has some of my most favorite Pokemon sooooo yea.
That's the least of Gold/Silver's troubles. Johto is the smallest region ever and is Pretty much a cakewalk outside of maybe one battle. Older Pokémon are also far too common, with newer ones showing with low frequencies or not at all until late game. Then there's the fact that GSC Kanto is a pathetic shell of itself with Cerulean Cave, Seafoam Islands, Power Plant, Pokémon Mansion, Safari Zone and even Viridian forest missing and many of routes/points of interest drastically decreased in size.

I'm playing TCG on my 50" plasma with 5.1 surround sound, chiptune is a-mazing. Never knew the 2nd was translated. Might download a rom.

I stopped playing Pokemon after the 3rd generation tho, the new Pokemons look more like Digimons, so pointy. I'm sorry if I offended someone :(

And there we go.


Losing to the Subway Boss is really annoying.

Is there some kind of trick in Black/White to making a Pokemon happy? It's probably the worst way to have to evolve something.
GSC are amazing games, but i'm a part of the "newest games=best games" crew.

The real truth bomb of the page.

Is there some kind of trick in Black/White to making a Pokemon happy? It's probably the worst way to have to evolve something.
Vitamins (HP Up, Protein, etc.) and leveling up are usually pretty quick ways to raise happiness. Stuff like daily massages in Castelia City and having them hold the Soothe Bell helps too.


Thanks to UltimateIke (again bro, you are the best!), I'm finally moulding my dream team. Here it is:



There is one more free space left. I was thinking about a good fire pokemon, and I think that having an Arcanine really might be a good idea. I mean, just look at this sprite:




Vitamins (HP Up, Protein, etc.) and leveling up are usually pretty quick ways to raise happiness. Stuff like daily massages in Castelia City and having them hold the Soothe Bell helps too.

Yeah, my Buneary just got max happiness after I gave it 10 proteins, I was expecting to have to spend days giving it massages and walking around with it.

Does anyone have a spare Beldum? They're the only Hoenn Pokemon I don't have.


I do notice that that most who post in this thread do prefer the later versions compared to the first two.
I think the way they incrementally improve on each one just makes it hard to go back to the older ones. My list goes B/W>HG>Platinum>Yellow>Whatever. If 3rd gen gets as nice a remake as Gold/Silver that'll probably end up being my favourite. Love the region, but it's aged turribly.

And Turkish, you owe it to yourself to play BW. Best region, best plot (well, you know) and some of the best designs in my book. Some of them look a bit iffy- especially the legendaries- but overall they're excellent. They take a lot more creative chances than, say, gen1 which relies a lot on fairly basic animal sources.
I like the bin bag and ice creams though, so whaddo I know
I do notice that that most who post in this thread do prefer the later versions compared to the first two.
A lot of it is, unlike the rest of GAF, we have a love and knowledge of the series which isn't entirely dependent on nostalgia. As a result, we see the increased amount of content and mechanical improvements, and base our views on that. Certainly, I can't see many here saying Red and Blue are the best in the series.
This isn't a hard and fast rule, though.
I'm certainly of the opinion that the games are getting steadily better, apart from Game Freak stretching themselves too thin with Gold and Silver.
Remember how I said you're an incredibly unpleasant person because you take other people's opinions as personal attacks? It's things like this.
Come on, let's not make List Wars into serious business. Everyone needs to cool down.


A lot of it is, unlike the rest of GAF, we have a love and knowledge of the series which isn't entirely dependent on nostalgia. As a result, we see the increased amount of content and mechanical improvements, and base our views on that. Certainly, I can't see many here saying Red and Blue are the best in the series.
This isn't a hard and fast rule, though.
I'm certainly of the opinion that the games are getting steadily better, apart from Game Freak stretching themselves too thin with Gold and Silver.

You see I don't doubt people prefer stuff like this as they do, but I think it's something much more then that. Improvements don't mean anything if the style of the game isn't in your favor, and improvements don't always mean they improve your like for what you're playing because what one considers an improvement is up to the user to decide.

With Gold and Silver, the style of the Pokemon, the style of the Characters, the style of the Music, and the style of World and how it connects with everything appeals to me greatly. The mechanics also do a tremendous part at that, but when I look at the game, it's probably still one of the last things I think about. When you have games like platformers in which mechanics at the core make the difference, that's when I care more for it, but the way in Pokemon it's a lot different because it's a whole other style.

You could change one thing, then you lose one thing you liked in a past game in the progress. I don't think just because a game is newer that makes it better, (i'm not implying you are saying that) there's a reason people prefer Sunshine over Galaxy and it's the style it has and how it connects with every part of the game.

Pokemon has the mechanics, though, regardless of your game. However, it's a combination of both that makes them excellent in an opinion. At least, that's how I see it.


You see I don't doubt people prefer stuff like this as they do, but I think it's something much more then that. Improvements don't mean anything if the style of the game isn't in your favor, and improvements don't always mean they improve your like for what you're playing because what one considers an improvement is up to the user to decide.

Exactly, for example the whole physical/special moves stuff introduced in D/P even if it makes sense it isn't an improvement for me because it fucked up all the previous metagame's strategies and 10 years of tradition...
it is also one of the main reason why i left competitive battles and why i think that genIV is the worst ever made... actually genIV is the only bad one(but having shitty pokémon&character design and having super slowmo battle helps too)
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