upandaway said:You only need it to unlock the course, right? If he can't do it I'll be glad to offer the same thing. Got my Jirachi from an awesome guy back then.
upandaway said:You only need it to unlock the course, right? If he can't do it I'll be glad to offer the same thing. Got my Jirachi from an awesome guy back then.
:lolMetroid Killer said:Damn had I been home I would have done this faster and better with photoshop, but I guess paint will do![]()
Sure, send me a PM and we'll figure things out.Choopy said:Hahaha, oh man I love you guys T_T
I promise to give back once I progress more in the game!
upandaway said:Sure, send me a PM and we'll figure things out.
Veitsev said:Great.
I just deleted my Exp Share. Anybody with a few mind donating one. I was breeding Charmanders and must have released on that had it. Its going to be such a pain training pokemans now.
Nayishiki said:I can give you one my FC is 3653 2713 6337.
upandaway said:Sure, send me a PM and we'll figure things out.
That sounds almost like the Nuzlocke run, where you kick Pokemon out if they faint on you once, and you catch the first Pokemon you encounter in each area.
Veitsev said:You are a lifesaver. FC: 4769-9796-6628. Do you need any of the starters or anything done?
Veitsev said:You are a lifesaver. FC: 4769-9796-6628. Do you need any of the starters or anything done?
MikeDub said:I will gladly take any starters if you have them lying around, I picked cyndaquil at the start.
Get the version you played back in the day, and if you're still feeling like more, go for Platinum.MomoPufflet said:Haven't played Pokemon since Gameboy Color and I'd like to get back into it (I just got a DSiXL). What's the best DS version to start with out of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart/Gold, Silver and why? Skip to Gold/silver or D/P/P first?
Veitsev said:I'd love a cyndaquil! I have all the Kanto starters, Totodile, Chikorita, Treecko, Mudkip, and Chimchar
Yeah, you'll be darn fine with 'HeartGold/SuperiorSilver'...is new, it adds stuff, fixes other things..so go for it.MomoPufflet said:Haven't played Pokemon since Gameboy Color and I'd like to get back into it (I just got a DSiXL). What's the best DS version to start with out of Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart/Gold, Silver and why? Skip to Gold/silver or D/P/P first?
Get a Ditto..+ your Cyndaquil = Cyndaquil Egg(s)MikeDub said:I only have my one from the start, haven't looked into/got a clue how to do the breeding stuff yet.
MikeDub said:I only have my one from the start, haven't looked into/got a clue how to do the breeding stuff yet.
Veitsev said:You can breed at the Day Care Center. Just put in Cyndquil and any compatible pokemon or a Ditto and a egg will have a chance of being formed every 250 steps. Talk to the Day Care Man when he is facing the road and he will give you an egg. I can give you a Ditto if you don't have one. Starter pokemon are the currency of the GTS so its good to have a few handy.
Ohh, I don't really know, choose any Pokémon you want, it will be a surpriseMetroid Killer said:Cool, are there any specific pokemon you want together with the evo items? I might as well breed some that you want.
pfft got 51 in pennant and 84 in snow roll. The pennant capture record was a bitch though...Gravijah said:GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
I need the records for Pennant Capture, the Snow Roll one and another I'm forgetting. They suck so much!
I need the records for Pennant Capture, the Snow Roll one and another I'm forgetting. They suck so much!
The only requirement is that the Pokémon is not a baby Pokémon (e.g. Pichu, Togepi, Budew, Riolu). Growlithe can breed at any level.Monroeski said:I'm trying to remember what the requirements are for a newborn Pokemon to reach the breedable stage. Isn't it some combination of level * time spent in the party?
I've got a level 1 hatched Growlithe that I want to breed with something to shift some moves around.
Metroid Killer said:pfft got 51 in pennant and 84 in snow roll. The pennant capture record was a bitch though...
anyone need any of these leftovers? i have like...50
It's not a 'random' shiny; I manipulated the RNG to get it (well, technically set it free to roam Johto). I'm not going to catch it yet.jdogmoney said:EDIT: What the what. I'll never find a shiny, never ever. I'm surprised the game doesn't make the Red Gyrados blue, just for me. I've never ever ever ever seen one, and I've been playing Pokemon since 1997. HATE
Zod the Bear said:I'd love one if you haven't gone on a releasing rampage. I don't have much to offer in return, sadly. Need a cyndaquil or totodile?
ID: Jerec, FC: 1333 9897 4395
Veitsev said:EDIT: Thanks Nayishiki for the Beldum with Pokerus! I have never even gotten pokerus before.
nastynate409 said:I would absolutely love to play the game with a Pikachu. I don't care if it's a level one. Nostalgia is awesome and I want one, lol.
My friend code is 2235 9564 1787
Wizpig said:Speaking of Pikachus, is it true that -after gen 3- Pikachu is stronger than Raichu? (with an item, I guess)
Axis said:yeah i'll take a cyndaquil and a totodile if possible...
Awesome, would you mind evolving my Haunter for me too?Nayishiki said:No Problem!
I have one FC is 3653 2713 6337.
nastynate409 said:Awesome, would you mind evolving my Haunter for me too?
Bear with me, I've never traded Pokemon before or even really used my DS online. I'm in the Wifi Plaza Room, but I don't really know what to do from here.Nayishiki said:Yeah I can help to evolve your Haunter.
nastynate409 said:Bear with me, I've never traded Pokemon before or even really used my DS online. I'm in the Wifi Plaza Room, but I don't really know what to do from here.
1. Luck, run into the right streams of flags, so that you don't run around and waste time. 2. You'll get all flags collected when returning to the line even if there isn't time enough to count them.Gravijah said:HOW?! I hate it![]()
Same here man. Never seen one, and I've been playing for a long time.jdogmoney said:D:
This game owes me so much...I lost the stylus I've had since the launch of the DSPhat...
EDIT: What the what. I'll never find a shiny, never ever. I'm surprised the game doesn't make the Red Gyrados blue, just for me. I've never ever ever ever seen one, and I've been playing Pokemon since 1997. HATE