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Pokémon Go |OT 3| "No Officer, I'm a Passenger"


FPM is back and already the city is littered with lures again. Whereas yesterday, which was the weekend, was empty like a graveyard.

It shows how little Niantic understand its target market and the opportunity they can have by catering to the target market via good functional tracking system. Instead, they chase the players away by making things more difficult and unpleasant for them.


Pinsir I don't mind but when I had three 10k eggs and they hatched a Jynx and two Onix is when my relationship with the game turned sour. Onix might be useful when they release Gen 2 but Jynx is the worst Pokemon you can hatch from any egg.

At least now hatching a Jynx contributes to the Ice medal bonus, which is handy for giving a higher chance of capturing Lapras. :)

FPM is back and already the city is littered with lures again. Whereas yesterday, which was the weekend, was empty like a graveyard.

It shows how little Niantic understand its target market and the opportunity they can have by catering to the target market via good functional tracking system. Instead, they chase the players away by making things more difficult and unpleasant for them.

Yep. It really is so much more fun with a functional tracker. Triangulating using the Sightings list is tremendously irritating when there are still ridiculous bugs like this.


It was yet another Snorlax (1746 CP; 13/13/12; Lick, Bodyslam)
I'm not complaining but I alreay hatched 5 and caught one so I got more than enough candy.

If it would have had Zen-Headbut instead of Lick I might have leveld it up as my 2nd Snorlax

But I think my 2676 CP Snorlax does it's job since I usually don't have more than one gym at a time right now anyways.
How can you have so many Snorlaxes? :eek:
Does Niantic investigate cheater reports? A ton of the Gyms around me are occupied by this two trainer duo at levels 32 (TickleMeOzmo) and 29 (TickleMeOzma). Those handles seem pretty fishy, makes it seem like the same guy.
More candy, especially for buddies, this is an ace little even-


they'll be showing more zubats and drowzees?

fuckkkkkkkk nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Four times the candy for a buddy Pokemon? Cool! Now to decide whether to finally get a Muk in the Pokedex, or max out my Snorlaxes, or get another Dragonite...

Shame about the Zubat spawns being increased though. The Pokemon Go world is already basically Mt Moon as it is.


That's pretty cool, time to squeeze in some extra running time, need all the Charmander candies I can get.

Also this is well timed because I only need one more Gastly to get another Gengar.



Nice, extra candy is great but ugh...zubat and Drowzee?

Maybe for Christmas and thanksgiving they'll do events for like the starters /pikachu appearing more


So my Dragonite that has been in a gym for just under 2 months is now 6th from the top. When I first placed him in, 2215 cp, he was 4th from the top. A month later 5th, and now today 6th. So slowly being edged out. He is still safe for a little bit. But once he becomes 3rd from the bottom, it's more likely he will finally get knocked out.

Then, I'll level him back up to 2800ish (I'll be level 28 soon) and place him back in. This Pokemon event will be good for my Dratini candies.


i'm kinda hoping some of these Mystic gyms go down a bit so I can at least put one of my Pokemon there... sheesh. Found 3 of them that are 52k / 50k.

I almost want to switch teams... almost.

(if there will ever be a team changing option, anyway)


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Two 10 k's hatched: Jynx and effin Hitmonchan... again. This is my third Hitmonchan now, the game knows I'm missing Lee and just refuses to give it to me lol.

btw this event is incredible! Fuck the Pokémon that appear more, but 4x candy for buddy Pokémon? How awesome is that? Dodrio, Sandslash, maybe even Alakazam, it can all happen now.

Definitely going walking/hunting this weekend.

I hope they see a big spike in users/activity so they start doing these more. This is what we're asking for and they're finally doing something cool.
How can you have so many Snorlaxes? :eek:

From my 15 (I guess) 10km eggs 5 were Snorlax. I just guess Snorlaxes love me^^

Yo that event is dope. Definitely will go out with my buddy then. but please no more Drowzee (will hit my 1000th Drowzee in the next few days I guess)
It's been a week since I've gone on an actual Pokemon hunt, but I'll be playing GO a lot this week.

The event is overall a positive thing. The last thing my town needs is more Drowzee, Zubat, and Gastly, but the candy bonuses are just way too good.

Basically after this event is over, I will have everything except for Aerodactyl and Hitmonchan. Those will just require insane egg/wild luck.

I have nests for Machop, Omanyte, and Bulbasaur(finally!), so I won't even have to walk those guys. Once I walk off Charmander, I'll go to Cubone and Dratini for the remaining evos.

This will also do wonders for my EXP, and will just get me back in the grind.

I find BowieZ's behavior to be generally toxic, but it is hard to tell how much of a negative impact he is making in his massive Australian city. My town doesn't have a huge amount of gyms, so greedy Mystic players and spoofers really do hurt here.


Wait, what??

Well, gym stagnation is a real thing. I'm currently shopping in the second biggest city in my country and every gym I've seen are lvl. 10 Mystic gyms. :lol

But I guess there isn't much endgame besides conquering gyms so it's also on Niantic to provide more endgame goals. Also ban spoofers.


Well, gym stagnation is a real thing. I'm currently shopping in the second biggest city in my country and every gym I've seen are lvl. 10 Mystic gyms. :lol

But I guess there isn't much endgame besides conquering gyms so it's also on Niantic to provide more endgame goals. Also ban spoofers.
In Brisbane, there are over 1,000 gyms. I counted (although not terribly precisely).

Here's a rough look:


(This is zoomed out far enough that a sizeable fraction of the gyms are obscured from view and do not appear.)

Edit: zoomed a bit closer into the city region:


By estimation, before I joined up with a group of 10-15 Instinct badasses, hundreds of them were Mystic and Valor strongholds. Now, we have won a fraction of them over to Instinct, working as an actual team.

I can't believe I'd have to justify or explain that on a gaming forum.
Wait, what??


BowieZ, can't you see I was actually giving you the benefit of the doubt with my post? In many smaller sized cities and towns, players who occupy huge amounts of gyms cause massive gym stagnation.

Some of these are people who do play in squads, but some are actual spoofers. The former group is composed of legit players, but holding 30+ gyms screws people in these smaller areas. I'm just not a fan.

Even with the numbers stacked against me, I do very well because I'm level 30 and use strategy. My territory generates 50 Coins all by itself, and it has proven to be super stable. I've been collecting off of it for seven weeks now, and I get 70 to 80 Coins with attacking. My all time high is 90, but I've never got 100. I don't want to be in 10+ Gyms, because there's no additional reward.

Outside of my stronghold, the rest of the town is just grossly Mystic dominated. High level Instincts and Valors don't bother anymore, and other Mystics are just screwed.

As an Instinct player, I do respect the fact that you're giving the team an actual presence. It's just that my experience makes me not fond of individuals who occupy excessive territory.


im excited for the event... but sad that I just cleaned my box out a few days ago from all the growlithe that I caught on vacation.

it was like 15 of them that would have been so much nicer to sell at double candy, but w/e


Holy crap! That is a lot of gyms. Ok, I take it back and now understand why you have 40. Gym stagnation is certainly an issue in a lot of places. But, lot less of an issue for your city.

Wish my area had that many gyms lol.


Geez now with this double the candy thingy I need to truly analize wich pokemon should assign as my buddy. It would be nice if you could assign two or even three pokemon as your buddy at the same time haha. Nice for Niantic on doing this, even tho, they really took a while to do an event like this but I hope this means we will see more of this events regularly from now.


Geez now with this double the candy thingy I need to truly analize wich pokemon should assign as my buddy. It would be nice if you could assign two or even three pokemon as your buddy at the same time haha. Nice for Niantic on doing this, even tho, they really took a while to do an event like this but I hope this means we will see more of this events regularly from now.

it's actually 4 times candy for buddies.

so it is a really good time to do some harder to get ones.

magicarp would only take 100km to get enough candies during this event.

dratini would take 125km to get enough candy and so on.

im tempted to do dratini but I will likely just walk bulbasaur and squirtle like crazy.
Ugh. Update has now got Spotify pausing every time I switch focus to Go. Also I had a weird bug where I couldn't see the models on the map and I could only see a white base and the ones in gym didn't show but had white lights flashing like a disco!



In Brisbane, there are over 1,000 gyms. I counted (although not terribly precisely).

Here's a rough look:


(This is zoomed out far enough that a sizeable fraction of the gyms are obscured from view and do not appear.)

Edit: zoomed a bit closer into the city region:


By estimation, before I joined up with a group of 10-15 Instinct badasses, hundreds of them were Mystic and Valor strongholds. Now, we have won a fraction of them over to Instinct, working as an actual team.

I can't believe I'd have to justify or explain that on a gaming forum.

Ok with that amount of gyms your 40 is not as big as I thought.
Thats like the whole amount of gyms in WHOLE Finland where I live.
So is it pointless to keep lower CP pokémon now?

I was getting used to the old way of leveling up home gyms by making sure i have top-tier evolved at a lower CP. Since it's scaling CP now i don't know if i should transfer my lower CP evolutions

3 10k eggs in a row.



it's been about two weeks since i got a 10k egg

Fucking 5kms everywhere


So is it pointless to keep lower CP pokémon now?

I was getting used to the old way of leveling up home gyms by making sure i have top-tier evolved at a lower CP. Since it's scaling CP now i don't know if i should transfer my lower CP evolutions

it's been about two weeks since i got a 10k egg

Fucking 5kms everywhere

the prestige calculation is still the same, so training pokemon with a team of lower CP than the defenders will yield more CP. So when you train a gym, you want to go in with a full team of 6 with lower CP to get the most prestige per session


There's a lack of Drowzee and Gastly in my city so this event is perfectly OK for me. Hell, they are like endangered species or some sort here.


Its not crazy awesome, but I finally got a 10/15/15 Pidgey and evolved it into Pigeot with Wing Attack and Hurricane at 1279 CP. Good to have one on the team.
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