Metroid Killer said:
Rolling through the Battle Tower now! Everything is going as planned, some times even getting the +6 attack boost

But!... Fucking priority moves ruin the plan every once in a while and knocks out Ninjask just before he Baton Pass. Grrr
Edit: Shadow Sneak... Grrr!!!
This what ruined my strategy against one of my Twitter friends.
But it won me the most awesome battle ever.
Do you guys remember my friend whom I keep referencing every now and then? The one that uses Skarmory with Spikes/Stealth Rock/Whirlwind? The one who kills my entire team with Slowbro? Anyway, he's a very dear friend in real life, and he's one of the reasons I play competitive Pokemon now. He had taught me so much, every single day. Without him and GAF I won't be playing Pokemon like this.
He reminds me of Sixfortyfive because he has this OCD of having the perfect Pokemons ever. He use RNG to get perfect stats and stuff. The unique thing about him is that he rarely uses Smogon's strategies (and when he does it's because it's a common strategy). He always come up with insane strategies by himself by studying natures, movesets, and so on.
ANYWAY. I battled him yesterday. My GOD that was a fucking awesome battle. The day before yesterday we were out and I was joking "I'll be training to kill two of your Pokes." and we both laughed. It was that desperate; I can never beat him due to his out-of-the-box thinking (and my limited experience in battling).
But I fucking won!
I'm waiting for my sister to wake up so I can Youtube the battle with her camera. However, if you wanna see the battle now, here's the video ID: 84-09867-47065
Please, if you have the time, go to the GTS and watch the battle ^^ I need feedback..
Minister of the Dog, I apologize for not showing up yesterday. I'm free till 12 hours from now.