Metroid Killer said:Yes he calls you and tell that the blocks in area____ have lured out some new pokemon. Be careful you aren't missing some pokemon though, he once called me and said the blocks in some area had upgraded and I when there to catch my pokemon, but I hadn't seen that there was another pokemon which would appear earlier than the one I was searching for, wasted a good 20 mins on that.
My Gengar will outspeed your Gengar and kill it with a Shadow BallGaimeGuy said:hmm
So I've been breeding gastlies all day, and I just got one that was just about what I'm looking for.
Based off of the ranges provided for its IVs by an IV calculator as I gave it rare candies, as well as its characteristics:
Nature: Timid
HP: 31
Attack: 0 (or 1, but probably 0)
Defense: 31 (The characteristic is "Capable of Taking hits", which means defense is the best or tied for the best IV value and ends with a 6 or a 1. I KNOW that a special attack IV of 31 was passed on, so I can logically deduce that Defense must be 31 as well. Oddly enough, the range for defense in the IV calculator I used was almost always given as 26-29 though. I guess the calculator isn't perfect?)
Special Attack: 31
Special Defense: 31
Speed: ~27 or 28
Of course, speed and Special Attack are the two most important stats, and attack is irrelevant, but do I sacrifice those 4 points in speed? *ponders*
On the other hand, it's not like many things can outrun an EV trained Gengar with a nature that benefits Speed...
Yeah, I think I've found my gengar![]()
Good job... though what will you do with Feebas and Spritomb? They are only available via the PokeWalker... after 100.000 watts. Something that makes the 110 days Bagon pale in comparison. Are you really gonna get them yourself?Andrex said:I think I got like 100 Pokemon from the first seven zones at 0 days. :lol 231 and proud.![]()
D: I should mess around with the Safari Zone, but I want to finish the New Johto 'Dex before I start anything else.Andrex said:I think I got like 100 Pokemon from the first seven zones at 0 days. :lol 231 and proud.![]()
I can breed both for you.Metroid Killer said:Good job... though what will you do with Feebas and Spritomb? They are only available via the PokeWalker... after 100.000 watts. Something that makes the 110 days Bagon pale in comparison. Are you really gonna get them yourself?
Metroid Killer said:Good job... though what will you do with Feebas and Spritomb? They are only available via the PokeWalker... after 100.000 watts. Something that makes the 110 days Bagon pale in comparison. Are you really gonna get them yourself?
I don't get it. I thought that the macho brace doubled your EV gains and that they would be doubled again into 4EV points for one single battle.Andrex said:You get 1/4 stat points for every EV. So whatever your EVs are, divide by 4 and that should be your hard-stat increase.
But this is at level 100... so divide by 2 again if you're at level 50.
I think. I'm not entirely clear on it but I know it's been working for me.
JosM88 said:I don't get it. I thought that the macho brace doubled your EV gains and that they would be doubled again into 4EV points for one single battle.
Using this logic it would only make sense that I gain +9HP/Attack/whatever. The math is solid and my pokemon is at level 40 with no EVs.
I've trained Attack/HP/Special defense. I'll try training the speed EV to see if that works accordingly(my pokes nature benefits speed).
Yeah, I am aware of that. The very max I've gotten was +7 on attack when I expecting a much higher amount.Andrex said:You only get the stat increase after/upon leveling up... Dunno if you knew that.
Otherwise, I dunno.
Thanks, but it'll have to wait till later(in the future) as I'm in the same boat as Andrex, fill the pokedex as much as I can by myself and when all hope is gone I'll turn to Echoes! And I got a Shiny Milotic anyway ;-)Echoes said:I can breed both for you.
JosM88 said:Yeah, I am aware of that. The very max I've gotten was +7 on attack when I expecting a much higher amount.
Yeah, I'm aware of the berries as well. I just reset the game and I'm back at the pokemon center where all my pokerus infected pokemon are stored.
Jintor said:So do the +stats apply at level up? That's why my lvl 50 is getting +4s and +5s while my 30s are getting +3s and +2s, right?
Yea I understand the concept. What worries me is that my math must seriously be off. The one thing I'm worried about is overshooting on a specific stat and hurting the other EV allocations. If I don't measure properly it could seriously compromise my other EVs and waste hours that I could spend doing more...err "productive" things.:lolAndrex said:+7 is about normal for me but it depends on how fast you level. If your Pokemon is level 50 and killing level 3 Rattatas then you're going to see a hell-load of stat points whenever you eventually hit the new level mark. Similarly, selectively EV training on the Elite 4 will make it seem like nothing's happening.
Very cool app. If I had an iphone I'd be all over this. I can't even begin to imagine the looks I'd get on the train though.:loltoythatkills said:Sorry if it's been mentioned, this thread is long. Anyway, this Pokédex app for the iPhone is really good, full of stuff like EV stats so will make training much nicer - it's far better to browse than the internet for such information. $2, but if it's worth that to you, go for it!
Kurtofan said:Got my 100th pokemon!
It's Tangrowth!
The bastard never calls meAndrex said:Oak's phone calls get more and more nonsensical each time I'm finding. :lol
Echoes said:Minister of the Dog, I apologize for not showing up yesterday. I'm free till 12 hours from now.
Have you played pokemon before?Callibretto said:guys, if I want to get into Pokemon now, should I get one of these Gold/Silver remake, or go to the latest Pokemon game, which if I'm not mistaken is Pokemon Platinum.
Go for the remakes,probably the greatest pokemon games out there.I didn't play Platinum but they're better than DP IMO.Callibretto said:guys, if I want to get into Pokemon now, should I get one of these Gold/Silver remake, or go to the latest Pokemon game, which if I'm not mistaken is Pokemon Platinum.
The stat boost is distributed as you continue to level up:JosM88 said:I've been trying to EV train my pokemon and something is going wrong.
Whenever I put it to battle a specific number of pokemon for a specific number of EV points that should lead to a specific stat increase I keep getting WAY lower numbers than what I'm expecting.
Like if I train this pokemon against 9 bidoof using macho brace/pokerus I expect to get 9 HP EV added to the usual HP increase so that should make it about +11HP, but I get like +6HP.
I've already tried EV training for the defense stat/attack stats and I still keep getting the same thing.
Am I doing something wrong here?
I went into the Mt. Coronet lake expecting this to take an eternity. I snagged Feebas on my very first attempt.Andrex said:And hey, it's still easier than catching a Feebas in Gen 3 and DP!
I don't think there's such a thing as "temporary" EVs.Andrex said:Rare Candies, the Daycare, and the Pokewalker leveling all wipe out any "temporary" EVs on your Pokemon gained since the last level up.
Callibretto said:guys, if I want to get into Pokemon now, should I get one of these Gold/Silver remake, or go to the latest Pokemon game, which if I'm not mistaken is Pokemon Platinum.
Such hyperbole.Azure Phoenix said:Go with Heart Gold/Soul Silver, they are completely overhauled versions of the best Pokemon games ever released.
ComingMinister of the Dog said:Hey Echoes! It's finally time for the trade. When we're done I'll give you all the info on IVs, EVs and anything else that might be relevant. I have your FC, but in case you deleted mine, it's 0045 5148 8653. See you in the WiFi room!
At this point, I usually have some kind of idea regarding what my final team will look like before I even start playing, and I only raise those 6 Pokemon as I play through. Any more than that and you're wasting EXP as far as I'm concerned. "Catching them all" is not something I bother with until the post-post-game. I didn't even look at the HGSS Pokedex until I beat the champion.Callibretto said:ok thanks, I'll get one of these Heart Gold or Soul Silver. maybe Silver, the cover pokemon looks cooler.
btw, what's the mentality for you guys when playing this games. with hundreds of pokemon to play as, do you guys really raise all your pokemon one by one? I have feeling I'm gonna neglect most of the pokemon I catch and only level up a few that I like.
In the beginning I wanted to care for every pokemon that I caught(probably because I haven't played a pokemon game since Red), but with more than 200 pokemon now it's just impossible :lolCallibretto said:btw, what's the mentality for you guys when playing this games. with hundreds of pokemon to play as, do you guys really raise all your pokemon one by one? I have feeling I'm gonna neglect most of the pokemon I catch and only level up a few that I like.
Hardly, GSC were and are the best Pokemon games, these are better looking versions with some new features. GSC are still the best because of what they achieved 10 years ago on far inferior hardware, but HGSS are more accessible for newcomers.Sixfortyfive said:Such hyperbole.
That's generally how it goes. Early on you'll be replacing your team constantly to cover the basic types, but once that is sorted generally you stick to 6 that you like and find useful, occasionally replacing them with better alternatives as you progress.Callibretto said:btw, what's the mentality for you guys when playing this games. with hundreds of pokemon to play as, do you guys really raise all your pokemon one by one? I have feeling I'm gonna neglect most of the pokemon I catch and only level up a few that I like.
I am so glad you like it! Sunnystar is very dear to me; I got it as a Lv1 Togepi from a friend, and seeing that it has Serene Grace with a good nature (IMO, Smogon didn't list it) I went an EV-trained it. It was before I got the power items, so I fought 120 tentacools which was so unbelievably boringMinister of the Dog said:That is awesome Echoes, it must've taken you a long time to train and evolve this Pokémon! I thought my Bangira was cool, but it isn't as cool as Sunnystar. I am pretty new to all this EV/IV stuff, so I followed a Smogon strategy for that Tyranitar. Its IVs are 22/30/24/25/24/31, and the EVs are 32/242/0/0/0/236 (I put more EVs in HP than Smogon said because I thought its HP IV was a bit low). I think this contest was cool, and it helped me both to learn how to breed/EV train and to get an awesome pokémon.
Thanks a bunch! Now, I'm curious about Wiseblade's and 645's Pokémon.
Edit: The moveset was the Dragon Dance one with Baribi Berry, not very original I guess.
Sixfortyfive said:Such hyperbole.
Yeah, it gets new IVs/nature/shininess/etc.Ben2749 said:Hey guys, I'm at the part in Heart Gold where I have to go after Ho-oh before I can go fight the Elite Four. I really can't be bothered to mess about recatching it over and over until I get one with good IV's, so I was wondering if there's any drawbacks to just knocking it out and catching it after I beat the Elite Four?
Also, does beating the Elite Four and "respawning" a new one reset it's IV's?
JosM88 said:Yeah, I am aware of that. The very max I've gotten was +7 on attack when I expecting a much higher amount.
Yeah, I'm aware of the berries as well. I just reset the game and I'm back at the pokemon center where all my pokerus infected pokemon are stored.
Sixfortyfive said:I'm kind of bummed that I got paired with Wiseblade. I was hoping to train some random 3rd gen OU and pass it off to somebody who had yet to appreciate the Hoenn dex, but he is already in the Hoenn appreciation camp and already experienced in battling.
I'll probably get around to deciding and training this project in the next couple of days.
Minister of the Dog said:Edit: The moveset was the Dragon Dance one with Baribi Berry, not very original I guess.
Wiseblade said:I've got one of those! Good choice. Did you go with a Jolly or Adamant nature?