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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


Gold/Silver: The level jump between Clair and the E4 was a bit harsh

To be fair, it wasn't that bad. Hell, if you were really having trouble, you could give all your money to Mom and throw yourself at the E4 until you stood a chance.

i still wish GSC didn't have Kanto. a more fleshed out Johto would have been amazing.

Yeah, it would've been nice. Hell, Kanto in GSC for me was basically a boss rush with a sidequest or two.

So glad they massively improved on Kanto in HG/SS.
You've convinced me, I'll use one. I guess I can get one pretty soon anyways...just who to use for my third...

You have chosen... Wisely.

I knew there was a reason I liked him less than Scrafty.

Your words cut me like a knife. What did I ever do to you?

UltimateIke said:
PokéGAF team

That's actually a really cool idea. I'm honored that you consider me worthy enough for a spot on your team!


from the GAF anonymous confessions thread
Spent the last 2 years lurking gaf for no reason at all except for the fact that its hilarious. I have no email to sign up for it, but still will be dedicated to the madness that it features. Oh and did I mention I do this at an internet cafe, literally spending money to browse a forum I might never be able to join? YEAH. Also, for gaf to know......
-GS is indeed the worst mainline Pokemon games, Wiseblade is right 100%
-The horrors that are unveiled in the confession thread are scarring. People out there with those kinda secrets make me thankful for my own.
-Every console is awesome, and no one should bemoan another's tastes.
-The Wii U as the 3DS will blossom into a great console. Pre-release hyperbole is great, but good lord does it need to be curbed.
-I'm kinda sending this as a way to seem cool to everyone and somehow get into the forums.
hi lurker, i know you are watching us.
You see I don't doubt people prefer stuff like this as they do, but I think it's something much more then that. Improvements don't mean anything if the style of the game isn't in your favor, and improvements don't always mean they improve your like for what you're playing because what one considers an improvement is up to the user to decide.

With Gold and Silver, the style of the Pokemon, the style of the Characters, the style of the Music, and the style of World and how it connects with everything appeals to me greatly. The mechanics also do a tremendous part at that, but when I look at the game, it's probably still one of the last things I think about. When you have games like platformers in which mechanics at the core make the difference, that's when I care more for it, but the way in Pokemon it's a lot different because it's a whole other style.

You could change one thing, then you lose one thing you liked in a past game in the progress. I don't think just because a game is newer that makes it better, (i'm not implying you are saying that) there's a reason people prefer Sunshine over Galaxy and it's the style it has and how it connects with every part of the game.

Pokemon has the mechanics, though, regardless of your game. However, it's a combination of both that makes them excellent in an opinion. At least, that's how I see it.

Well...yep. You just explained it in words why I like Platinum so much over all the rest. That's exactly how I feel about it.
In my case, I prefer HGSS to GSC. And that's aesthetics-wise as well. In terms of a world that presents a very clear theme, I like HGSS's "Japanese" feel and look, and I think it made it more clear than GSC did. Music-wise, I can't make a decision, though.

In terms of favorite locations, I'd have to give it to RSE though. THe vibrancy of everything, the sheer variety of locations, the awesome soundtrack (dem trumpets), plus diving? Just great. Even BW, which has a nice "industrial" feel to it, owing to the New York setting, isn't enough to match that. Although, I would've liked to see snowy environments in RSE too (one thing which makes upper Sinnoh one of my favorite places).

Mechanics-wise, it's always new > old (can't wait to try out certain new things in BW2...). Story-wise... BW is still tops, for putting in effort to integrating your actions with the story (having gym leaders and Alder being mobile and interacting with you regularly, for example. Although DPPt had a bit of it with Cynthia). Dex-wise, I don't really judge entire gens like that. I have favorites all over (that's why I always look forward to new pokes). Music-wise...

(RSE = BW2) > (BW = RBY = HGSS = GSC) > DPPt > FRLG

Subject to change, of course.

And saying all this, I don't really dislike any game, since I enjoyed each and every one of them. That's why I stick around for so long, lol.


I wouldn't want them to not have Kanto in Gold and Silver, it's just too good.

Speaking of FireRed and LeafGreen, I'm playing through it for the first time currently and I kinda feel like this was cheaply made. Now I'm not saying it's super low quality, but it's definitely the least amount of quality I've ever seen in a Pokemon version.
I wouldn't want them to not have Kanto in Gold and Silver, it's just too good.

Speaking of FireRed and LeafGreen, I'm playing through it for the first time currently and I kinda feel like this was cheaply made. Now I'm not saying it's super low quality, but it's definitely the least amount of quality I've ever seen in a Pokemon version.
It's the Teachy TV, isn't it :)

Their second remake effort was much better (whoever the second team is). Should've made the hand-holding optional. I do like the Sevii Islands though. And the music is not bad either, I just like the others more :p
Fire Red and Leaf Green to me felt like they were Red and Blue, but with better graphics and the 3rd gen battle mechanics. While Heart Gold and Soul Silver a re complete reimaginings of Gold and Silver.
If that makes any sense. And in some ways I like how similar FR/LG are to their original games.


It's the Teachy TV, isn't it :)

Their second remake effort was much better (whoever the second team is). Should've made the hand-holding optional. I do like the Sevii Islands though. And the music is not bad either, I just like the others more :p

It's a time waster, but it's not what I'm talking about. The graphics and design seem cheapish compared to Ruby and Sapphire.
Fire Red and Leaf Green to me felt like they were Red and Blue, but with better graphics and the 3rd gen battle mechanics. While Heart Gold and Soul Silver a re complete reimaginings of Gold and Silver.
If that makes any sense. And in some ways I like how similar FR/LG are to their original games.
Oh yeah, totally. Graphics-wise, while I like 8-bit, the sprites from FRLG are cool. Although, some were still upscaled redrawings of GSC sprites, but that's all right.

I wonder how the release of RBY or FRLG on VC would go over... if it ever happens. May give the people who got in late a chance to see where all the fancy stuff started.
It's a time waster, but it's not what I'm talking about. The graphics and design seem cheapish compared to Ruby and Sapphire.
I don't think I noticed that, though. I might have to go back and play them to say any more.
Thanks to UltimateIke (again bro, you are the best!), I'm finally moulding my dream team. Here it is:



These 2.....


Now, I really want to get a Blastoise in Heartgold, since my Feraligatr is ugly as fuck.


I'm talking about the world(not battle sprites), by the way. And I definitely think this looks lackluster in terms of Pokemon quality.

I also don't think HeartGold/SoulSilver is a reimagine so to speak, nor do I think FireRed/LeafGreen is Halo Anniversary like.

It'd be a lot more different if it was reimagined. As for the latter, it's a bit different to be like that.


I wrote more about Gold/Silver/Crystal than should be allowed by law, and all it did was make me not like the 2nd gen because cramming two continents into a GBC cart crippled both of them.
While I liked them, something did seem a bit off about FireRed/Leaf Green. They were basically the same games as Red/Blue (In a way) but they seemed to lack something. They almost seemed a bit soulless? Still liked them but I'd almost be inclined to play the originals more. Yes even though they were broken.


Yeah, I feel the same way about those two remakes.

To be fair, it wasn't that bad. Hell, if you were really having trouble, you could give all your money to Mom and throw yourself at the E4 until you stood a chance.

Giovanni's Rhydon - Level 50
Lorelei's Lapras - Level 56

Clair's Kingdra - Level 40
Will's Xatu - Level 42

Wallace's Milotic - Level 43
Sidney's Absol - Level 49

Volkner's Luxray - Level 49
Aaron's Drapion - Level 57

GSC actually had the smallest level gap from Gym Leader to an Elite 4 member.

Now, I really want to get a Blastoise in Heartgold, since my Feraligatr is ugly as fuck.

You can get Squirlte in Heart Gold after you beat Red.
Yea I guess when you compare the levels of the last gym leader and the first member of the Elite Four it isn't bad but usually when I'm thinking about taking on the Elite Four, I usually focus on having a party whose levels are one or two levels higher or lower than the highest level Pokemon of the Champion...so just to give others an idea how it is for me.


Yea I guess when you compare the levels of the last gym leader and the first member of the Elite Four it isn't bad but usually when I'm thinking about taking on the Elite Four, I usually focus on having a party whose levels are one or two levels higher or lower than the highest level Pokemon of the Champion...so just to give others an idea how it is for me.

Well in the remake you could just train Gyarados to Level 44 and Dragon Dance the majority of the Elite 4.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Before HG/SS I hated Johto. The remakes totally fixed it though.

I hope further remakes can fix Hoenn. I had to go through gen three a bunch last year to get some things and man the Hoenn games just aren't very good compared to FR/LG or anything in the gens beyond.

Even Emerald which I played last and is a general improvement is still fairly bad. Too much water, bad level up movelists, huge level separation between Wallace/Juan and the E4.

I have full faith in the remake team though.
I still prefer Hoenn to Unova. I just really hated linearity of the world, and I really hope BW2 somehow fixes that.
Don't actually tell me this. I want to be crush my own hopes when the time comes.
Dunsparce is the ugliest Pokémon ever.
In a world where Empoleon exists? I don't think so.
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