Had a very frustrating weekend with this game.
Attempted a Snorlax raid on Friday after getting out of work early. The players in my area refuse to coordinate for anything other than Tyranitar, Snorlax, Lapras, and Machamp so it's not often I get to even try a raid since I only get a few hours a day at best to play. The raid was a 6 min drive for me and 8 people chimed in on the chat that they were going. I say I'm on the way with a 6 min ETA.
I arrive in 6 mins as stated and park (it was a church, 3 cars/8 people in the parking lot) check the chat.... and they just said they completed it. Thanks for going without me guys! Everybody leaves and some fuckwad nearly backs his car into mine because he's dicking around on his phone while backing out. I'm pretty pissed at this point. I hang around the Snorlax raid for 10 mins trying to get another group...nobody shows. I try a Muk raid on the way home....revives and more golden razz berries. Muk runs. Whatever, didn't need him anyway. I see an Electabuzz raid shortly after...shop doesn't load, can't buy a pass. This goes on for 15 mins, after countless reboots. Raid expires.
I go home after spending an hour and a half aggravated.
Saturday I have some time in the morning to play...no good raids spawn all morning on the chat. People post pics of eggs, they hatch, starter raids and other junk that nobody wants. I fill my bag and head home.
Today I don't time to play at all, busy all weekend. Chat's blowing up with awesome raids all day.
I'm done until legendary raids are introduced. I have the regional dex finished, I have strong enough mons to be decent in those raids. I just don't have the time to watch a telegram chat feed all day and drive all over town to MAYBE do a raid if enough people show up, MAYBE beat it if the game works correctly, MAYBE get some decent items and MAYBE catch the raid boss if it doesn't run. And gyms blow ass now. Happy to hear it works for some of you guys, but they're dead as could be around here. None of the regulars care anymore.
I'll do my daily rewards and hit a solo raid on the way home from work and that will be the extent of my play in between events. My playtime has dropped dramatically since the update anyway. It just isn't as fun anymore.