Oh. Sawneeks. I did have a question for you. When did and in what order did you and CM join the G's chat? I'm sorry if you previously said my brain is a little foggy at the moment.
I don't have any question for you. I'm just stating that you're in a very convenient position given that you're the only witness to your chat with CM, and since believing you're telling us everything from that convo requires more "faith" from me on top of believing you're town based on your contributions and activity, I don't trust my read as much now. I'm well aware that my concerns and your situation are not alignment-indicative, but that leap of faith got wider and trusting you is a bigger risk now, that's all. Do you think there's a question I'm not asking that could clear you from lying about CM's last statements and intentions?
Sketch's question reminded me of something:
Sooo I expect this will be taken with a pinch of salt until I flip, but I want to point it out now or it'll be missed.
I am bulletproof, I suspect I was targeted N1 (we are missing a death), and this post made me wonder if Blarg is signalling me somehow. I can't figure out why he would do that though, under any alignment.
There is also this post (you will have to click through to see the quote), which I think is implying Dusk knows about it? But again Blarg would have to know to make that implication, so... weird.
It made me question my scumread of Blarg, so I tried to signal back ("it depends who is bulletproof") but then he dropped it :/
I'm incredibly suspicious of Splinter.
I'm wondering if Blarg is the Vig but he's also been spamming " Vig show yourself" at the start of the day.
Oh. Sawneeks. I did have a question for you. When did and in what order did you and CM join the G's chat? I'm sorry if you previously said my brain is a little foggy at the moment.
CM was already in the chat when I got caught on Night 2. So CM would have been caught on Night 1 by Ty, I was caught the following Night phase.
I had a thought and decided to take a look into it. I present The Three Ss. Stanley, Splinter, and Salva's final votes for each Day phases.
Day 1
Was explained later by Stan that he did not intend for Bronx to be voted out with this vote. He was simply placing one down to have it there and as a prod vote but never felt like moving it before Day End ( which he was not here for ).
Initially voted for Bronx because, as I understand it, Splinter felt Bronx was getting really nervous over 'just one vote' and then added to it. ( Here ) presumably to see what would happen. He then jumped off the vote over to Melon and claimed that 'Bronx was just ok' and that 'Royal or Melon were more interesting'. ( Here ). Goes back to Bronx in the above vote because....?
Fluff all Day ( can't forget that Sexy Reads List ) followed by a No Lynch vote because he did not know where to vote. Not necessarily alignment indicative but considering the amount he has done since then I don't like the precedent he set here of 'i'm just sort of here but whatever'.
Day 2
I think Verelios was the one to call it out but this was a very #SafeReads list on Day 2. What I want to know Salva is why you voted for Verelios, who had 1 vote on him at the time, over Royal who had 3 votes.
I don't believe you ever followed up with this either..
tl;dr Royal's defense of Sophia was Scummy and he made weird logical assumptions here and there that Splinter called out.
A Reads List before bed and with a vote as well. I don't see, or feel, anything wrong with this post. +5 Town points.
Day 3
If the previous Day phase had a reasonable final vote it all fell apart here. Explained it here that he voted just because he had no idea what else to do or who else to vote for.
I should note he refuses to spend time on mechanics discussion in favor of actual Scum Hunting but I don't believe I ever saw any large push to Scum Hunt from him the previous Day phase ( where this vote took place ). All I saw was a lot of complaining about the lack of scum hunting, doublevoting to see what would happen, and then some opinions scattered here and there but no actual push towards his scum leanings.
Correct me if I'm wrong Splinter but I believe your final reasons for voting out TheG were due to your Scum Read on him plus his Roleblock PR? Or was it just the latter?
Weak flavor reasons as to why he voted for TheG because he believed he was simply spreading misinformation as Scum. No thoughts on his PR itself?
At the moment I think I would be fine with either Stan = Salva >> Splinter in terms of lynching. But I also want to take a look at a few more people and their votes before then.
VOTE: Sophia
- Doublevoter, "make it double"
- reckless disregard for Power Role reveal while not under equivalent vote pressure to justify it, "prepared for trouble"
You could be Team Rocket's Koffing/Wheezing whatever the hell it's 2-headed form is called is, just as easily as you could be a Doduo, Vanillite, 2-headed etc.
Your input and insight may be sound, but I'd say, in fact, you seemed quite aggressive yourself this game, and it's unnerved me as much as it has intrigued me
so yeah, against possibly better judgement, I'm betting on Ash
scum Ash
I won't be around for Day-end this time, so I'm Nuzlocking my vote in as this
sry Soph, but I am the flavour
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Final 4:
Ty4on [m]
Before I started these more in-depth reads I was already of the opinion that our Triangle participants were more likely than not Town. Ty4on has been other one of leaders in the discussion. He isnt afraid to stand out or go after people. The majority of D1, he has spent arguing with Darryl or tunneling on Sophia and while I do not agree with him on his gut feeling of Sophia being scum. I do think his given suffice reasoning behind his opinions and read. Moreover, I do see him falling into the trap of Mr. Town like in Danny Phantom where he was almost too helpful. Town.
Unmasked Ferret [m]
Initially, Ferret was the one to bring the Triangle debacle to my attention. Not a red flag in of itself it was a little worrying that when asked in return he was indifferent towards his question. This troubled me and hadnt gone unnoticed by others, such as LP would later pointed it out. Has faded to the background since the discussion of Ty-Sophia-Darryl died down. Leaning Scum.
Verelios [m] and Ynnek7 [m]: I would like to say something about these two but nothing has really stood out for most of the D1. Verelios vote on Sawneeks strikes me a little odd and there was an attempt by Verelios to discuss game mechanics. Definitely people I want to watch a little more closely on D2. Very null on these two, which is worrying because I thought there would be more.
After reviewing my reads and catching up with the thread this where Im at towards the end of the day.
Top Town - L_P, Stanley, Sophia, and Darryl
Top Scum - El Topo, Fireblend, Nin, Christina Mackenzie
VOTE: El Topo
*willing to shift my vote should we decide to go lynching an inactive route on D1 or in the case of a tie.
So you can tell a lot about a person from their favourite pokemon. However, some of these choices are a bit problematic. (And no, it's not because they aren't part of the original 151)
These players almost immediately jump out at me.
Scrafty is a staple evil-team mon. It has a very brazen fighting style. It likes to intimidate it's victims. Has lots of swag and moxie. And some of it's favourite tactics include Theifing items out of your pockets and then flinging them back at you. Always have to be careful going after one because it likes to throw sucker punchs.
Arcanine is a lengendary pokemon, which is team rocket's stated goal. Anyone looking to collect powerful legendaries is suspect.
Mimikkyu looks like a harmless pokemon, but it's a trickster that likes to use it's pikachu disguise to throw off would be attackers. If you so happen to be the cop, don't be surprised if this player has the godfather ability. UF already has tried to backpeddle on his favourite pokemon choice here.
Golbat is another staple evil-team mon. Unchecked this thing will just confuse and disorrient town.
VOTE: Fireblend
Arcanine is easily the most threatening of this lot.
Here's my vote, as it currently stands for D2.
VOTE: Royal_Flush
ehhhh, whatever
I'm not really feeling a Royal_Flush lynch Today myself anyway, he seemed as Town to me with his defense of Sophia
CM feels a bit more scummy than him, IMO
UNVOTE: SalvaPot
VOTE: Christina Mackenzie
I know this is really out there and doesn't contribute much to they way the day has shaped up, but I just want to place my vote down. And get my thoughts down.
I haven't followed the royal_flush saga that closely, but it looks like a down deal anyway. I think his flip will be more telling than anything I can say there.
My top scum reads atm are:
Ynnek7 - I think he's played too defensively D1. And focused mainly on looking guiltless, rather than scum hunting. But that's not enough to crucify someone so I'll leave that at there for now.
Christina Mackenzie - My earlier comment about the stealth push, was mainly because of Christina's playstyle. I didn't have a real chance to reread the game and take notes so for now Christina's the main red flag jumping out at me.
It feels like he's sent out a lot of feelers regarding lynch targets, but the no vote D1 as well the generally low voting activity makes it feel like he's mainly just looking to start a wagon, rather than searching for scum.
not expecting this to start a late game push to save Royal or anything just want to get my stance out there.
vote: Christina Mackenzie
Christina Mackenzie
I'm done with you.
well, then
I'll agree to that plan, Goddamn
VOTE: Ynnek7
I'd trust you to be logical regarding Tonight
Vote: TheGodDamn
I'd guess the SK hit (I have a pretty ridiculous record for being killed by neutrals on N1), but it could have been scum (I talk a lot, depends what kind of scum team we have).Hmm. If that's the case do you think Scum tried to kill you or the Vig/SK tried to kill you?
I'd guess the SK hit (I have a pretty ridiculous record for being killed by neutrals on N1), but it could have been scum (I talk a lot, depends what kind of scum team we have).
I don't think a vig would have hit me N1. Vig could have held their shot I guess, I don't remember anyone being suspicious of Barry.
I feel like I've asked you for clarification on this vote before but I don't remember it. I also looked around this post to see if you explained it but could not find anything. Could you explain why you went with Royal over your other Top Scum reads from Day 1?
I slight Town Lean on Melon due to her early game votes and explanations. Activity and Mega-Posts have dropped off since then but I see that more as a Lost Townie than a Relaxed Scum play.
2 deaths. Smells like vigilante justice.
Both seem like poor targets for a vig, unless someone knew Topo was lying.
If the vig was a pokemon, and he/she had been captured N1. They would have known Topo was lying about having discussions with his trainer.
If someone would like to go through the other votes feel free. I'm going to be busy for the rest of the Day or else I would.
Actually, that part you linked to was just a joke. I posted that on Day 2 before I got caught.
It goes
Day 1
Night 1 - Ty catches CM
Day 2 - where I made that PTSD mafia joke
Night 2 - I get caught by Ty
If the Vig was captured by the scum trainer and not RB'd does that give the vig/scum team the ability to kill twice a night?
Could explain why no one is claiming.
That would be ridiculous unless the vig completely gave up on a town victory. There's nothing really that compelling about a superior win condition, especially dince most of the ones we've seen have town win as a pre-requisite.If the Vig was captured by the scum trainer and not RB'd does that give the vig/scum team the ability to kill twice a night?
Could explain why no one is claiming.
If the Vig was captured by the scum trainer and not RB'd does that give the vig/scum team the ability to kill twice a night?
Could explain why no one is claiming.
Could you explain what you meant by the bolded? How is a brief scum read list and a vote 'really out there'?
Also I thought you didn't put much stock into Day 1?![]()
#1771Yeah, that's it. I looked around this post as well for some more explanation on the vote itself but could find nothing. Please elaborate unless I missed it, in which case could you link it to me. Thank you.
Also, before I leave, a question for you Dusk. Since you said you are not the Vig then would you explain this for me. You posted this on Day 3 after Ty AND Topo showed up dead and it was the first two posts you made that Day phase.
Because that's a HUGE leap in logic if you aren't the Vig. We don't know who Scum picked as a target that Night and that final response reads like you know more than you're letting on.
Getting caught up from yesterday, but as a quick note if you blocked me last night I hate you, if you blocked me and then complained about Splinter's lies I hate you even more.
Oh? Another Vig claim? We'll put you on the list.
Not a vig claim.
Care to elaborate or do you want us to waste time guessing.
*Splinter - Splinter would probably be my top town now. I like a lot of what Splinter post, and think overall he makes good contributions. I am wary that there were two times that Splinter sorta understood what I was saying or defended me (not quite the right words but close enough), because as Fireblend said "I find people that agree with me suspect". It's also probably smart to keep track of those you put up on town side too.
I am sorry if it has been asked already but what about this scenario:
Every trainer is town but not all Pokémon are.
Meaning that trainers can capture every Pokémon there is but the alignment of the Pokémon does not change. They get role blocked by being captured since they are now part of a trainer. That's why the vig could not do the kills, since he was captured.
Getting caught up from yesterday, but as a quick note if you blocked me last night I hate you, if you blocked me and then complained about Splinter's lies I hate you even more.
Huh, so if that's true, you tracked Splinter night 1 and 3?While I wouldn't mind a guessing game, I think it's pretty blatant. Tracker.
See I even straight up used the word that one time (I actually changed my mind and tracked Stanley night 2 since so many people said they couldn't get a read on him, he didn't visit anyone, or there was some sort of switch shenanigans but I doubt that). I tracked Splinter last night, but didn't get a result. So either someone blocked me, or Splinter can't be tracked.
Huh, so if that's true, you tracked Splinter night 1 and 3?
Then aside from Stanley and Splinter, who did you track?Just to clarify now, when I posted that thing about keeping track of Splinter, I was intending to track Splinter that night, not saying that I had been tracking him. When I went to send my command to Burb I changed my mind and tracked Stanley instead. Deciding to put off tracking Splinter for a night.
Then aside from Stanley and Splinter, who did you track?
Sorry, I'm going to keep that to myself for a bit. Not because it's useful or damning info, but just cause I don't really feel like telling you.
@ why I'm suspicious of Splinter:
It's mostly just the "Pretend to be this role when I'm really not" thing he pulled. Twice.
@ why I'm suspicious of Splinter:
It's mostly just the "Pretend to be this role when I'm really not" thing he pulled. Twice.
No, no. Three times. Veteran, Vig and Bulletproof.
Why does that make you think I am scum?@ why I'm suspicious of Splinter:
It's mostly just the "Pretend to be this role when I'm really not" thing he pulled. Twice.
They absolutely need to keep shooting. Just because things are going badly doesn't mean our PRs should stop acting?BTW, something I was thinking about today: do you guys think that if we have a vig, if they should shoot tonight or not? Hitting scum could reverse this bad situation we are in, but at the same time, if we misslynch today again and the vig hits town again+scum kills, scum could get half of the votes in the worst case scenario of there being 5 scum with sketch being one of them. I am currently thinking that the vig should shoot if we hit scum today, but not if we misslynch again, unless they have a very strong lead on a scum. Thoughts about this?
guys! conversation got to a complete hald again ! that is not something that can be ignored.
Vote: *Splinter
Sorry mate but i have a bad feeling about you and your lying all game long.
I know i wanted to after the inactives but i prefer to lynch you right now instead of it being something faar more difficult later on.
and because my opinion matters, i am against a splinter lynch.
i really dont feel his actions (mostly referring to the role lies) are scummy.
maybe dumb, but not scummy.
sure ini, lets converse.
what would you think of lynching blarg?
Not today since he made some good posts.
Nin you can answer this too please. "Lying = scum" is such a lazy line of thought.Why does that make you think I am scum?
I mean what do you think my motivations are for those lies, if I am scum?
He aint dumb thats the thing though
Not today since he made some good posts.
Unlike you Stan.
he has? its looked like the same faux play as ever to me. can you point out these good posts?
First, let's not be so hasty. Being hot-headed and full of bravado about these kinds of things, does no one any favours. You've gotta be clear in what you're trying to have me contemplate about the nature of myself and how I've come to be viewed in such a light in your mind. Thank you for sharing your views about me with me. Coherent communication between peers of a common goal is the keystone to the iterative process that accomplishing that goal together is.
Second, I'd like to have us agree on this:
From this moment onwards, I will strive to contribute in a more meaningful and constructive fashion conducive to the well-being of purposeful banter and ludological acuity of all players presently participant. SalvaPot, say it with me
Meanwhile, you will establish the ground rules upon which I will operate towards the future of this game in such a manner; said establishment begins with a question or questions, directed at me, ideally about said future. I think you're capable of that, roylet. Don't succumb to your instincts.
I read once that there's this culture, can't remember where from though, in which they perceive the past as something that's in front of you, not behind you; because, since the past has already happened, the past is already visible to you, in front of you like a book that can be read before your eyes. Conversely, they consider the future as behind you, because it's as yet unseen, and therefore unknowable until you turn around
Well, you should try to pay attention then.
Well, you should try to pay attention then.
nin that in itself is not good mafia play.
thats an apology and a promise, it could certainly be a good start to finally playing in a meaningful way, but it doesn't mean anything until it is faithfully followed up. and that hasn't happened yet.