Why Salva?
Its because I am his scum partner.
Why Salva?
Err fuck this isn't going anywhere. I lied, don't want to waste any more time on that claim
If a real PR could give some real info, that would be great
Desperation mostly. Day 4 and not a single useful claim? Wtf are our power roles doing?
But yes, it's my fault for trying to create something from nothing.
so if splinter was lying (again lol) does that mean we should believe blargs claim?
i dont think i want to do that.
Its because I am his scum partner.
I voted yennek and I will probably stick on him since he is the scummiest of all of you.
Mafia coaster
Seems like the time for talk is over...
Fireblend on deck
Ynnek7 in the hole.
I separate inactives by looking at the player list and thinking 'Well, I haven't heard anything from this player. Can I remember them? What about searching through the day? Yesterday?'
As for me being more rushed today, yall don't feel the pinch after 8 town dead? It doesn't make you wonder?
so if splinter was lying (again lol) does that mean we should believe blargs claim?
i dont think i want to do that.
Its because I am his scum partner.
That is true. For now it is a call out. I would not hesitate vote of salva.Ynnek over Salva as a Mafia Coaster? He plays safe and doesn't step on toes but at least he has contributed more than just mechanic speculation and Day 1 fluff. :x
Top three in no particular orderHmmm, okay, fair enough. That's about how I do mine as well plus a little bit of searching over the Day phase. Who would be on your inactive list
Top three in no particular order
Salva(stands out to me as...weird)
Because every time they post I think to myself 'Wow, that's rare'
weirdly enough, of these 3 Salva is the one im most reluctant to lynch.
he isnt just normal inactive, not in the usual attempt to coast through the game, apologizing for it every other day.
Slava is militantly inactive. silence accompanied by a big middle finger.
it feels like a hell of a risk for a scum player to take, certainly not impossible, but incredibly ballsy.
"On deck" means 2nd.What do you mean by that last part? o:
He's being accused of being scummy for not contributing - but town Salva does that every game, so do people seriously think he's scum or are they just pointing at "inactive players" with no further thought?Why Salva?
You being scum ?
You barely being here ?
You being scum ?
You don't really believe I am scum.
you got me. I am still bitter about last game yo, i thought we were hermanos but this time i think you are one of the coasters. And its not like you try to play a game of you dont care. Its more like trying to stay in the shadows. I dont like that Salva. Just wanted to state that very Clear.
We're 8 townies down and you're voting for someone you don't think is scum?Vote: Salvapot
Expected more from you Hermano
We're 8 townies down and you're voting for someone you don't think is scum?
D1 is fine for lynching inactives, D4 after 3 straight mislynches is not.
He's being accused of being scummy for not contributing -
For now the latter. I hope him getting more flak will force him to change his game.but town Salva does that every game, so do people seriously think he's scum or are they just pointing at "inactive players" with no further thought?
That sure can be a valid point but i know aswell that he can defend himself.I'm not even convinced he's been as bad as usual (admittedly a low bar). Look at today for example, he started out posting a bit, sounded like he was here to play, then people accuse him of inactivity again and he loses interest. Looks to me like he's sick of the same old accusation with no thought behind it.
Plus he completely forgot the game at one point, which seems harder to do as scum? And if he faked that then fuck him and I'll be voting him D1 of every game going forward.
He's being accused of being scummy for not contributing - but town Salva does that every game, so do people seriously think he's scum or are they just pointing at "inactive players" with no further thought?
I'm not even convinced he's been as bad as usual (admittedly a low bar). Look at today for example, he started out posting a bit, sounded like he was here to play, then people accuse him of inactivity again and he loses interest. Looks to me like he's sick of the same old accusation with no thought behind it.
Plus he completely forgot the game at one point, which seems harder to do as scum? And if he faked that then fuck him and I'll be voting him D1 of every game going forward.
Blarg has by far the most posts, but if you look at actually game relevant stuff then he is way lower. This actually makes it really, really annoying to look back at his postsIf I look at my notes, what jumps out is that he rarely gives reasons to vote for someone, he often just jumps around, accusing people, asking questions, screaming but a coherent thought or an answer to a question aimed at him is hard to find. Now, that is how Blarg typically plays, but what really bugged me was how he pushed for ynnek being the Topo-trainer based on a breadcrumb he supposedly had found. That really came over to me like a scum Blarg trying to get a misslynch done by using the idea that the Topo-trainer had to be scum (which was prevalent at that point). Then there was his dumb plan with the vig outing themselves, shooting TGD and being voluntarily role blocked and protected by the doctor. And today he yells to Lady Gaga II to reveal themselves for no real reason. He seems to be more concerned with finding pr then with actually finding scum, which worries me. As an added bonus, his flip would tell me more about ynnek which is a coaster and someone I don't have a strong read on.
vote: Blargonaut
First, let's not be so hasty. Being hot-headed and full of bravado about these kinds of things, does no one any favours. You've gotta be clear in what you're trying to have me contemplate about the nature of myself and how I've come to be viewed in such a light in your mind. Thank you for sharing your views about me with me. Coherent communication between peers of a common goal is the keystone to the iterative process that accomplishing that goal together is.
Second, I'd like to have us agree on this:
From this moment onwards, I will strive to contribute in a more meaningful and constructive fashion conducive to the well-being of purposeful banter and ludological acuity of all players presently participant. SalvaPot, say it with me
Meanwhile, you will establish the ground rules upon which I will operate towards the future of this game in such a manner; said establishment begins with a question or questions, directed at me, ideally about said future. I think you're capable of that, roylet. Don't succumb to your instincts.
I read once that there's this culture, can't remember where from though, in which they perceive the past as something that's in front of you, not behind you; because, since the past has already happened, the past is already visible to you, in front of you like a book that can be read before your eyes. Conversely, they consider the future as behind you, because it's as yet unseen, and therefore unknowable until you turn around
I tend to agree with this. If Salva was scum, I would expect his scum partners to have yelled at him in the chat at this point, pushing him to be more active. We had that with Arkos in HP and it was super annoying, when he never responded to our yelling we had to ask Nin to replace him. Since Salva hasn't upped his activity even when he gets suspicion for it, I don't think he is scum. I fear Salva will be used as an easy misslynch by scum soon.
Ok, can you tell us then:
-Why did you vote on Ynnek at the end of day 3 even after it was clear he wasn't the Topo-trainer?
- Why do you want lady Gaga II to out themselves? How would you think that would help us?
- What do you think of the vote analysis of LP? Is it worth looking at, or not indicative of alignment?
- Do you agree with the sentiment that we should focus on lynching inactives?
- Who are your scum suspects right now?
- If there is indeed a vig, should they shoot tonight with the risk of hitting town again, or wait until there is a more clear scum target?
Why did you unvote splinter?
With that being said:
UNVOTE: *Splinter
Sawneeks, ask me why
Good post but somehow I expect that to be the last good postOkay.
First, let's not be so hasty. Being hot-headed and full of bravado about these kinds of things, does no one any favours. You've gotta be clear in what you're trying to have me contemplate about the nature of myself and how I've come to be viewed in such a light in your mind. Thank you for sharing your views about me with me. Coherent communication between peers of a common goal is the keystone to the iterative process that accomplishing that goal together is.
Second, I'd like to have us agree on this:
From this moment onwards, I will strive to contribute in a more meaningful and constructive fashion conducive to the well-being of purposeful banter and ludological acuity of all players presently participant. SalvaPot, say it with me
Meanwhile, you will establish the ground rules upon which I will operate towards the future of this game in such a manner; said establishment begins with a question or questions, directed at me, ideally about said future. I think you're capable of that, roylet. Don't succumb to your instincts.
I read once that there's this culture, can't remember where from though, in which they perceive the past as something that's in front of you, not behind you; because, since the past has already happened, the past is already visible to you, in front of you like a book that can be read before your eyes. Conversely, they consider the future as behind you, because it's as yet unseen, and therefore unknowable until you turn around
Dusk. If it comes down to it. Would you vote splinter out ?
more on subject.
vote: Bronx-Man
tell me more of your hatred of furries.
also, y'know, something about this mafia game would be nice to.
Sorry, flight was delayed, only just caught up.
I am too late though
VOTE: Bronx-Man
But you totally could have Double'd in this post instead of complaining about me
Vote: No Lynch
I don't feel confident in anyone's scumminess yet, and my usual default votes (Blarg and splinter) feel townie to me so far.
Also I just want to piss townies off.
I've been busy but believe it or not I am following the game. You guys are boring.
Top Town
Top Scum
Christina (Hunch)
I am leaving my vote now since by Day End I'll be asleep, most likely.
Vote: Verelios
Holy shit Flush, are you reading a different game to me?
I could just be misremembering in this point, but I don't remember anyone saying this? I'd say Ynnek has been getting the lion's share of the "blame".
I'll get to your Sophia defense in a minute, but fwiw I think Salva is a PR (and no I won't point out why I think that).
It is a non answer though. You are correct in saying there isn't going to be a convoluted reason for that unvote: there is no reason for that unvote whatsoever.
I love this bit, it looks so true (and technically is) but avoids mentioning the fact that it lasted for a whopping one post (796 to 797) and that those posts came in at almost exactly the same time. It also ignores the fact that if Sophia had voted melon that would be moving her vote off of Bronx (a 2 vote swing) AND she might have (should have) used her double.
(This part is reasonable, if a bit absolutist about scum's motivations. That was a bad post by LP).
This is the part that really blew my mind. Literally noone is saying this, WW1 was only brought up as an example of a scum double vote existing. The fact that the scum double vote was Sophia would be nothing more than an amusing coincidence.
I haven't had time to read your Verelios case yet, but with this (and my gut feelings from yesterday) I'm feeling pretty confident about this vote:
VOTE: Royal_Flush
I haven't really gotten around to melon yet today but yes I still think she is scum. I've also been suspicious of Blarg (I'm used to him not making sense but can usually tell he has opinions even if he won't share them, not getting that feeling this game). For a fun little exercise, try listing the interactions between Flush, melon and Blarg.
gahddanm weve posted a lot.
alrighty then. i cant guarantee i got everything, or really much of anything. (i only read through Day 2 posts since i didnt feeling like reading an entire novel tonight) but i do have more thought out thoughts now.
Verelios - dont know what i was feeling here. generally speaking i only see good contributions, actively chasing ideas, and some incredible patience in their kumite with Royal. i feeling Town.
Royal Flush -his arguments against Vere went from resonable agression so some straight feverdream excess real quick. cant quite nail down why but alot of the everything he says just doesnt quite sit right with me. call it a gut read but im really feeling scum.
Nin1000 - to put it simply, nin aint done shit. i dont see a single profound idea being shared, and a seeming disinterest in any kind of active play. unfortunately this is just like he played last game, where he was town, and i lynched him. naturally this leaves me feeling very conflicted, so i think i will postpone final judgement for now.mistakes were made
El Topo -was not a fan of his earlier play which left ill defined scummy vibes, and today not a lot to go on (due to understandable Rl stuff). but recent posts have had me feeling much better bout him. feeling maybe scum but maybe not so will watch closerly from now.
was also gona look at CM but lolduckthat its 2am
vote: Royal_Flush
g'night yall, try not to screw up completely.
this has been my view/problem with this entire day phase.
its my opinions that the people in the game dont know shit about the games balance until it is explicitly told to them,
making calls on what we think we know is just asking for mistakes with nothing to show for them.
vote: Lone_Prodigy
(please note the the wheel only included players i am not against lynching)
(side effects may vary)
Oh, well that's convenient.
VOTE: TheGoddamn
Don't turbo please, I'd like to double check Sophia's (and I guess Topo's) interactions with Darryl/TheG
All right, I caught up, or at least I got the gist of it.
I know Splinter already tackled this one, but it really seems really obvious to me. This part in particular caught my attention.
But the dead pm clearly states that you can catch pokemon... and they keep their alignment, so its clear there should be scum pokemon or neutral pokemon, its just to be expected.
But then Why put so many eggs on this basket? I think he is trying to get town confused about the facts on purpose and at the same time voice how townie he is by saying he doesn't want more townies to die... hmm...
Vote: TheGoddamn
Man, this game is frustrating. At this point I'm pretty much ready to lynch everyone to some degree. Between yesterday and today my top town reads have dipped; Splinter has been on every lynch and his defense of Salva as one of his top town reads is trash, and Sawneeks could potentially be lying about her convo with CM yesterday/last night. At this point I'd say I find Roy, Dusk and nin to be the ones I'd be opposed the most to lynching, in no particular order.
Ok, Blarg why did you think Splinter wasn't the Vig earlier.
It varied throughout the day, but in the last few hours I was rereading day 1 and Darryl was looking scummier and scummier, then CM came out in defense of GD and I thought everything was falling into place.Correct me if I'm wrong Splinter but I believe your final reasons for voting out TheG were due to your Scum Read on him plus his Roleblock PR? Or was it just the latter?
Okay seriously, you're the 4th-ish person I have seen do the same 'well Saw might be lying but idk...' thing. If you have questions or any concerns then present them and just ask. This sort of passive 'man i don't know...' doesn't get people anywhere and is what's halting conversation.
If you have concerns, or a hunch, about someone then question them. Because a lot of times nobody else is going to do it for you and we all end up just sitting around for someone to make the first move. :/
Sooo I expect this will be taken with a pinch of salt until I flip, but I want to point it out now or it'll be missed.Tell me, *S-rank, what are the odds of hitting a Bulletproof on N1?
There is also this post (you will have to click through to see the quote), which I think is implying Dusk knows about it? But again Blarg would have to know to make that implication, so... weird.
I've been thinking about this a lot, but I decided it's just paranoia. For this to work as a plan from scum Sawneeks she would have to rely on a vig (or SK) to kill CM. If CM survived the night we get a thunderdome situation with CM being lynched followed by Sawneeks.I don't have any question for you. I'm just stating that you're in a very convenient position given that you're the only witness to your chat with CM, and since believing you're telling us everything from that convo requires more "faith" from me on top of believing you're town based on your contributions and activity, I don't trust my read as much now. I'm well aware that my concerns and your situation are not alignment-indicative, but that leap of faith got wider and trusting you is a bigger risk now, that's all. Do you think there's a question I'm not asking that could clear you from lying about CM's last statements and intentions?
Okay. Splinter, mate, you do know I'm pinching the largest piece of salt in the world right now with you claiming Bulletproof, so that's good. Just wondering what Blarg would gain from indirectly sounding you out, unless he was vig and tried to shoot, but this is Blarg. I'm not sure I want to believe he had some far-reaching end goal because that would make his play these days just odd.Sketch's question reminded me of something:
Sooo I expect this will be taken with a pinch of salt until I flip, but I want to point it out now or it'll be missed.
I am bulletproof, I suspect I was targeted N1 (we are missing a death), and this post made me wonder if Blarg is signalling me somehow. I can't figure out why he would do that though, under any alignment.
There is also this post (you will have to click through to see the quote), which I think is implying Dusk knows about it? But again Blarg would have to know to make that implication, so... weird.
It made me question my scumread of Blarg, so I tried to signal back ("it depends who is bulletproof") but then he dropped it :/
When he first did it, I thought he was the vig signalling me. The way he backed off confuses me though. Like he decided it was a bad idea?Okay. Splinter, mate, you do know I'm pinching the largest piece of salt in the world right now with you claiming Bulletproof, so that's good. Just wondering what Blarg would gain from indirectly sounding you out, unless he was vig and tried to shoot, but this is Blarg. I'm not sure I want to believe he had some far-reaching end goal because that would make his play these days just odd.
Sketch's question reminded me of something:
Sooo I expect this will be taken with a pinch of salt until I flip, but I want to point it out now or it'll be missed.
I am bulletproof, I suspect I was targeted N1 (we are missing a death), and this post made me wonder if Blarg is signalling me somehow. I can't figure out why he would do that though, under any alignment.
There is also this post (you will have to click through to see the quote), which I think is implying Dusk knows about it? But again Blarg would have to know to make that implication, so... weird.
It made me question my scumread of Blarg, so I tried to signal back ("it depends who is bulletproof") but then he dropped it :/
Since I haven't specified x-shot etc, yes I think it's fine.Splinter, why did you decide to claim your bulletproof since that makes it a whole lot less useful? Do you think explaining your blarg theory was worth that?
I think everyone should post their top town and scum.