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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Battle themes are the series' core, and that's pretty much what Masuda has been doing, aside from the director stuff. And that's been true from at least GSC. No idea if y'all are being serious or not though :p


Special Lucario is good, but not as useful as Physical, taking in consideration what he gets and his STABs. That said, I really hate how smogon took down all of Lucario's special sets, I think a Special Lucario is good on its own, as long you're willing to delegate some stuff to other pokemons in your team.


thanks to zeroth for breeding this multi scale dragonite (not to mention shiny), now dragonite basically sweeps subway after one dd, and only dies to moldbreaker haxorus or a stabbed ice hit.
I might switch my CB scizor for a choice scarf rotom to revenge kill, also seeing as how Dragonite/Scizor/Vap can't deal with electric very well. Would lose my awesome dark/dragon resist though. D:
I decided to play some random Wi-Fi singles matches tonight! Rare event! I even won one of them, haha. I got close on several others, but I messed up with inaccurate moves. :(

This battle will probably seem mundane to most of you, but I VERY rarely compete with human opponents, so it is always really exciting for me when I do and win. For this match I went with Gyarados, Tyranitar, and Dragonite. My opponent used Serperior, Cresselia, and Ninetales.

Serperior started with Light Screen while my Gyarados set up Dragon Dance. I hit with Stone Edge the next turn, and he used Glare. He used Reflect, and I used another Stone Edge before he swapped to Cresselia. Gyarados handled Cresselia's Ice Beam and Psychic attacks decently, and I had Leftovers to restore health. Several turns he predicted I would swap out, and he tried to use Toxic only for it to fail on paralyzed Gyarados and give me free turns to heal. After Reflect wore off and he had gone back to using Psychic, I swapped in Tyranitar. I used Dragon Dance the turn he swapped back to Serperior. He still out-sped me after Dragon Dance, but I survived the Leaf Storm, and finished him with Stone Edge. Next came Ninetales with an Air Balloon and Drought. Dragon Dance gave me the speed I needed, and Stone Edge was a OHKO. Cresselia came back. Cresselia survived Crunch, hurt me with its Rocky Helmet, and used Moonlight. Next turn it took Crunch, damaged me again with the Rocky Helmet, and knocked me out with Ice Beam. I went back to Gyarados, and proceeded to use Stone Edge to run out some of his Moonlight PP (and hopefully score some critical hits, which I did). On a turn I knew he was using Moonlight, I swapped in my Multiscale Dragonite (hooray Sand Stream was gone). I decided to risk a Dragon Dance, and Dragonite took Ice Beam like it was nothing. I used Outrage, and he went back to Moonlight to wall my damage output (rather than try again to kill me). After two turns of Outrage and Moonlight he was slowly getting worn down, and Dragonite was momentarily confused (Lum Berry healed!). I was set for the final blow, and Outrage did just enough!

If no one can tell, I am very excited that I won. ^_^

PK Gaming

Why do people prefer Physical Lucario when his Special Attack is higher? Is it due to ExtremeSpeed?

It's because physical Lucario is significantly harder to counter than the special Lucario. Good luck trying to wall this thing at +2 (most stall teams & offensive teams crumble to a well executed SD Lucario). Extremespeed is definitely one of the factors, since at +2 it kos the faster (but frailer) pokemon that can check Lucario. NP is a lot easier to stop at +2.

I'll admit that NP was decent when Excadrill was legal, but there's no point in using over the physical set now since it doesn't accomplish anything over it atm. Seriously SD Luke is THAT good. Usually, when a pokemon is known for its physical sets, a special of some kind is useful for bypass standard physical walls, but Lucario can already do that X_X.

EDIT: That comic was amazing V_V

PK Gaming

Well even if you SEE SD coming its still difficult to stop once it gets going, whereas NP might surprise you but you can still stop it because vacuum wave as a priority move is a lot worse than Extreme Speed. Also you can't kill certain walls which is annoying. (Gliscor takes 74% - 87.3% from +2 Dark Pulse) and you don't have much room for anything else.


So close! But the answer we were looking for was "You can't handle Bidoof!"

I'm surprised you didn't nickpicket on how that trainer picked Chimchar as his starter and not Piplup.

This battle will probably seem mundane to most of you, but I VERY rarely compete with human opponents, so it is always really exciting for me when I do and win. For this match I went with Gyarados, Tyranitar, and Dragonite. My opponent used Serperior, Cresselia, and Ninetales.

Serperior started with Light Screen while my Gyarados set up Dragon Dance. I hit with Stone Edge the next turn, and he used Glare. He used Reflect, and I used another Stone Edge before he swapped to Cresselia. Gyarados handled Cresselia's Ice Beam and Psychic attacks decently, and I had Leftovers to restore health. Several turns he predicted I would swap out, and he tried to use Toxic only for it to fail on paralyzed Gyarados and give me free turns to heal. After Reflect wore off and he had gone back to using Psychic, I swapped in Tyranitar. I used Dragon Dance the turn he swapped back to Serperior. He still out-sped me after Dragon Dance, but I survived the Leaf Storm, and finished him with Stone Edge. Next came Ninetales with an Air Balloon and Drought. Dragon Dance gave me the speed I needed, and Stone Edge was a OHKO. Cresselia came back. Cresselia survived Crunch, hurt me with its Rocky Helmet, and used Moonlight. Next turn it took Crunch, damaged me again with the Rocky Helmet, and knocked me out with Ice Beam. I went back to Gyarados, and proceeded to use Stone Edge to run out some of his Moonlight PP (and hopefully score some critical hits, which I did). On a turn I knew he was using Moonlight, I swapped in my Multiscale Dragonite (hooray Sand Stream was gone). I decided to risk a Dragon Dance, and Dragonite took Ice Beam like it was nothing. I used Outrage, and he went back to Moonlight to wall my damage output (rather than try again to kill me). After two turns of Outrage and Moonlight he was slowly getting worn down, and Dragonite was momentarily confused (Lum Berry healed!). I was set for the final blow, and Outrage did just enough!

If no one can tell, I am very excited that I won. ^_^

Gyarados AND Tyranitar? Whoa, your teams manliness is over 9000.


The Dream World is like the gift that keeps on giving; Aerodactyl, Omanyte and even Rotom. I never even got around to trying to catch the latter in my Gen IV games.


If no one can tell, I am very excited that I won. ^_^
Congrats! Speaking of battles, I uploaded the battle video I had from the Last Chance Qualifier at Worlds. I sort of wish I saved the one after that (vs the winner of the Japan Cup tournament who hit Top 8 at Japan Nationals) but you sometimes don't think about those things during the most intense sets and that was really down to the wire @_@ I lost Game 3 on a terrible misprediction. He let out a huge cheer when I did it too because he was banking on it =P He was a nice guy although we could barely communicate.

PK Gaming

Damn dude, it sucks that you lost in the qualifiers.

If it were me i'd be fuming the entire way home, I loathe those "will he or will she not" type situations. What was your team?
I always imagine myself telling little Paras that he did great and is part of the team after he sacrifices himself like that. And that we wouldn't be here without his ability to Cut and Flash.


Damn dude, it sucks that you lost in the qualifiers.

If it were me i'd be fuming the entire way home, I loathe those "will he or will she not" type situations. What was your team?
I would have played Scott the next round so it ended up not mattering in the long run. If Scott had lost too then I would have been fuming. My team is what's in the video with Kangaskhan and Togekiss as alternates for Hitmontop depending on the opponent's team. I honestly lost the set after this because I psyched myself out more than anything. Also having not practiced in 3 months.

Edit: Wow I'm dumb. I never actually linked the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgNW8-irPE4&hd=1

I also put up videos between actual good players: http://www.youtube.com/user/nuggetbridge

PK Gaming

I would have played Scott the next round so it ended up not mattering in the long run. If Scott had lost too then I would have been fuming. My team is what's in the video with Kangaskhan and Togekiss as alternates for Hitmontop depending on the opponent's team. I honestly lost the set after this because I psyched myself out more than anything. Also having not practiced in 3 months.

Edit: Wow I'm dumb. I never actually linked the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgNW8-irPE4&hd=1

I also put up videos between actual good players: http://www.youtube.com/user/nuggetbridge

Good match. slowKING was bossing throughout. Man i've said this before, but I should really get into VGC... for fun(that is, until I can live by myself and actually travel. It sucks living in Ontario sometimes :x). VGC 2012 ruleset allows pretty much anything in the game right? I was kind of turned off by 11's "only BW mons" rule, but man VGC 2012 has a ton of potential.

PS: Does "Scott" (or any other nugget bridgers) have a gaf account?!?
How well does Shell Smash/Spore/Baton Pass Smeargle work? It sure sounds nice to me. I could even use Arcanine online after a Shell Smash. :3

But I guess anyone with a high priority move would put an end to Smeargle's Focus Sash, huh? :(


A level 100 Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack through the use of numerous stat boosters; by using Helping Hand by two different Pokémon in a Triple battle, holding a Metronome, Power Trick, a Skill Swap to Pure Power or Huge Power, 6 Attack boosts, and a Mimiced Me First used on a slower Pokemon using the Defense Curl/Rollout combo.

Also, Shuckle’s partner must have the ability Flower Gift and the weather must be sunny. On the 15th turn of using Rollout consecutively without any misses, if used against a level 1 Ledyba, Yanma or Combee with minimum Defense stats, that have been hit with negative Defense modifiers (such as Screech), it can deal 481,266,036 damage with a critical hit.



So I finally made a moveset for my Platinum Glaceon:

~ Ice Beam
~ Shadow Ball
~ Signal Beam
~ Water Pulse
@ Choice Scarf

Her movepool is TERRIBLE, but I like her design, so she stays.

How well does Shell Smash/Spore/Baton Pass Smeargle work? It sure sounds nice to me. I could even use Arcanine online after a Shell Smash. :3

But I guess anyone with a high priority move would put an end to Smeargle's Focus Sash, huh? :(

When I saw it used, the person had Substitute as well.



He probably looks like a blimp for a reason. haha[/QUOTE]

It doesn't help that he's simulating Wailord as far larger than it is. Wailord's "height" is actually referring to its length.


Good match. slowKING was bossing throughout. Man i've said this before, but I should really get into VGC... for fun(that is, until I can live by myself and actually travel. It sucks living in Ontario sometimes :x). VGC 2012 ruleset allows pretty much anything in the game right? I was kind of turned off by 11's "only BW mons" rule, but man VGC 2012 has a ton of potential.

PS: Does "Scott" (or any other nugget bridgers) have a gaf account?!?
There are people on GAF with NB accounts who don't use it very often / at all mostly 'cause I spammed #pokegaf ;D Scott = Synre. Also both the Eastern Canada Regional and Canadian National happen in Ontario (Toronto) so I'm not sure why your location is bad... Especially considering Ontario has like one good player.
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