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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


Got my first Lapras today from a 10 km egg, and it's 14/11/10 with Ice Shard and Blizzard. Probably not the best to invest dust in, but I'm desperate for a Dragonite hard counter. Could be worse for an attacker. How glitchy is Blizzard still for Lapras?


Reached level 24 and my dex is at either 103 or 104. I was late for class today because an Exeggutor (which I didn't have then) appeared on Sightings, and it took me like 8 mins to track it down, it actually helps a lot when you start recognizing the common spawn points around your area, so you know where to go check. 39 CP... I was expecting this one to at least be in the 1000 ballpark so I could use it to take down low CP water Pokémon. I have a 720 CP Exeggute but it's around 60% I think, so I'm not wasting an evolution on it.
top 12 is forever changing


been lucky with some of the cp....I am using all my snorlax candy to power the top one i got...

edit: if you ever wanted to see a perfect Growlithe lol

I need to start powering up guys other than my top four. I'm starting to find it harder to not find myself at or near the bottom of level 10 gyms, but my standards for powering up are pretty high after I went on a spree at level 25 that left me dust broke.


My current top 12. I'm close to evolving a Dratini all the way and will have a good Exeggutor once I finally find a Exeggcute with IV bigger then 80. I do have one at 75.. I almost have enough candy to evolve 2, lol. (I already have 1 due to catching it in the wild, so I'm patient)

Looking those strong Pokemon..
And here im scared to spend too much dust since they might release some feature that require dust soon :D

Im standing at 40k now haha. The only Pokemon i used all the dust on is my precious Solar Exeggutor to max out his level when i level up, and hes only around 2000 right now :D
Feel pretty confident everytime i bring him to battle :D
Which site gives you exact IV's rather than %ages?

I have 107,000 dust at level 21 and my highest CP pokemon is a 1269 snorlax, I need to find more powerful mons =/


Which site gives you exact IV's rather than %ages?

I have 107,000 dust at level 21 and my highest CP pokemon is a 1269 snorlax, I need to find more powerful mons =/

I feel that the in game appraisal and a site like Poke assistant is more than adequate to tell you where the Pokémon IV is at.

Then there is this site to tell you what the dialogue is saying
Looking those strong Pokemon..
And here im scared to spend too much dust since they might release some feature that require dust soon :D

Im standing at 40k now haha. The only Pokemon i used all the dust on is my precious Solar Exeggutor to max out his level when i level up, and hes only around 2000 right now :D
Feel pretty confident everytime i bring him to battle :D

Haha me too. Holding all the dust back. Over 150k right now. Only some for my vaporeon and scyther.


Seen 40 Bulbasaurs caught 33. Seen 39 Squirtles caught 35. Seen 5 Charmanders caught 5.

One of these starters is not like the others...


Seen 40 Bulbasaurs caught 33. Seen 39 Squirtles caught 35. Seen 5 Charmanders caught 5.

One of these starters is not like the others...
Hey at least 2 out of 3 (or 4 with Pikachu) are decently common for you. Around here Squirtle is quite common but Charmander, Bulbasaur and Pikachu are basically at the super-rare level. I've been pretty lucky with my 2k eggs but still around 50 candy away from both a Charizard and Venosaur. Speaking of which... buddy update needs to be released like now.


My 10 km egg gave me a Dratini. ;_; Oh well, more candies for my first Dragonite I guess. Almost got enough.


Yeeeeessss, I got a higher CP Lapras!!! Looks like I won't be leveling up that 41 CP Lapras after all, haha.

So when can we expect the update?

The updates are generally no more than roughly two weeks apart. The last one was two weeks ago, so I'd be expecting it to hit any day now.


Hey at least 2 out of 3 (or 4 with Pikachu) are decently common for you. Around here Squirtle is quite common but Charmander, Bulbasaur and Pikachu are basically at the super-rare level. I've been pretty lucky with my 2k eggs but still around 50 candy away from both a Charizard and Venosaur. Speaking of which... buddy update needs to be released like now.

Pikachu is less common than the two starters but still more common than Charmander. Game says I've seen/caught 15 Pikachu, plus one Raichu.

Have also seen/caught 6 Ivysaur, 10 Wartortle, and 2 of each Venusaur and Blastoise. Have yet to see a Charmeleon or Charizard.


I see more Charizard in gyms than either Blastoise or Venusaur, yet I've also not seen a Charmander in the wild.

Hatched my third Charmander though. At least it was nice enough to give 10 candy this time.


Anyone in Japan having server issues? My friend who's holidaying can't log in but I doubt she's banned.

Also, anyone know what's meant to be in the update?

11 days and my Aerodactyl has returned to me. I stashed it in a tiny town in Colorado's eastern plains.

Originally stashed 3. One lasted 5 days. This one lasted 11.

My brave Rapidash survives.
So there's no reward for multiple days in a gym? I'm pretty sure I had one in for just over 10 days and nada.

My 10 km egg gave me a Dratini. ;_; Oh well, more candies for my first Dragonite I guess. Almost got enough.
Ugh, 2 of my last 3 were this (the other an Eevee of course).

And they were <80%...
10km egg hatched!! Woohoo!!
Hitmonchan... ok, good for dex. Better than Eevee.
100%!! Yeah!? My first one so cool. May be i can somehows squish him into my team.
Rock smash and fire punch..

I'll keep him as a memory toy though.
While I have slowed down a bit in how much I play, I still waded out in the flooded streets of my neighborhood Sunday morning to catch a Dratini that spawns in the usual spot. Hermine couldn't stop me.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
10km egg hatched!! Woohoo!!
Hitmonchan... ok, good for dex. Better than Eevee.
100%!! Yeah!? My first one so cool. May be i can somehows squish him into my team.
Rock smash and fire punch..

I'll keep him as a memory toy though.

there needs to be a way to make them viable i love hitmonlee and hitmonchan but as it stands they are really bad theres only like 10-12 pokemon you can count on and the rest are different levels of gross
i dont know what they should do maybe make it cost a ton more candy to level them or something but there needs to be a way to bring the lower bracket pokemon into competitive play


there needs to be a way to make them viable i love hitmonlee and hitmonchan but as it stands they are really bad theres only like 10-12 pokemon you can count on and the rest are different levels of gross
i dont know what they should do maybe make it cost a ton more candy to level them or something but there needs to be a way to bring the lower bracket pokemon into competitive play
what do you expect them to do? they suck in the games too. if you want to you can pump stardust and candy in one and it could potentially be a snorlax or lapras counter. it's just not an efficient use of stardust.
So.. I just had a Snorlax and Blastoise spawn with in 30 minutes of each other! Not the best CP but that makes it easier to catch anyway.

Great way to start the morning :D


there needs to be a way to make them viable i love hitmonlee and hitmonchan but as it stands they are really bad theres only like 10-12 pokemon you can count on and the rest are different levels of gross
i dont know what they should do maybe make it cost a ton more candy to level them or something but there needs to be a way to bring the lower bracket pokemon into competitive play

The trouble with boosting the candy required to level up the top tier Pokemon is that it would give the early adopters of the game a huge boost over those just picking it up now, because they've already had the time to get the 10-12 Pokemon that are currently most viable (if they live in a dense enough area, that is...which is a big if).

I really want the electric-type Pokemon to be given a power boost. Right now, it's absurd that Vaporeon is a better counter to another Vaporeon than Jolteon is.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
there just needs to be a way if you are determined enough to farm that you can take a weedle and power him up enough he can take down the elite 4 and red and be master of the universe like you can in the games
there just needs to be a way if you are determined enough to farm that you can take a weedle and power him up enough he can take down the elite 4 and red and be master of the universe like you can in the games

Yeah i'd like to form a team with the pokemon i really like and strengthen them, like Beedrill etc but at the current state, it'd be just a waste of time and dust :v
I dont know what they can do, but at least make those weak pokemon less weak for the start?
I dont ask for any nerf though :D, just boost those poor ones up.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
even right now if you maxed them out they would be shit they cap out at super low cp and cant hold a gym for nothing they would just get destroyed


Yes there are. You can collect a reward again every 21 hours your Pokemon remain in a gym.

I think he means an extra reward for staying in the gym a long time?

At least I hope that is what he means and not that he didn't collect for the last 10 days.


Thanks to the 21 hour limit, I was able to collect 4 times from the gyms over the 3 day weekend. Got up at 5:35 am Saturday morning to collect on all the Pokemon I placed into the gyms the night before, was able to collect 5! Was able to collect 3 when I woke up at 2:36 am Sunday morning and 2 at 11:38 pm that same day. And finally collected 3 at 8:40 pm last night. So in all, in 3 days I collected 130. Nice.

So today I will be able to collect at 5:40 pm. Though, prob be more like 6 pm or so, I plan to go running, and I'll try to hit up some gyms.
I went on another evolution spree with about 50 pokemon and I got to level 20! Is this the point where I stop thinking about levels and XP?

One of my evolutions was a ~300 CP Drowzee, which became a 1011 CP Hypno, and it is now my highest-CP mon. And another ~300 CP Vulpix which became a 974 CP Ninetales, and it is now my second highest. Seems like levels also affect the amount of CP you get from evolving?


I went on another evolution spree with about 50 pokemon and I got to level 20! Is this the point where I stop thinking about levels and XP?

Pretty much. Levels aren't as important anymore once your in your 20s. Not nothing of course, as they help you in getting stronger Pokemon CPs, etc, but no longer a focus. Each new level from 21 to 25 will add 25,000 xp to the list. So 24 to 25 will take 150,000 xp. 25 to 26 added 40,000 xp for me, so now it takes 190,000 xp.

When I turned lv 20, I barely had any above 1000 (maybe a few), and now at lv 25 and several above 1,500. My lone Gyrados is now leveled above 2,000 CP.


Gold Member
Surprised at Wigglytuff's Dazzling Gleam: My 1208CP one beat a 2.3k dragonite without sweating.
Sitting on top of 510k stardust, waiting until reaching L35 or so to start spending it. Once you understand your pokemon won't stand a chance at a gym no matter how much you try, you start appreciating Pincers and Raticates to take them down without spending revives.
Found a 1456 Golduck and a 1289 Cloyster this morning, these are the highest CP wild pokemon I've ever seen let alone caught. I'm mid level 23 and feel like I'm finally starting to catch up in terms of being competitive for my area. My highest overall is a 1660 Vaporeon
Had to run some errands this morning and managed to go from 5 gyms to 10 gyms and claim that sweet 100 coins. 3 of those were throwaways, so I have 7 gyms that I can hold for a while that are all level 7+.

Gym building is so worth it and much more fun that trying to bum rush some low levels and rack up a bunch before they inevitably get kicked off. You get better long term rewards and it forces you to use a variety of pokemon. All those sub 1500CP mons you have that aren't the same old top tiers are great for gym building. Today I used my 873CP Venasaur who would otherwise be useless to take out a Jolteon and a Starmie above his level for 1166 prestige per fight. I also used Hitmonchan to train against a Porygon.
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