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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"

Not sure if anyone has noticed, but transferring pokemon is now giving 2 candy per pokemon. not sure if its a permanent thing or for valentines event.

also, eggs have changed whats in them??
Valentine event gives 2x candy also on transferring. So catching and transferring a pokemon goves a total 8 candy.


I don't really have much to do now.

- Just the slow grind to level 34 so that I can power-up my elite monsters a little more.
- I'd like to hatch a decent Chansey or Snorlax.
- Or just wait for more of Gen 2.

Or maybe I should book holidays to get Farfetchd, Tauros, and Kangaskhan.


Neo Member
Walked through city centre multiple times and countless lures and not one Chansey in the 7 or so hours. Only one Clefairy caught but so many Jigglypuffs and Porygons.
I was getting Chansey for days in downtown Riverside

Stopped by RCC for the first time since I single-handedly caused Pokemon to start spawning there
no big deal really but srsly i'll take autographs after my press conference
found a lot of Chansey there too.


Neo Member
It must be dependent on the area as only Jiggly and Lickitung spawn near my house, no Porygon, Slowpoke, Clefairy or Chansey.
A Lickitung and Jigglypuff have spawned at my house before so maybe Chansey spawn has increased where it has previously spawned.


Been pretty underwhelming for me so far. I've seen tons of Eggsecute and Jigglypuff, a few Lickytung, a total of 2 Clefairy, and no Chancey at all. Considering I have the first three and their evolutions, but have yet to get a Clefable or a Chancey, it's kinda funny. I also haven't seen a single Porygon, but I have already hatched one of those, so that isn't as big of a deal.


Caught a Chansey! Was near my work.

So far I caught several Exxegcutes and plenty of Lickitungs.

My Lapras was my grand prize of the event though.

Actually, it just started to get warmer again, so I plan to go for long runs the next 2 days. I'm full of 2k eggs though..


I got a Pinsir out of one of the first 5k eggs I have hatched recently.

Even after the eggs changes, I can't escape my nemesis.


Caught a Chansey at the mall, CP1023. Mostly seeing Jigglypuff, Exeggcute, and Lickitung, not many Slowpoke though and no Porygon so far, although I did hatch one a couple days ago.
Please people stop putting chanseys into low level gyms. This kills the gym


Ugh, yeah. My local gym usually changes teams several times a day and rarely gets above level 3. I go there most days just before my coins renew and take it down.
Today it was my own team, at 10,000. No problem I think, just train it up to 12000 and get my 10 coins.
Chansey was the first mon in the gym. Fought it twice, time ran out both times.

Who's good at taking out Chansey?


Got the last candy I needed for Machamp and found a Chansey just before starting my shift. All I'm missing at this point are Grimer, Muk, Omastar, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, Cleffa, Togepi, Togetic, and Smoochum. I'll be walking with Growlithe until I find a Grimer.


The RNG gods blessed me today... I was at a buddy's house watching TV and decided to turn the game on... CHANSEY was there and I didn't even have to move an inch from the sofa. Caught her with an ultra ball.

As I was heading home and a minute away from my house I decided to turn the game on again. Fucking PORYGON was a minute away from me in a Pokestop at the local mall. Got him not just once, but TWICE, because he then appeared at the closest Pokestop from my house. Crazy.

Got Wigglytuff before the event and now two Pokemon which I thought were unicorns. God damn.

Hopefully the RNG gods help me out again this weekend and just give me two more Dratinis. And a lapras, maybe?


The game giveth and the game taketh. I got two Chansey but after the game showed a glimpse of a Snorlax taking it away before I could see the stop. It also bullshitted a bit with a 12 Cp Bulbasaur escaping twice from a ball before fleeing.


Currently at Sapporo and next week will be at Tokyo the whole week.

Where to get Farfetch--

So far useless mon like Slowpoke and Eevee... and there is no nearby feature in Japan.

Niantic please.


Caught another Chansey. This time from my bedroom. Must be here to help get rid of my sore throat. Lol

Haven't seen any Porygon yet
I've had a terrible PoGo day today.
The event is shit, I've seen one Porygon and a Lickitung that ran away and apart from that it's just been Slowpokes, Zubats, Drowzees, Gastlys and Krabbys.
If I hadn't read about it I wouldn't even know there's an event happening.
I've had almost nothing but 2K eggs during the event, I cleared them all out, hatching nothing good, and went out to restock my sack but received zero eggs from 17 pokestops. Clearly never going to get a Togepi during the event.
All the crappy low level Pokemon have been running from me all day and I'm completely out of normal and great balls now.
My local gym has a 1400 cp Chansey guarding it so I can't train it up any more.
Not to mention it's freezing and snowing here so wasting time at gyms is even less fun.
And the 6 hour lures are useless to me as there's not a single Pokestop for miles that I can access from somewhere indoors/warm.


Now I hatched a Dratini with a chunky 46 candy.

I'm like a kid in a candy store.

A Dratini, Snorlax and a Lapras in a few days!? Ok, no more complaining for you for a few days. :p

But seriously, that's great. My highest Dratini is a 91%, that I just recently evolved, even months after having 2 other Dragonites in the 80s.

The down side to this event is that all the Slowpokes mean it's very unlikely for me to see a Dratini spawn.


Neo Member
The event needs to be widespread, there's only a couple of Lickitungs or Wigglytuffs per day at my familys houses in two different areas, yet at uni, there's pretty much a Porygon and Slowpoke every metre but other Pinkmon are still rare.
Chansey and Clefairy spawns need to be increased. If I wasnt at uni, I wouldn't know an event was on.


A Dratini, Snorlax and a Lapras in a few days!? Ok, no more complaining for you for a few days. :p

But seriously, that's great. My highest Dratini is a 91%, that I just recently evolved, even months after having 2 other Dragonites in the 80s.

The down side to this event is that all the Slowpokes mean it's very unlikely for me to see a Dratini spawn.

Yeah, I can't complain. But I've put the km in.

I'd still like a good Chansey.


Caught a dozen Lickitung so far and three Porygon, plus one hatched. Today finally got a Chansey, 84% IV with Hyper Beam.


Now if only I could hatch Cleffa. I get 2km eggs all the time now, due to changes in what hatches from which egg, but no dice.


I caught the three I wanted. I'm happy.

I've 3 more to compete the pokedex (without region specific) so will do that then probably quit again for a while
I wish I lost as much interest as you guys lol

What I want is pretty much at least 10 high cp defenders I can leave in gyms but the gym turnover here is so damn high so I ended up joining a team of others.

At the same time, I'd like a lot of my pokes to be the best of the best too, as well as keeping lower level pokes for prestiging.

So much to do on my end lol


Decided to put Grimer as my Buddy, five minutes later Grimer appears. Nice. You need 13 Pokémon to evolve one that needs 50 Candy, so this one can count double, up to '3' of 13.
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